Topic: Not mutually exclusive | |
Alien, you're showing bias since you have a crush on the OP.
Alien, you're showing bias since you have a crush on the OP. Me have a crush on the OP? What ever gave you that idea? ![]() |
Lol cute haha I usually dont mind blacks at all a few I meet are very sweet and friendly, i respect everyone for who they are as long as they dont mess with me in rude ways i can be friend with pretty much anyone, but ME, i hate racist people they are obsurd idiots who judge a person by there looks, but I guess everyone is different in a unique way they cannot control
Well...if you pay taxes I believe that in almost all countries that have a standing military you ARE supporting the troops LOL! A portion of the taxes taken out of your salary go to whatever military org. your country has. If you are living off the land in the wilderness somewhere, with no SS#, no cash income, then no, you don't support the troops LOL! So you pay your taxes, & then organize or attend anti-war protests - see how that works? It is possible to feel "support" for an individual yet despise the individuals employers (don't shop at Walmart but let your teenager work there after school b/c they need the $ (min. wage is better than no wage?) etc. It is mutually exclusive.
No different from liking someone you meet on OLD as a friend but having no sexual attraction for them (the dreaded friend zone thingy). You won't date them but you will talk on the phone or hang out in the daytime once in a while. Men can get the wrong idea quickly if the woman doesn't make her interest (or non-interest) clear upfront. |
what other things do people tend to believe are mutually exclusive,, but aren't? I like cake and pie. But Cake is the True Way. |
what other things do people tend to believe are mutually exclusive,, but aren't? I like cake and pie. But Cake is the True Way. haaa,, no argument there,, |
peanut butter. not mutually exclusive to jelly. peanut butter is great with many things
I generalize that all wars are evil and destructive. Troops are sent to fight in them. They know exactly what they are signing up for. Very well put. Those who enlist for military service make a choice to part of something that inherently destructive. It can be sugar-coated by such programs as Toy For Tots or by sending in the military to help after a disaster. A long time ago I made a choice not to be part of an engineering industry that was responsible for war materials. |
I believe we are all racist and sexist. It is how we choose to address our racist or sexist tendency that defines us.
unfortunately society keeps us from being equal and non biased.. our children see it on t.v. in movies on the internet it is everywhere. and it is a learned thing if you watch children play before the age of 5 they dont care what color religion or sex the playmate is.. it is the same way for mutually exclusive things as well. such as supporting the troops not the war.. during peace time the military provides benefits to people who do join up. for some it is the only way they can attend college due to low income. for some people due to the shitty economy it is a way to help try to support their family. many wars were started because a politician shot their mouth off and another country/ group decided to fight back with force. but that is not why many join the military.. some countries it is mandatory for people to enlist for a set amount of time. it doesn't matter if they want to or not.
what i am going to say next is probably going to make some people very angry but, some black people spout that they are not treated fairly in the job market because they are black however when you listen to them address a person that is interviewing them they don't use proper english ( by this i mean they use a lot of slang and half words) also for years some were saying that there was not enough black people in t.v. shows so they created a channel where the actors and actresses are all black.. if someone created a channel that had nothing but white people on it it would be considered racist and there would be a major uproar about it.. yet the channel with nothing but black people on it you don't hear being called a racit channel although it is the same principle.. there is my pennies worth take it or leave it |
I believe we are all racist and sexist. It is how we choose to address our racist or sexist tendency that defines us. kindred souls ![]() |
I believe we are all racist and sexist. It is how we choose to address our racist or sexist tendency that defines us. ![]() |
I generalize that all wars are evil and destructive. Troops are sent to fight in them. They know exactly what they are signing up for. Very well put. Those who enlist for military service make a choice to part of something that inherently destructive. It can be sugar-coated by such programs as Toy For Tots or by sending in the military to help after a disaster. A long time ago I made a choice not to be part of an engineering industry that was responsible for war materials. as an ex military wife I very much disagree people generalize the military as being about war, but a small percentage see war or fight in wars, there are many positions and jobs in the military in addition, any nation needs a way to defend themselves,, that it could 'inherently' be the wrong wars, doesn't negate the need for those who take on the role in case the NECESSARY war ever happens and finally, many of these are recruited from the young and impoverished who are not at all encouraged to sign on to be involved in war and are lured in instead with promises to pay for education or housing,,etc its a guaranteed check and an investment in their future, which are reasonable and understandable goals for anyone,,, |
... any nation needs a way to defend themselves, that it could 'inherently' be the wrong wars, doesn't negate the need for those who take on the role in case the NECESSARY war ever happens
The USA didn't want to be involved in WWII until Japan attacked. Then it became necessary for the USA to be involved. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, it be came necessary for the USA and other nation to take military action to free Kuwait. People join the U.S. military for the purpose of defending the USA and other peaceful nations, not for the purpose of engaging in military conquest. |
the problem with it is everyone will have their own perception of who 'needs' the protection,, military conquest is the way we 'defend'
militants vs citizens vs offenders and defenders ,,,,its like the who came first joke,, rarely ever proven or solved,,, |
did you know? you can be black and be a bigot and still like SOME white people and even love SOME white people ,,,having bigoted values and having some exceptions (that you like or support or even love) in those groups you are bigoted against are not MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE did you know? you can be active in women's rights without being against men's rights or active in the rights of blacks without being against the rights of whites? ,support one group AND another group that is different are not mutually exclusive,,,, what other things do people tend to believe are mutually exclusive,, but aren't? once again, seeing only what you want to see,,,, I post on dozens of topics,, I stand out when I mention race, maybe because my race stands out in this crowd? in any case, there is no need to contribute if you don't have an example of the 'non mutually exclusive' that I asked about,,, No, your race really does not stick out in a all. But you have a tendency of highlighting it whenever possible. my race sticks out here, if you have eyes and see pictures,,,,lol but honestly, I don't really need to highlight it,, its there for everyone to see. And obviously quite well cause for the life of me it seems a go to whenever I have an opinion about someone black and someone wants to 'disagree' with it ,,, Well, maybe where you live black people do stick out.. where I live, they don't.. at all. And the reason so many people bring up your opinions about black people is because you are constantly bringing it up. This is not the first time you are hearing this... you have heard this point from scores of people. And as this is a open forum, people have the right to state what they want.. how they feel. And that is how many feel. You can accept it or not accept it... your choice. |
Edited by
Tue 03/10/15 05:28 PM
did you know? you can be black and be a bigot and still like SOME white people and even love SOME white people ,,,having bigoted values and having some exceptions (that you like or support or even love) in those groups you are bigoted against are not MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE did you know? you can be active in women's rights without being against men's rights or active in the rights of blacks without being against the rights of whites? ,support one group AND another group that is different are not mutually exclusive,,,, what other things do people tend to believe are mutually exclusive,, but aren't? once again, seeing only what you want to see,,,, I post on dozens of topics,, I stand out when I mention race, maybe because my race stands out in this crowd? in any case, there is no need to contribute if you don't have an example of the 'non mutually exclusive' that I asked about,,, No, your race really does not stick out in a all. But you have a tendency of highlighting it whenever possible. my race sticks out here, if you have eyes and see pictures,,,,lol but honestly, I don't really need to highlight it,, its there for everyone to see. And obviously quite well cause for the life of me it seems a go to whenever I have an opinion about someone black and someone wants to 'disagree' with it ,,, Well, maybe where you live black people do stick out.. where I live, they don't.. at all. And the reason so many people bring up your opinions about black people is because you are constantly bringing it up. This is not the first time you are hearing this... you have heard this point from scores of people. And as this is a open forum, people have the right to state what they want.. how they feel. And that is how many feel. You can accept it or not accept it... your choice. you are right I am not where you live, I am on a public forum where I am one of less than a handful of black people who gives their perception on the board,, (one out of TWO in this entire thread, for instance),, so that 'stands out' IN THIS FORUM... you are right people (including me) have the right to state what they want and how they feel, I have posted myself how grateful I am for that(that post doesn't 'stand out' unfortunately the way my posts discussing race do) I read constantly how others feel amd I accept it as biased and inaccurate perception I begin VERY FEW threads here, so I am not 'bringing it up', unless it is mentioned in the thread I post in the dating thread, the general thread the Christian thread, the religious thread, the movie thread,, etc,,, case in point, I have posted maybe twenty posts between this one and the last reference to race,, but the only post some will dote on? that one,, out of the twenty,,,, and they will characterize it as something I "always' do |
I believe we are all racist and sexist. It is how we choose to address our racist or sexist tendency that defines us. Thank you for not being politically correct and keeping it real! Truer words were never spoken! People who say they love everyone and don't judge are full of it. Humans are complex creatures. ![]() |
unfortunately society keeps us from being equal and non biased.. our children see it on t.v. in movies on the internet it is everywhere. and it is a learned thing if you watch children play before the age of 5 they dont care what color religion or sex the playmate is.. it is the same way for mutually exclusive things as well. such as supporting the troops not the war.. during peace time the military provides benefits to people who do join up. for some it is the only way they can attend college due to low income. for some people due to the shitty economy it is a way to help try to support their family. many wars were started because a politician shot their mouth off and another country/ group decided to fight back with force. but that is not why many join the military.. some countries it is mandatory for people to enlist for a set amount of time. it doesn't matter if they want to or not. what i am going to say next is probably going to make some people very angry but, some black people spout that they are not treated fairly in the job market because they are black however when you listen to them address a person that is interviewing them they don't use proper english ( by this i mean they use a lot of slang and half words) also for years some were saying that there was not enough black people in t.v. shows so they created a channel where the actors and actresses are all black.. if someone created a channel that had nothing but white people on it it would be considered racist and there would be a major uproar about it.. yet the channel with nothing but black people on it you don't hear being called a racit channel although it is the same principle.. there is my pennies worth take it or leave it When you're the majority, certain actions are considered racist. When you're a minority, the same actions are considered perfectly fine. World hypocrisy, double standards, the usual BS. |
there is a station where 'all' the actors are black? really? whats it called?
its a matter of proportion that makes minority and majority different if there are 100 people, 87 are male and 13 are female and the 87 males create shows reflecting themselves, images of beauty and intelligence tat reflect them, and an education system that highlights all of their accomplishments and then the 13 fmales begin to make their own shows, images, and education system though the actions are the same, their intent and necessity and purpose are quite different,,, the latter correcting a situation where thy were excluded by the former,, |