Topic: how ken i fix dating
bhaveshb's photo
Sat 04/25/15 06:08 PM
How kenfixdating &relasion

soufiehere's photo
Sat 04/25/15 06:10 PM
I have heard, if you can't use duct tape or WD40
to fix it, it doesn't need fixing.

JustScribbles's photo
Sat 04/25/15 06:44 PM

I have heard, if you can't use duct tape or WD40
to fix it, it doesn't need fixing.

*Looks around for cameras* How'd she know about us, Tinker's Belle? *spray, spray* There, there now. Don't squeak.

no photo
Sat 04/25/15 06:48 PM
how ken i fix dating

Find your Barbie.....

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Sat 04/25/15 08:33 PM
bai using "Spellchack"

lynnleeds's photo
Sun 04/26/15 02:01 AM
few copies of penthouse and tube o lube n yer good to go.voila a relationship

Goofball73's photo
Sun 04/26/15 02:13 AM

How kenfixdating &relasion

I swear......Rosetta Stone is so overrated.