Topic: Are We Natural-Born Racists? Mother Jones - Chris Mooney | |
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Tue 06/23/15 12:19 PM
Want to know where you stand when it comes to race?
Take the Implicit Association Test {IAT} at >>> >>> The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men And how to reform our bigoted brains. -�� By Chris Mooney Mon Dec. 1, 2014 7:00 AM EST "You're not, like, a total racist bastard," David Amodio tells me. He pauses. "Today." I'm sitting in the soft-spoken cognitive neuroscientist's spotless office nestled within New York University's psychology department, but it feels like I'm at the doctor's, getting a dreaded diagnosis. On his giant monitor, Amodio shows me a big blob of data, a cluster of points depicting where people score on the Implicit Association Test. The test measures racial prejudices that we cannot consciously control. I've taken it three times now. This time around my uncontrolled prejudice, while clearly present, has come in significantly below the average for white people like me. You think of yourself as a person who strives to be unprejudiced, but you can't control these split-second reactions. That certainly beats the first time I took the IAT online, on the website That time, my results showed a "strong automatic preference" for European Americans over African Americans. That was not a good thing to hear, but it's extremely common—51 percent of online test takers show moderate to strong bias. Taking the IAT, one of the most popular tools among researchers trying to understand racism and prejudice, is both extremely simple and pretty traumatic. The test asks you to rapidly categorize images of faces as either "African American" or "European American" while you also categorize words (like "evil," "happy," "awful," and "peace") as either "good" or "bad." Faces and words flash on the screen, and you tap a key, as fast as you can, to indicate which category is appropriate. Sometimes you're asked to sort African American faces and "good" words to one side of the screen. Other times, black faces are to be sorted with "bad" words. As words and faces keep flashing by, you struggle not to make too many sorting mistakes. And then suddenly, you have a horrible realization. When black faces and "bad" words are paired together, you feel yourself becoming faster in your categorizing—an indication that the two are more easily linked in your mind. "It's like you're on a bike going downhill," Amodio says, "and you feel yourself going faster. So you can say, 'I know this is not how I want to come off,' but there's no other response option." You think of yourself as a person who strives to be unprejudiced, but you can't control these split-second reactions. As the milliseconds are being tallied up, you know the tale they'll tell: When negative words and black faces are paired together, you're a better, faster categorizer. Which suggests that racially biased messages from the culture around you have shaped the very wiring of your brain. for the entire article >>> ******************************** I thought that with all of the media articles about cops killing young black men - Dylnn Foot's racial diatribe on his media page - the discussion about the 'Stars & Bars' & Confederate flag flown in SC state capitol; that maybe a little self examination wouldn't hurt and would be interesting! Your test taking is private - none of the results show up on anything that I/we can ever see --- but it is very interesting to take the IAT! Discuss how the test results made you feel _______? |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2
uche9aa stated >>>
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 Well, that's quite the conversation starter: but you are aware that that OPINION is carried/portrayed on both sides of any 'RACE ISSUE'...RIGHT? Take the IAT test and see where you stand; racial biased doesn't just exude from 'WHITE PEOPLE'...they don't shed it like a aura! ![]() |
Are We Natural-Born Racists?
IMO yes. People in general believe they are superior and good. If they didn't, they'd be running around believing everyone else is superior to them, get all depressed, and commit suicide for being worthless and bad. Social training only hides this in it's push for democratic equality. There is no such thing as "equality." Not as long as there is group hierarchy. Tolerance is far more important than equality. If people believe themselves to be superior and good people, they are going to automatically assume those that are the most like them to be superior and "better" as well. You like the cowboys or the patriots? If you like the cowboys, do you treat patriot fans the same? Do you jeer your team just as much as theirs in the same way? Do you buy the same number of season tickets for their game? How about if you identify as republican, democrat, or libertarian? You go to a lot of rallies in support of the other side, accepting their beliefs and ideas? Race is simply an easy group identifier or tool for differentiation. No different than woman, adult, child, tall, short, rich, poor, democrat, mom, dad, aunt, cable guy, AARP. They're all labels used to differentiate into groups in order to determine where the individual stands in comparison, their identity and what's expected of them; of what's "Good" and what's "Bad." Any differentiation that can be codified into defining a group will be used to do so in order to make the world make sense and create boundaries for individual identity. People need to see themselves as good. The entire purpose of being seen as a "good" person is to be accepted within a group. Without groups, there really is no purpose for judgments of good and bad outside of individual preferences for immediate survival and pleasure. So, IMO, yes, people are naturally born racists. They're naturally born looking for differences and relationships between things and groups trying to figure out where they'll be safest. And people will always feel safest among those they share the most similarities with. |
Edited by
Tue 06/23/15 03:42 PM
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage,the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.
Racism claims that the content of a man's mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man's convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman's version of the doctrine of innate ideas or of inherited knowledge,which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man's life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination. Racism, The Virtue of Selfishness, 126 Mother Jones and Mooney are full of that Brown Stuff! Divisive Idiots! |
Racism like language is a learned behavior. You are not "born" a racist you are made one.
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 Nonsense... |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 That's the dumbest post ever! |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 That's the dumbest post ever! It's the most racist one I've ever seen... ![]() |
Everybody is racist against something.. I'm mostly racist toward black guys that are racist toward me. Oh yeah, and you could pull your damn pants up and buy a belt..
I hate to hate
except for hating hate |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 ^^^^^This is a blatantly racist comment. One person could not possibly know "most" white people or how they feel. Even the over all Mingle population. Many on mingle do not list their race or photos. People's moral character is not determined by genetics but it is influenced by the things people are taught from their environment. If you are raised to think you are oppressed by anyone then you have been brainwashed that you are a Victim and thus the same kind of racist that tells some that they can be a Victimizer. I always find it interesting that people assume they know a persons race from a photo or seeing them but there are many definitions of race. I personally have seen more racism projected against people generally thought to be the same race towards each other depending on many issues, including genetics but not limited too that; because they were more one end of the spectrum than the next wheather they were making decsions by complextion, hair style, economis, religion, neighborhood ect ... |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 it runs in the blood of many people of color as well. this idea that only white people are capable of racism is nasty racism itself Fortunately there are plenty of people of all races who realize that racism is wrong. ![]() |
Conrad_73 posted this article >>>
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage,the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors. Racism claims that the content of a man's mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man's convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman's version of the doctrine of innate ideas or of inherited knowledge,which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man's life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination. Racism, The Virtue of Selfishness, 126 Conrad_73 made this comment >>> Mother Jones and Mooney are full of that Brown Stuff! Divisive Idiots! LMAO --- and yet Mr. Mooney was the one that took the IAT Racist test (3 times) and wrote the article about his �clairissement about this issue; sure blow the article off like it's got zero bearing on the social issues of our times!!! But you can't manage to stay on TOPIC about the IAT test and see where you stand; Like I told uche9aa..."racial biased doesn't just exude from 'WHITE PEOPLE'" --- and you are one of those 'LABEL MAKERS' that flood the political forum with one hit wonders of --- "that's a LIBERAL for you" ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 06/23/15 08:12 PM
This thread gets moderated in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 i only see racism in black people, not sure wtf your talking about... |
I don't consider myself a racist. I do live in the south. As a matter of fact, Georgia. About 70 miles from Atlanta. Every day we turn on our local news. And every day, it's something with the African-Americans of Atlanta. Somebody is shooting somebody. Somebody is breaking into someone's home. African-Americans die almost every day in Atlanta. Usually over something stupid. Or drugs.
I live in a small town. I guess you might call it a suburb of Atlanta. In this little town, you hardly ever heard of anyone getting killed. Up till Hurricane Katrina went through New Orleans, there were some people that felt they could still leave their doors unlocked at night. After Katrina, we had a huge influx of African Americans into our small town. Some out of Atlanta. Some out of New Orleans. It hasn't been the same since. Now, A lot of people are calling our little town, "Little Atlanta." Before Katrina, we had 6 cops in this little town. The county cops patrolled the county. The state patrol - patrolled the state. Now, We have 12 city cops. The county cops help patrol the city. And we have at least 2 state patrol roaming around the city. They've had to do this because of so much criminal activity going on all over the city. And it's 95% African-Americans or the white African-American "Gangster" wanna be's. I've lived in this little town all my life. I use to love it here. At one time, it was a great place to raise your kids. If I could have my way about it, I would load up all these trouble making African-American "Gangsters" and there white "Gangster" African American wanna be's, And send them back where they came from. Back to Atlanta. Back to New Orleans. So I could have my town back. If that makes me racist, Racist I am. |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 How very 'racist' of you. |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 How very 'racist' of you. |
Racism runs in the blood of most white people. Even here in mingle2 i only see racism in black people, not sure wtf your talking about... As a man "of colour", (a couple days a week) I'm sure I'll be offended at some point by that comment. ![]() |