Topic: any of world of warcraft | |
So do all of my characters have to be on one side or the other? Can I create a new one that is Horde at a later date if I choose?
If you are on a PVP server, I think you have to have characters of only one faction. If you aren't on a PVP server you can have alliance and Horde characters. If you remember, what server are you on?
I'm on a normal server.....pvp scares me cuz I'm such a noob...still trying to figure it out! lol
Anyway.....I can't wait to build my character and get better spells!! Then I'm gonna have to buy it....
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I've got an undead warlock whos level 19 right now. I tend to die alot tho, even with a minion on my side lol
It all depends on how you are spec'd. And as you get higher levels, you will get more useful and better spells. A good Warlock should be a swiss army knife with a chainsaw and bazooka attached. You will have two fear spells and with your PVP trinket + "WoF", you will be almost impossible to fear lock. Give it time, you only have a level or two until you get your Succubus. At 30, you will get your Felhunter and at 40, you get a free mount. It's a great class, stick with it and you will get a lot out of it. |
It just occured to me that you might not know what a "felhunter" is. Here is a picture: The felhunter will eat magic users, any magic user. It heals itself by eatting buffs off your opponents and by eatting detrimental spells off of you. It's spell resistance is insane and if you are demonology spec'd, you will get some of it's resistances. It can't hold agro good for PvE, but short of the Felguard, the Felhunter is my favorite pet. |
I've seen a few of those running around, and some succubus as well, but all I've got so far is the Voidwalker and the Imp. I prolly do need to spec my guy better tho.
51 Tauren Warrior, multiple alts. Cool to seen so many players here.
Hey all, Ive been playing forever. I got a lvl 70 mage, priest and lock. Lol, you could say I have a slight addiction. I'm on a PvP server and I PvP pretty seriously cause well lets face it, PvP is da bizomb.
Cece! That was YOU who kept killing me off, then waiting for me to come back to life, then kill me off AGAIN! I'm only level 20, please pitty me!
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I've been Playing WoW since about the launch date over 2 years ago. I have 2 lvl 70s on normal servers and a few 60s, 50s, 40s and so on. I mainly play on Staghelm, but my first home was Cenarius.
I was actually sent the beta for BC, and enjoyed it before its launch. I don't have a drake mount yet, but I haven't been playing since they were introduced a few months ago. I have knowledge and have done I think every quest in the old world and most in the New. I think I burnt myself out a bit when BC came out and I took both my 60s to 70 within three weeks. I'm currently unsubscribed as I don't have time to game atm. Wizewizard came from the days of playing Diablo and Diablo2Exp. I've been a OL gamer for, ummm, 9 years now. anyway, happy gaming!!! ![]() |
The undead had the guitar solo...awesome!
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i got a level 60 gnome warlock. haven't really bothered playing since the expansion, but i still love a good battleground here and there.
i used to play also LVL 70 Dwarf Rogue. might go back for the ex pack or whenever they add the new ten man dungeon
I'm finally off of this game too...
Finished with: Level 63 Human Warlock spec'ed to Affliction/Destruction Hybrid Level 39 Human Priest spec'ed to Discipline Level 29 Human Warrior spec'ed to Protection Level 15 Human Mage spec'ed to Arcane Level 10 Human Paladin Level 7 Dwarf Hunter Level 6 Dranei Shaman Level 5 Night Elf Rogue Level 3 Night Elf Druid This game took away 6 months of my life...and I want that time back... |
I was playing since launch and i have recently quit. It was sucking away my life!
My characters were 70 rogue 70 warlock 70 priest 47 mage and a bunch of other low levels. Very addicting yet very fun game. I was in a raiding guild and i was covered in epixxxxxxxxx. I may come back to the game but not to raid. Just for some pvp and talk to old friends still playing! |
been playing wow since beta, have a lvl 70 undead priest and a lvl 70 human priest
I hate alts and that's why i only have 2 characters :) also played EQ from beta (about 6 years) until i started wow beta not really playing right now .. xp and faction grinding is really OLD for me .. but it was fun at one time :) Horde guild i'm in is #1 on its server, Alliance guild i'm in is #3 on a different server raiding is fun until the guildmaster and officers expect you not to have a real life and be online and ready to raid 7 days a week :( anyways for those of you still playing .. enjoy and remember it's just a game ![]() |
70 Draenei Elemental Shaman... LB Spam FTW..... Shadow Council.
2.3 patch is projected to come out within a month, containing Zul'Amann, the new 10-man. And I believe that the Ex-pack is projected christmas? |