Topic: BDSM relationships | |
I am as happy and intelligent as the next person..and what does that have to do with this?
I think you should get another hobby other than telling me not to have the opinion I have. BDSM is not cool. It hurts women. I don't buy it. It is domestic violence and rape. The world would be healthier without it. End of story. |
.4u m..
there is a woman on here I would just love.. to have her dominate. over me. she could put me on a collar and leash.... lead me around the house on all. fours... use me as a footstool...mmm.... bend me over the kitchen table... with my chaps on.. .. nothing else..... and spank my buttocks with a ping pong paddle... ..... just because I over salted the spaghetti water...mmmmm..... ....... must sit down now blood is rushing from my head... feeling dizzy.. ![]() |
I am as happy and intelligent as the next person..and what does that have to do with this? I think you should get another hobby other than telling me not to have the opinion I have. BDSM is not cool. It hurts women. I don't buy it. It is domestic violence and rape. The world would be healthier without it. End of story. Again, you are making blind assumptions based on your preferences. No one is trying to persuade you do what you don't like. On the other side of that, however, is that it's not your place to tell anyone else what's best for them. That's the whole premise of your argument. "I don't like it, that means it's bad, and no one should like it." Why is that your business? It's not. If you don't like it, that's fine. Don't do it. No one is trying to persuade you to do what you don't like. People are simply trying to educate you about why your assumptions are incorrect. Unfortunately, you prefer to keep your preconceived notions and ignore facts. If it's not your thing, fine. But it's also not your place to judge others because they sin differently than you. |
It isn't rape, nor domestic violence and it isn't hurting anyone, everyone involved, in this lifestyle, are CONSENTING ADULTS .......nobody is forcing them to participate, they do it of their own free will. Just because you think it's wrong, does not make it wrong for someone else . You can have your opinion but they can also have theirs.
Edited by
Wed 02/25/15 11:14 PM
I'm not buying it. I have my opinion, you guys should really learn to accept other people's opinions. You have yours, I have mine. What's the problem? Come on, let's just agree to disagree..
I'm not buying it. I have my opinion, you guys should really learn to accept other people's opinions. You have yours, I have mine. What's the problem? The problem is that you also need to learn to accept other peoples opinions! |
I'm not buying it. I have my opinion, you guys should really learn to accept other people's opinions. You have yours, I have mine. What's the problem? The problem is that you also need to learn to accept other peoples opinions! I do accept other people's opinions, it doesn't mean I agree with them. |
Edited by
Wed 02/25/15 11:19 PM
I'm not buying it. I have my opinion, you guys should really learn to accept other people's opinions. You have yours, I have mine. What's the problem? The problem is that you also need to learn to accept other peoples opinions! I do accept other people's opinions, it doesn't mean I agree with them. Nobody said you had to.....but if you're going to start a thread atleast have your facts straight and know what you are talking about. |
I'm not buying it. I have my opinion, you guys should really learn to accept other people's opinions. You have yours, I have mine. What's the problem? The problem is that you also need to learn to accept other peoples opinions! I do accept other people's opinions, it doesn't mean I agree with them. No one is asking you to agree. But when you disagree based on things that are not true, maybe it would be a good idea to educate yourself on the topic before trying to argue a point. You keep repeating yourself and you keep getting debunked with facts, but the facts don't support your opinion so you make up new "facts" that are untrue. No one is trying to force an opinion on you, but you are refusing to accept that reasonable people may actually be into that lifestyle. Instead of screaming rape and domestic abuse, which has been refuted time and again, try using facts to support your opinions instead of letting an opinion get in the way of learning a truth that you don't like. |
Well I think you guys should your facts straight too. But why do you want to keep telling me I can't have my opinion. We should agree to disagree, if you two are capable of it that is.
Well I think you guys should your facts straight too. But why do you want to keep telling me I can't have my opinion. We should agree to disagree, if you two are capable of it that is. It's easy to snipe like that, but what facts have I gotten wrong? And not once did I say or indicate in any way that you can't have your opinion. I've merely suggested that you educate yourself and then form an opinion instead of forming an opinion and rejecting anything, even facts, that contradict that opinion. |
You are not educated on this topic and I am. I can agree to disagree with you on the whole thing. I have been so kind as to offer you 3 times now to respect each other's opinion, here is last chance...take it or leave it..
Here we go again........ and I was just starting to enjoy the 'discussion' and learning about BDSM! I am a little naive about this subject, you know!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe, we should flip this page or start a new thread with 'Agreeing to disagree' and then everyone can be diplomatic about it. This is starting to sound like..... 'yes you did' 'no you didn't'.....'yes' 'no'....... hmmm! In some situations, the bickering couples end up together!!! Hmmmmm.......Maddog & Estelle ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where is Ms Fawn and the popcorn when you need it? |
Wow.....guess you've been told!'s easier to walk away then to continue banging your head on the's not worth it.......she knows everything and to argue is topic!
You are not educated on this topic and I am. I can agree to disagree with you on the whole thing. I have been so kind as to offer you 3 times now to respect each other's opinion, here is last chance...take it or leave it.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Again, you snipe and say I'm uneducated on the subject, but you can't point out where I'm wrong. I'm not going to give you the last word, therefore the satisfaction of "winning" when you have failed to refute a single fact that has been presented except, "I don't like it. That makes it bad. Anyone who disagrees is stupid." If it's not your thing, fine. But your judgmental attitude anyone else is the problem. Saying you are educated doesn't make it so, especially when you have provided absolutely no facts. |
Here we go again........ and I was just starting to enjoy the 'discussion' and learning about BDSM! I am a little naive about this subject, you know!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe, we should flip this page or start a new thread with 'Agreeing to disagree' and then everyone can be diplomatic about it. This is starting to sound like..... 'yes you did' 'no you didn't'.....'yes' 'no'....... hmmm! In some situations, the bickering couples end up together!!! Hmmmmm.......Maddog & Estelle ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where is Ms Fawn and the popcorn when you need it? Seems like online BDSM going on here... Except there's no designated "sub" and no agreed upon "safe word"... I'm expecting the mods will be coming in shortly.... |
Wow.....guess you've been told!'s easier to walk away then to continue banging your head on the's not worth it.......she knows everything and to argue is topic! We chinese have a saying 'sai hei'....literally meaning 'waste one's breath' when talking to someone who doesn't listen! I prefer saving that for kissing!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() But that doesn't mean that I approve of BDSM......I am not into it! Just some general knowledge is good. Or else, my Master Joethebricky will say we 'chinese' are a 'confused' and ignorant lot! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have my opinion, is that a crime or what? You people have issues if you can't AGREE TO DISAGREE in a public forum.
Edited by
Thu 02/26/15 12:20 AM
I have my opinion, is that a crime or what? You people have issues if you can't AGREE TO DISAGREE in a public forum. That could have happened long ago had you not come in with your holier than thou attitude, and making up "facts" to fit an opinion, and taking cheap potshots at anyone who tried to explain why you were factually incorrect. You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. And "you people?" Is that a sexist comment? |
I believe that the original question was whether it was healthy or not...
That would mean you'd have to define healthy... Healthy... Psychologically, physically, sexually, culturally, morally, traditionally... Etc... Lots of aspects... And at the same time define Deviancy and Normalcy in correlation with Health, universally speaking, that is.... So all opinions are potentially valid based on facts relating to various aspects of the topic... How one states their opinions remains a matter of assertion... And a mindedness to appreciate or not, another's take on a subject... Peace out |