Topic: Open secrets? | |
The Passover is always on the night of a Full Moon after the 3rd New Moon after the Winter Solstice.
Jesus physically died the day after Passover. |
After an extended period of time of any animal, including humans, that are inbred with themselves... Dominate strains of that species occur. While survival of the fittest is applicable and will ultimately produce the best living strain of a species to an area, it still doesn't explain the different species to begin with. I do believe in natural selection but I do not believe in evolution into different species. This is where creation comes into play... Only the True God has produced all the varied types of species and what they've morphed into because of environment is another type of what is still the same species. As for Vampires... The Ottoman Turkish Caliphate sent a army to get Count Dracula's head and bring it to him in a box. They succeeded. I saw that post... Still did not explain the nephilims and giants... Nor Dino fossils... The extinction of the dinosaurs and what other species there may have been that time, might well be a form of "end of the world" during those times... Count Dracula might well be just a demoniac... Not necessarily a real vampire... |
Edited by
Wed 02/25/15 08:37 PM
![]() His body (Less Its Head) is entombed in an Eastern Orthodox Church in Transylvania to this day. I'm sorry but the other subjects You've brought-up will just have to wait for another day. Good Night, Everybody. ![]() |
![]() His body (Less Its Head) is entombed in a Eastern Orthodox Church in Transylvania to this day. I know... Doesn't mean he's a real vampire ![]() ![]() Where's the head at? I thought he was reputed as such because of his relentless bloodlust in war... Not because of any real immortal powers... |
Edited by
Wed 02/25/15 08:41 PM
As for the 3 wise men... Christmas on dec 25 is supposed to be an arbitrary date to follow a pagan practice in order to convert people...
That was done A LOT, and not only Christians did it - they're just the ones who survived doing it. Christmas is set in late December to take the place of a lot of pagan and traditional celebrations for midwinter - the same goes for Easter for spring and Halloween for autumn. (You think it's any coincidence that Easter means the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead, when the whole world is "rising from the dead" of winter? Soooooooo much symbology has been lost or ignored in the past two-thousand years.) (Also, why is "symbology" not a word in Mingle Squared's dictionary, but zymology is? Zymology apparently being the study of the fermentation process...) Fortunately for the early evangelical Christians, there were a lot of things to work with. A lot of mythologies around the world have mention of a Great Flood, either at the creation of the world or sometime thereafter. There are also legends of giants and demons everywhere, even in the Americas. These were almost always antagonistic forces to humanity, which made things easier to get people to think of them as "anti-Christian" or "unholy". In many mythologies, there were lots of male-led pantheons (i.e., a patriarchy) like Zeus, Odin, and Osiris that often had direct parallels to the acts of God or Jesus Christ. One of the more famous examples in literature is the parallel between Odin and Jesus - Odin sacrificed himself by hanging himself upside-down from a giant tree in order to gain wisdom. This was seen as a direct parallel to Jesus Christ being hung from the wooden cross and sacrificing his life for the Good of Mankind. -------- Also, I hear it wasn't Jesus who was the vampire, but the Roman soldier Longinus, who stabbed Jesus with the spear. Easter is celebrated in the spring because historically that is when Jesus was crucified. Christmas, however, is historically inaccurate. Yes... It is unfortunate that his birth date is not celebrated true to form, but rather in pagan tradition.... But I agree with the previous post that his resurrection date is more important |
Yes, Count Dracula was a horrible ruler and was capable of very sadistic torture.
Another night, Pansytilly. We'll talk again... InSha Allah (God Willing) ![]() |
Salaam <----- Arabic----<<<
Shalom <----- Hebrew ---<<< (I'm Cool With Both) |
Salaam <----- Arabic----<<< Shalom <----- Hebrew ---<<< (I'm Cool With Both) Cool ![]() I suppose it would be baraka Allah to you |
[The Next Day]
After an extended period of time of any animal, including humans, that are inbred with themselves... Dominate strains of that species occur. While survival of the fittest is applicable and will ultimately produce the best living strain of a species to an area, it still doesn't explain the different species to begin with. I do believe in natural selection but I do not believe in evolution into different species. This is where creation comes into play... Only the True God has produced all the varied types of species and what they've morphed into because of environment is another type of what is still the same species. As for Vampires... The Ottoman Turkish Caliphate sent a army to get Count Dracula's head and bring it to him in a box. They succeeded. I saw that post... Still did not explain the nephilims and giants... Nor Dino fossils... The extinction of the dinosaurs and what other species there may have been that time, might well be a form of "end of the world" during those times... Count Dracula might well be just a demoniac... Not necessarily a real vampire... The Nephilim or the Fellers as some Bibles will have it written, are mentioned in the early verses of Genesis Chapter 6. Now, it's important to note that the reference to 'the Sons of the True God' in verse 4 is talking about the Angelic Jinn, who left their rightful place is the Spirit Realm and took Human wives for themselves. This can be confirmed by the reference at 2nd Peter 2: 4+5. Now, with regards the subject of the Dinosaurs and other now-extinct animals... While Noah was instructed to take two of each kind of animal (Genesis 6: 19-21) it's assumed it was the same sort of instruction as One would receive to take-what-You-can, for example, if your house was on fire. (You'd Take What You Could) So, it is usually understood that Noah and his sons and their wives gathered all that would fit into a box-like structure, 300 Cubits long, 50 Cubits wide, and 30 Cubits deep. (With Three Levels Inside) The Ark's dimensions are at Genesis 6: 15+16. There is various speculation into how big a Cubit is, but it is usually thought to be no-less than 18 Inches. Now, after the flood was over and the Ark came to rest on Mount Judy in the Ararat Mountain Range, the animals and Noah's family started to spread-out all over what was still just one huge continental land-mass. The account of the Earth's land-masses splitting apart is only very briefly mentioned in Genesis 10: 25. Apparently, in the generation of Eber, his two sons were named Peleg and Joktan, in commemoration of the event. This explains how animals that wouldn't stand a chance of getting from one continent to the next, if the oceans were in the way, didn't even need to get their feet wet. I hope Everybody finds this informative! |
Umm... Nephilim? Not quite sure where that fits in, but I hear they were responsible for a lot of "monsters" in the Bible and mythology. Nephilim being the blasphemous offspring of humans and (fallen) angels. ahaha I think I read that in book of Mortal Instruments XD |
[The Next Day] After an extended period of time of any animal, including humans, that are inbred with themselves... Dominate strains of that species occur. While survival of the fittest is applicable and will ultimately produce the best living strain of a species to an area, it still doesn't explain the different species to begin with. I do believe in natural selection but I do not believe in evolution into different species. This is where creation comes into play... Only the True God has produced all the varied types of species and what they've morphed into because of environment is another type of what is still the same species. As for Vampires... The Ottoman Turkish Caliphate sent a army to get Count Dracula's head and bring it to him in a box. They succeeded. I saw that post... Still did not explain the nephilims and giants... Nor Dino fossils... The extinction of the dinosaurs and what other species there may have been that time, might well be a form of "end of the world" during those times... Count Dracula might well be just a demoniac... Not necessarily a real vampire... The Nephilim or the Fellers as some Bibles will have it written, are mentioned in the early verses of Genesis Chapter 6. Now, it's important to note that the reference to 'the Sons of the True God' in verse 4 is talking about the Angelic Jinn, who left their rightful place is the Spirit Realm and took Human wives for themselves. This can be confirmed by the reference at 2nd Peter 2: 4+5. Now, with regards the subject of the Dinosaurs and other now-extinct animals... While Noah was instructed to take two of each kind of animal (Genesis 6: 19-21) it's assumed it was the same sort of instruction as One would receive to take-what-You-can, for example, if your house was on fire. (You'd Take What You Could) So, it is usually understood that Noah and his sons and their wives gathered all that would fit into a box-like structure, 300 Cubits long, 50 Cubits wide, and 30 Cubits deep. (With Three Levels Inside) The Ark's dimensions are at Genesis 6: 15+16. There is various speculation into how big a Cubit is, but it is usually thought to be no-less than 18 Inches. Now, after the flood was over and the Ark came to rest on Mount Judy in the Ararat Mountain Range, the animals and Noah's family started to spread-out all over what was still just one huge continental land-mass. The account of the Earth's land-masses splitting apart is only very briefly mentioned in Genesis 10: 25. Apparently, in the generation of Eber, his two sons were named Peleg and Joktan, in commemoration of the event. This explains how animals that wouldn't stand a chance of getting from one continent to the next, if the oceans were in the way, didn't even need to get their feet wet. I hope Everybody finds this informative! very informative indeed... thank you. from what i know... when God created, he said "let us" which meant that he would be talking with the angels/jinns/dominions or whathaveyou... what would come out as offspring of fallen/rebelling angels and humans? either giants or great beasts or demons who eventually inhabited the earth... perhaps also participating in beastialities at the same time? have not they found the location of Noah's ark? carbon dating would pinpoint the possibility of what animals were put in it... but i doubt dinosaurs... |
Umm... Nephilim? Not quite sure where that fits in, but I hear they were responsible for a lot of "monsters" in the Bible and mythology. Nephilim being the blasphemous offspring of humans and (fallen) angels. ahaha I think I read that in book of Mortal Instruments XD i did not read that book... watched the movie tho ![]() |
The Nephilim were reportedly just great men of old and fierce, but they all died during the flood.
Yes, God did say, "Let us make man in our image" because, all the rest of God's spirit creations were there to witness the creation of Mankind. The remains of Noah's Ark are still on Mount Judy, but is very dilapidated and is most of the area has wrought-iron nails all over the place. |
While Adam and Eve begot Able, Cain, and Seth, they also begot daughters as well. Now, because Adam and Eve were the next closest thing to being perfect humans, it stands to reason their offspring were also capable of inbreeding for an indefinite period of time. Thus, after Cain murdered Able, there were two dominant lineages from Cain and Seth through an indefinite number of sisters of their own original parents. Only with the passing of time does the concept of incest become pertinent. Also, as time passes a broader number of immediate family members become ineligible as someone with whom One can get married to. ************ All Humanity Eventually Comes From Noah's Sons ************ Now, because all of humanity is wiped-out during the Great Flood of Noah's day, only Noah's three sons and their wives continue the lineage of humanity. These sons of Noah are called, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Again remember, because the further back in time humanity goes... The greater the variety of 'closer-to-perfection' gene-pool there is. In Genesis chapter 10, we can plainly read the displacement of the three dominant physical strains of humanity. Shem and his wife begat the lineage of Oriental peoples. Ham and his wife begat the lineage of Negro peoples. Japheth and his wife begat the lineage of Caucasian peoples. Noah doesn't have any more children upon disembarking, as his wife doesn't survive the voyage. (Surah 66: 10) Genesis 8:18 18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: I know where you're going with this... Noah's wife comes off the Ark, right? Here's the thing... She's not alive! Just resume looking for anymore children from Noah and his wife... There are none! Noah, actually has a pretty good excuse to have a drink... Think about it! (Genesis 9: 20+21) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
One Cubit, at as little as 18 inches, comes to:
A Box (Ark) no less than 450 Feet long, 75 Feet wide, and had 3 floors. So, 450 X 75 X 3 = 101,250 Square Feet of floor space, not including its roof which could also hold throngs of birds. (Another 33,750 Sq. Ft.) Again, these are the 'smallest' estimate. 3 Million of all pairs of one species needing passage? Probably not! |
Conrad, You couldn't even get the right number of people on board.
Good day, my head was still woozy the last time I posted....
Anyhoo... I don't buy dinosaurs being in the ark... Or being in existence along the same timeframe with the ark... I've looked through timeline differences of history and the bible... Obviously, a big discrepancy. Which is why I mentioned fallen/rebelling angels as becoming beasts and demons involved in beastialities... Maybe as punishment? Or maybe as part of their pride in experimentation in order to surpass their creator? Not so different from us I suppose... And we all know what happened to them... One day for God, may well be a thousand years for us.... In this case, our perception of time is flawed. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 02/26/15 07:36 PM
Who said the Dinosaurs were in the Ark?
Who said they survived the flood? It's an interesting theory that You have about beasts that 'merited' being left behind, Pansytilly. ![]() |
Haha... My mistake
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