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Topic: Siberian stone "UFO" found 40 meters deep
metalwing's photo
Fri 04/10/15 06:54 PM
They can't show what's inside because it is alien. Didn't you know that most illegal aliens were Mexican?

no photo
Fri 04/10/15 07:45 PM
Edited by SassyEuro on Fri 04/10/15 08:27 PM

They can't show what's inside because it is alien. Didn't you know that most illegal aliens were Mexican?

Department of Immigration & the White House CLAIMS the majority of illegal aliens ( or as Obama WANTS us to call them ' Americans in waiting laugh )... are South American.
But who's buying that story? When Obama himself took the Dept Of Immigration to the Supreme Court?
And lost, fortutately .
But he still keeps trying to let all of Puerto Rico & Mexico in ..... fresh crop of Democrats.. slaphead


stan_147's photo
Sat 04/11/15 11:13 AM
A primitive model of Saturn?

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