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Topic: How Do You feel right now? - part 2
no photo
Fri 03/27/15 03:45 PM
frustratedmad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 07:50 PM
I'm feeling soooooo sleepy. Not my boys though... still going strong.yawn

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:17 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 03/27/15 08:18 PM
I do not know how to describe how I'm feeling.... what do you call ,that feeling you get... when you are the last one in the grocery store.. on a Friday night.... you are the last one to leave that now empty parking lot..

..... and you look across the street at the upscale restaurant.... watching all the happy couples going in for dinner... and drinks......
... and as you take the last few drags of your cigarette and then , drop it to the ground.. butt it out with the toe of your shoe...
... turn back around and face the now quiet supermarket... with its lights turned off... and only its neon flickering brightly...

.... what is the name for that feeling that comes over you at that moment.....

..... that name is how I feel right now..

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:19 PM

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:21 PM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Fri 03/27/15 08:22 PM
It's called...Pull them big girl panties up..ummm wait that's not right...
huh laugh flowers
That's what I tell myself.

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:22 PM

I do not know how to describe how I'm feeling.... what do you call ,that feeling you get... when you are the last one in the grocery store.. on a Friday night.... you are the last one to leave that now empty parking lot..

..... and you look across the street at the upscale restaurant.... watching all the happy couples going in for dinner... and drinks......
... and as you take the last few drags of your cigarette and then , drop it to the ground.. butt it out with the toe of your shoe...
... turn back around and face the now quiet supermarket... with its lights turned off... and only its neon flickering brightly...

.... what is the name for that feeling that comes over you at that moment.....

..... that name is how I feel right now..

Whatever that feeling is - I think we know what you're talking about


I think you are under-appreciated ...

elle_rose's photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:22 PM
busy preparing lunch, relaxing though ....

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:23 PM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Fri 03/27/15 08:23 PM

I do not know how to describe how I'm feeling.... what do you call ,that feeling you get... when you are the last one in the grocery store.. on a Friday night.... you are the last one to leave that now empty parking lot..

..... and you look across the street at the upscale restaurant.... watching all the happy couples going in for dinner... and drinks......
... and as you take the last few drags of your cigarette and then , drop it to the ground.. butt it out with the toe of your shoe...
... turn back around and face the now quiet supermarket... with its lights turned off... and only its neon flickering brightly...

.... what is the name for that feeling that comes over you at that moment.....

..... that name is how I feel right now..

Whatever that feeling is - I think we know what you're talking about


I think you are under-appreciated ...

Well said!

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:31 PM
. overworked underpaid and underappreciated... just to mention a few..lol.. thanks ladies..flowerforyou

.... life is funny that way..
. sometimes Friday nights its all disco balls and dancing shoes..
... other times it's just you and the loneliness......

.... oh well!!.. who wants to bake cupcakes..lol..

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:36 PM
We could make jello jigglers...
I have an Easter box of them.

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:38 PM
are those anything like jello shooters.?

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 08:41 PM

. overworked underpaid and underappreciated... just to mention a few..lol.. thanks ladies..flowerforyou

.... life is funny that way..
. sometimes Friday nights its all disco balls and dancing shoes..
... other times it's just you and the loneliness......

.... oh well!!.. who wants to bake cupcakes..lol..

There he is again...always trying to get the ladies in the kitchen...where he can butter them up...:laughing: waving

dreamerana's photo
Fri 03/27/15 09:13 PM

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 09:17 PM

. overworked underpaid and underappreciated... just to mention a few..lol.. thanks ladies..flowerforyou

.... life is funny that way..
. sometimes Friday nights its all disco balls and dancing shoes..
... other times it's just you and the loneliness......

.... oh well!!.. who wants to bake cupcakes..lol..

There he is again...always trying to get the ladies in the kitchen...where he can butter them up...:laughing: waving ..
..ohh.. butter.. that reminds me of banana bread..
.mmmm.... I make a awesome banana bread... I put crushed nuts in it.. walnuts to be exact...mmm..laugh :wink:

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 10:48 PM
Did you say nuts? Come here, my beautiful squirrel!

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 10:54 PM
makes the sign of a gun with his hand..
putts it up to his head..
Hmm.no.. must be sure about this..
opens his mouth.. slides finger barrel into his mouth... thinks to himself..
. no don't think! just do trust me !its for the best.... cocks the thumb trigger back....click...click CLICK..CLICK.... DANG IT MY POWDER IS WET...WHYYYYYYY..slaphead frustrated frustrated

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 10:59 PM
Coward. You can't even get that one right. *snickers*

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 11:04 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 03/27/15 11:37 PM
Son of a &%*#%!.. stomps out of room.. walks out to tool shed..
..bang bang .. crash.. rattle rattle.
%&#%&&....ohhh.. BINGO... places a 5 gallon steel oil drum over top of the dynamite.... sits on top of it... takes the fuse in one hand... pat pat pat.. SON OF A BOX OF RAISINS.. OUT OF MATCHES...

no photo
Fri 03/27/15 11:06 PM
Watches you with amusement

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/27/15 11:28 PM
Edited by no1phD on Fri 03/27/15 11:41 PM
.. gets up looks out of garden shed.
yep.. you are still there..hmm
... paces up and down the yard.
..... I GOT IT.. runs into house.
. grabs the car keys... runs back outside... as he runs past you..
. turns his head. towards YOU.. AND LAUGHS.. A CRAZY LAUGH..
runs into garage... jumps into car starts it and doesn't even open garage door just drives right through it...

. HAHA.HAHAHAHA.. GUNS ACCELERATOR...... .POINTS nose of the car... towards the cliffs leading down to the North Saskatchewan River..

... CLUNK CLUNK. clunk clunk...
.. looks down at gas gauge..


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