Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
purplecat's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:44 AM
um , the caterpillars are still right here in their bug thinger ....ew they eat an poop ALOT........noway

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:44 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:52 AM
Dear Diary: Why did you not tell me people were mocking my small smurf berries

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Sun 10/28/07 11:53 AM
laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:54 AM
grumble grumble

s1owhand's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:55 AM

they were not mocking. they drool.

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:56 AM
So what you're saying is the lady just love my little berries?

s1owhand's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:57 AM

how does the diary spell relief?

s m u r f b e r r i e s f a n t a s y

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:57 AM
Dear me these berries!!!devil :wink: laugh

s1owhand's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:59 AM

they like to watch them change color in the fall laugh

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:00 PM
devil laugh blue berries for breakfast...laugh devil

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:00 PM
Nooooo! I just can't start showing my berries off to everyone who wants to see them sheesh. laugh

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:01 PM
devil w/ cream.....yummydevil

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:02 PM
Noooooo sad sad

s1owhand's photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:03 PM

i would like to give each of you a juicy pint!

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Sun 10/28/07 12:03 PM
Dear diary.....I wonder if wardriver took 2 aspirins, and rubbed aloe vera gel on his forehead?huh

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:07 PM
He seems a bit delusional to me....laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:07 PM
Dear Diary: Why did you not remind me not to slap my forehead and to put something on it like gypsy suggested. grumble

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:08 PM
It's all this sun and fresh city air

no photo
Sun 10/28/07 12:09 PM
take 2 aspirins, it will lower your temp!!devil