Topic: What I had wished I had known as a 20 year old
TMommy's photo
Sat 06/20/15 11:19 AM
No matter how many times your mother says so..
your face is not going to freeze that way bigsmile

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 11:26 AM
tell that to your wrinkles. tongue2

TMommy's photo
Sat 06/20/15 11:34 AM
Think she was referring to pout face I had as a child
those crinkles around my eyes are laugh lines
the other ones however,are frown lines so she may have been partially correcthuh

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 11:49 AM
i was referring to our future wrinkles, silly goose.
you ain'ts gots no wrinkles...

yet. tongue2

panchovanilla's photo
Sat 06/20/15 11:53 AM
I'm gonna go back 30 years.
And then say there are a lot of things, I 'm glad I didn't know.
Because I would have forgotten them by now.
Then, I would be as stoopid as I was then.
See what I'm saying?what

TMommy's photo
Sat 06/20/15 12:00 PM

i was referring to our future wrinkles, silly goose.
you ain'ts gots no wrinkles...

yet. tongue2
ahh cool thought it was a slam
That getting regular oil changes in car is a good thinghappy

no photo
Sat 06/20/15 12:12 PM
i tend to think they're just lying beneath the surface of all of us...
just waiting to make a sneaky entrance. grumble

mendy2's photo
Sat 06/20/15 09:35 PM
I wish I would of spent more time with my dad because he not here for Father Day

no1phD's photo
Sat 06/20/15 09:38 PM
Awwww..^^flowerforyou ..

...I wish I would have known !the price of gold would have shot up..passed a thousand dollars ..

mendy2's photo
Sun 06/21/15 09:28 PM
I WISH I invested in fast food because now everyone go out to
eat like Mc Donalds. There just was not as much when I was in my 20s.

mendy2's photo
Tue 08/04/15 06:34 AM
wish I would of traveled more

ursluv's photo
Tue 08/04/15 06:42 AM
how to make easy money

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 08/04/15 08:46 AM
Edited by NorCalSwe on Tue 08/04/15 08:46 AM
That really listening when someone tells you their problem is more important than sovlving it.

That sex is important but friendship is everything

That "Stop and smell the roses" was one of the wisest things to ever said.

And that nothing bad lasts forever

no photo
Sat 08/15/15 12:57 PM
20+ years ago, I wish I had know that traditional education/schooling was not my forte and a holistic path was the way to go...

Better late than never... flowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 08/15/15 01:49 PM

On an unrelated note. I have the exact opposite opinion of the 'should have listens to my parents' thing.

My life would have been a lot happier if I had been secure enough to follow my dream. And the same is true for my EX and my best friend of 20 years. All three of us (and we grew up in 3 different states)were 'good kids' who had above average IQs but lacked parental support and/or understanding. Following our parents wished had a significant negative and long lasting impact on our lives.

Realizing you have "Toxic Parents" is tough but I think there would be a lot more happy people if more would and others would stop busting their chops for not having the "TV land" kind of family.

no photo
Sat 08/15/15 01:57 PM
don't put it! off that further you get the faster it goes, and the harder it will be to make the time to do it

mendy2's photo
Mon 11/09/15 05:15 PM
i smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched

mendy2's photo
Mon 11/09/15 05:16 PM
i wish i would of played the lottery more, i was taught it was a sin

no photo
Mon 11/09/15 05:40 PM
Buy gold......

lovelylaura10's photo
Mon 11/09/15 05:49 PM
That one is only as good as the company they keep. Not to judge others or allow others judgements of you to govern your own feeling of yourself. You have the ability to adapt to any environment or any given situation and survive it. Do not put to much weight into material things or money. They can go much fast then they came and you'll survive with almost little to nothing anyways. Live life, find happiness, give and receive love.