Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
Katertots37's photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:26 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:31 AM
now thats JUST ANNOYING!!!grumble grumble laugh laugh

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Wed 10/24/07 01:36 AM
dEAR you have any idea that I can dance EXACTLY like Shakira???devil :wink: laugh drinker

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:38 AM
Who's Shakira?huh

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Wed 10/24/07 01:39 AM
lmaoooooooooooooooooo dont be RIDICULOUS!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:40 AM

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Wed 10/24/07 01:41 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:44 AM
I'll assume she's a dancing singing type person. How should I know!laugh

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:45 AM
Dear diary........ok hold the phone!!!!noway noway noway ummmmmmmmmmm what kind of music do you listen to kid???

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:48 AM
Everything but Shakira I guess!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:50 AM
uhhhhhhhhhhhh ok I wont talk about her anymore.......even though we look exactly alike!!!!!!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh jk

Dear diary......... I heard a rumour.........about someone.........but shhhhhhhhhhh I can't say anything....devil devil devil

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 01:59 AM
Dear it boboli or is it>>????huh drinker

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Wed 10/24/07 02:29 AM
devil laugh laugh dEAR DIARY......... I wonder if ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nevermind!!!!noway noway grumble

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 02:29 AM
Dear Diary...

I'm awake now!!! I got sleep!! Wooooooooooo

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 02:30 AM
Dear diary......I have no idea what sleep is.........cats poking my eyes out.......hmmmmmmm my own fault I cant sleep without them,.......grumble grumble grumble grumble

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 02:31 AM
Dear Dairy..

I so know what Gypsy means

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 02:33 AM
Dear diary......look at my eric babies!!!laugh laugh laugh do you think men will want to date me now???noway noway laugh laugh laugh

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Wed 10/24/07 02:37 AM
Dear Diary...

Little Eric's running all over the place now..ohh the world will never be the same!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 02:51 AM
dear diary.........i feel terrible.........I thought my psychic mind was realohwell

no photo
Wed 10/24/07 05:35 AM
Dear Diary..

Plz tell Gypsy worries gurl...its all good