Topic: BDSM relationships | |
Oh oh......I'll take her place ![]() OMG, where's No1. I need to borrow some Kleenex lol.......they don't have Kleenex in England? There's been a shortage since I joined Mingle ![]() For some reason I believe ![]() |
Oh oh......I'll take her place ![]() OMG, where's No1. I need to borrow some Kleenex lol.......they don't have Kleenex in England? There's been a shortage since I joined Mingle ![]() |
Oh oh......I'll take her place ![]() OMG, where's No1. I need to borrow some Kleenex lol.......they don't have Kleenex in England? There's been a shortage since I joined Mingle ![]() Yeah, I think it's called bounce isn't it, or something like that. |
Kleenex and kitchen towel ? Shouldn't it be sandpaper with this subject ? Oe maybe not,my eyes started watering at the mere thought of that...
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Oh oh......I'll take her place ![]() OMG, where's No1. I need to borrow some Kleenex lol.......they don't have Kleenex in England? There's been a shortage since I joined Mingle ![]() Yeah, I think it's called bounce isn't it, or something like that. |
Do you believe this lifestyle is healthy or not? I think "healthy sex" is a lifestyle and bondage and S & M can absolutely be a "part" of a healthy sexual lifestyle whether it's a couple's preferred choice, something they enjoy on occasion or just something they decide they want to experiment with... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My opinion?
Sex is not a high personal value to me as much as it is with other people. But I don't really knock it because when it's done right, words don't come close to describe it. For me, that life isn't my thing. I know it makes people feel happy so whatever, it doesn't matter as long as it's agreed upon and talked about. But just like anything else igniting gratification, BDSM can be addictive, just like a substance or drug you can't quit. I don't get the fascination with confusing pleasure with pain and it's not the same thing as trying new things whether it's sexually or something that makes me and my partner feel positive doing together. Everything must be talked about with your partner. Trust is universal in any companionship. If one wants to experiment then it's their prerogative, it's just not my bag. Doesn't make me wrong or right. |
Edited by
Tue 02/24/15 06:24 PM
Debbie some people are offended by it. That's the thing. Consented harm, violence, rape whatever is always wrong. Just like if someone consents to you shooting them in the head, if both partake in it, it's wrong, doesn't matter if it's consensual. The only difference is that BDSM is legal and I have noted that for this reason people are allowed to do it no matter if I think it's right or wrong. And again, some people who have been raped would be offended by BDSM and not by someone describing it as consensual rape. I never said it was rape, I said it was 2 people consenting to it. What is wrong with those people that they are turned on by rape? This is what someone who has been raped is thinking. You make no sense. Is assisted suicide always wrong? Aging patient, in pain, Asks Doctor to end their life because they don't want to suffer any longer. The patient CONSENTS that they want the Doctor(Trusted Figure) to end their life, and he CONSENTS to doing the procedure. Some states may argue on the legality or it, others on the morals, some based on religious views, but when it comes down to it, it is a consenting act between doctor and patient. Things aren't always black and white. Is it wrong to shoot a person in the head? your first answer is probably YES!, But now what if this person was holding a gun and firing into a crowded theater is it wrong to shoot him then? Your answer is probably NO! You can't always look at a action and judge it as "right" or "wrong" without first knowing the circumstances. in which these actions took place. If you judge BDSM strictly by the action, and not on the circumstances I can (almost) get to decision that you've come to, what you see is a "sub" getting "hurt" and wonder, how can they allow that?!?!? but there is more going on, and you'd have to understand the circumstances and nature which is it's not that they are "allowing" anything it's more that they are "asking" for something. But as will all moral/ethics there has to be some sort of ruler, to measure against...generally that rules is what "society" dictates is "acceptable".. Using your own logic, I could apply and older-sense of morals and say that any woman who has sex in the doggie position is being abused. I could state that putting a woman in that position is abuse, because it treats her as an animal, and any woman who allows that is consenting to be emotionally abused and that doggy position should be made illegal for such reasons. Now that knowing that the doggy position isn't illegal, but could it be? I'd argue yes...when it is done AGAINST someones will....OR when it goes too far...i.e locking a woman up, treating her like a dog 24/7, and taking away any human rights...that's abuse. Now back to BDSM, is it rape?...legally's consenting therefore it cannot be. Can it become abuse? When it is taken too far, and human rights are violated yes. Could it be construed as domestic violence? possibly, if it is taken too far, and/or without consent of one or both parties, circumstances would have to be looked it. Bottom line: Is BDSM wrong? When it is done with respect for each other, and between two trusting adults I don't believe so. Could BDSM be bad? Yes...when the mutual respect/trust is gone between parties yes it could end very badly |
BDSM... home to the original crazy monkey
I have it out of my system now.. Lol.. I'll stop.. ![]() |
BDSM relationships can be either healthy or unhealthy, just like pretty much any other type of relationship. It depends on the people and it depends on the relationship.
I know that's a really bland answer but... there's not much else to say about consenting adults. |
BDSM relationships can be either healthy or unhealthy, just like pretty much any other type of relationship. It depends on the people and it depends on the relationship. I know that's a really bland answer but... there's not much else to say about consenting adults. This is the majority opinion stated in the most reasonable way. Unfortunately, one unreasonable person doesn't like it so it's bad for everyone. |
All this talk.......would somebody just spank me!!
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Helllo every1
All this talk.......would somebody just spank me!! ![]() |
Debbie some people are offended by it. That's the thing. Consented harm, violence, rape whatever is always wrong. Just like if someone consents to you shooting them in the head, if both partake in it, it's wrong, doesn't matter if it's consensual. The only difference is that BDSM is legal and I have noted that for this reason people are allowed to do it no matter if I think it's right or wrong. And again, some people who have been raped would be offended by BDSM and not by someone describing it as consensual rape. I never said it was rape, I said it was 2 people consenting to it. What is wrong with those people that they are turned on by rape? This is what someone who has been raped is thinking. You make no sense. Is assisted suicide always wrong? Aging patient, in pain, Asks Doctor to end their life because they don't want to suffer any longer. The patient CONSENTS that they want the Doctor(Trusted Figure) to end their life, and he CONSENTS to doing the procedure. Some states may argue on the legality or it, others on the morals, some based on religious views, but when it comes down to it, it is a consenting act between doctor and patient. Things aren't always black and white. Is it wrong to shoot a person in the head? your first answer is probably YES!, But now what if this person was holding a gun and firing into a crowded theater is it wrong to shoot him then? Your answer is probably NO! You can't always look at a action and judge it as "right" or "wrong" without first knowing the circumstances. in which these actions took place. If you judge BDSM strictly by the action, and not on the circumstances I can (almost) get to decision that you've come to, what you see is a "sub" getting "hurt" and wonder, how can they allow that?!?!? but there is more going on, and you'd have to understand the circumstances and nature which is it's not that they are "allowing" anything it's more that they are "asking" for something. But as will all moral/ethics there has to be some sort of ruler, to measure against...generally that rules is what "society" dictates is "acceptable".. Using your own logic, I could apply and older-sense of morals and say that any woman who has sex in the doggie position is being abused. I could state that putting a woman in that position is abuse, because it treats her as an animal, and any woman who allows that is consenting to be emotionally abused and that doggy position should be made illegal for such reasons. Now that knowing that the doggy position isn't illegal, but could it be? I'd argue yes...when it is done AGAINST someones will....OR when it goes too far...i.e locking a woman up, treating her like a dog 24/7, and taking away any human rights...that's abuse. Now back to BDSM, is it rape?...legally's consenting therefore it cannot be. Can it become abuse? When it is taken too far, and human rights are violated yes. Could it be construed as domestic violence? possibly, if it is taken too far, and/or without consent of one or both parties, circumstances would have to be looked it. Bottom line: Is BDSM wrong? When it is done with respect for each other, and between two trusting adults I don't believe so. Could BDSM be bad? Yes...when the mutual respect/trust is gone between parties yes it could end very badly One could argue that assisted suicide is to end someone's pain, BDSM is to give someone pain. The best argument against assisted suicide is that 'suicidal people have a diminished capacity to make the decision to end their lives', and therefore it would be abuse to assist them in suicide. And this goes for BDSM too. People who seek pain instead of pleasure in order to feel good, have a diminished capacity for pleasure and it would be abuse to inflict pain on these people. |
Some people who have been raped might be offended by the whole idea of BDSM. Some people who haven't may be offended by it. If it's not your thing, that's fine. But that doesn't mean that it is equivalent to rape or domestic violence. And the fact that you're offended by someone else's sexual practices, provided it doesn't hurt you at all, is not a reason to tell them it's wrong. You don't like it. Fine. Don't do it. Why is that such a hard concept for you to grasp? I don't like the idea of sex with another man. Guess what? I don't do it. Whether someone else does or not is none of my concern. But I bet if I said on this forum how bad it is because it doesn't appeal to me, you would be among those critical of that. Am I right? Your right, I am offended that bdsm has been classed as rape. ![]() ![]() ![]() Rape is nothing but sadistic power over someone else, BDSM ..S stands for sadism D stands for Domination. And one must forfeit their will and submit in order to 'play', just like in rape. If someone enjoys rape (either doing it or being done to) is that there thing or are they in need of some serious counseling? Why should a healthy society embrace violence for any reason, sexual or otherwise? |
If BDSM is acceptable, then it could be argued that domestic violence is ok between 2 consenting adults because both condone the abuse. Would you agree with this statement? You are conflating completely separate issues. This is an apples and elephants comparison. Rough sex is hardly the same thing as punching your significant other in the face because dinner wasn't ready at exactly 6:00. And it has also been pointed out to you that there are many different levels of BDSM. Some people don't inflict any pain at all. But you are so wrapped up in your preconceived notion that it's all bad to you. You still haven't made any valid points other than "I don't like it" to support why you are against it. There has recently been a crack down in domestic violence around the world. Abusive men need a place to hide and legally practice what they do best. BDSM allows them to do this and even be proud of it under the guise of sexual freedom and tolerance. The women they choose are the same women who are used to pain, they cannot feel pleasure easily, they have been abused before in order to tolerate high levels of pain, and they are psychologically unable to differentiate love from abuse therefore they would accept these relationships as their norm. I don't believe these women are capable of consenting to these acts and I don't believe these men love their partners anymore than abusers do. Is it alright to have sex with a minor, someone who is intoxicated, or otherwise cannot consent? No. This is why most people are not into BDSM, because healthy people don't want to feel pain, being controlled, or feel like sex is rape. Healthy people seek mutual happiness and pleasure in sex. Unhealthy people like to exploit children, women or mentally ill.. This is why I'm against it, not because I want to tell people what to do, because I care about the victims and I am offended by the abusers. We should all care about this being normalized by society, and what it means we are teaching our children.. |
Some people who have been raped might be offended by the whole idea of BDSM. Some people who haven't may be offended by it. If it's not your thing, that's fine. But that doesn't mean that it is equivalent to rape or domestic violence. And the fact that you're offended by someone else's sexual practices, provided it doesn't hurt you at all, is not a reason to tell them it's wrong. You don't like it. Fine. Don't do it. Why is that such a hard concept for you to grasp? I don't like the idea of sex with another man. Guess what? I don't do it. Whether someone else does or not is none of my concern. But I bet if I said on this forum how bad it is because it doesn't appeal to me, you would be among those critical of that. Am I right? Your right, I am offended that bdsm has been classed as rape. ![]() ![]() ![]() Rape is nothing but sadistic power over someone else, BDSM ..S stands for sadism D stands for Domination. And one must forfeit their will and submit in order to 'play', just like in rape. If someone enjoys rape (either doing it or being done to) is that there thing or are they in need of some serious counseling? Why should a healthy society embrace violence for any reason, sexual or otherwise? I don't think its for me with my past, and I'm just not keen with trying, but if two adults have respect and 100 percent trust, and nothing is forced, it's NOT rape, really I do know. Also if bdsm is pleasurable for both, then I say go for it. Something that is pleasurable for both will only strengthen a relationship. So all good. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You are completely out of line and talking utter nonsense . I for one enjoy pain with my pleasure and submissive dominant role play . I have never been abused and I am certainly not a victim . You need to stop generalising . Bdsm is what you want it to be and people who practise it have no sexual hang ups as you apparently do . If you want to talk about rape and domestic violence I suggest you start another thread as you are completely off topic and quite frankly insulting anyone who does not conform to your narrow closed views of sexuality . You are not a victim because you consent to being physically violated? I only question why would someone consent to things that are by definition violating, and why would someone want someone to consent? I question how consent makes something so awful turn into fun and games suddenly? Under the conditions of BDSM I question the sanity and the intentions of the people involved. I have not insulted anyone for their sexual beliefs, but many here have insulted me for my opinions which is what the op asked for, and no one has been offended by those who have insulted me for stating my own opinion. You are doing exactly what you accuse me of, saying that I must have sexual hang ups because I don't seek pleasure in sadistic violence!? Really? I don't think people should conform to my views!? My views are not narrow or closed, in fact they are open and objective. I look at BDSM for what it is and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If that offends you, I'm sorry because that is obviously not what my intention is. This thread was so that we could discuss different views on BDSM after all! |
You are completely out of line and talking utter nonsense . I for one enjoy pain with my pleasure and submissive dominant role play . I have never been abused and I am certainly not a victim . You need to stop generalising . Bdsm is what you want it to be and people who practise it have no sexual hang ups as you apparently do . If you want to talk about rape and domestic violence I suggest you start another thread as you are completely off topic and quite frankly insulting anyone who does not conform to your narrow closed views of sexuality . You are not a victim because you consent to being physically violated? I only question why would someone consent to things that are by definition violating, and why would someone want someone to consent? I question how consent makes something so awful turn into fun and games suddenly? Under the conditions of BDSM I question the sanity and the intentions of the people involved. I have not insulted anyone for their sexual beliefs, but many here have insulted me for my opinions which is what the op asked for, and no one has been offended by those who have insulted me for stating my own opinion. You are doing exactly what you accuse me of, saying that I must have sexual hang ups because I don't seek pleasure in sadistic violence!? Really? I don't think people should conform to my views!? My views are not narrow or closed, in fact they are open and objective. I look at BDSM for what it is and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If that offends you, I'm sorry because that is obviously not what my intention is. This thread was so that we could discuss different views on BDSM after all! I appreciate reading everyone's views, including yours estelle ![]() |