Topic: Stand your ground Law should it be changed or reformed? | |
My point is according to Sharpton himself, and others, I'm evil because my ancestors are not from Africa and I didn't vote for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sharpton gives a voice to Sharpton. He's against realizing MLK's Dream, and actively works against the Dream for his own relevance. your hangup, he has never said it,,, |
Ever heard the saying, "actions speak louder than words?" And he has made racist and antisemitic statements. Look it up. We have this really cool thing called Google that makes his racism easy to find.
Ever heard the saying, "actions speak louder than words?" And he has made racist and antisemitic statements. Look it up. We have this really cool thing called Google that makes his racism easy to find. I don't need to,,I wont find what you claim he hasn't said people are evil if they aren't from Africa he hasn't said people are evil if they didn't vote Obama He has made a voice for himself , and through that voice, through his association with someone, they suddenly share that spotlight,, and hence have a voice he does plenty for mlks dream,, just not the one sided one that people love to believe in' over the past few years, I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler of rht Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice. -Letter from Birmingham city jail (1963) many white Americans of good will have NEVER connected bigotry with economic exploitation. They have deplored prejudice BUT tolerated or ignored economic injustice. --- Why we cant wait (1964) Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. ---Letter from Birmingham city jail (1963) DEMANDED< not hoped for, not asked politely, not waited patiently , DEMANDED ,,which is what Sharptons and others step in to do,,, |
Quoting MLK's letters, and that Sharpton didn't use the exact words, but still presents himself that way does nothing to change the fact that Sharpton is a hustler who uses any situation he thinks will help him promote himself at the expense of, well, anyone, because Sharpton cares about Sharpton. Why are you unwilling to look up his racist history? Are you afraid the truth will get in the way of your opinions?
Quoting MLK's letters, and that Sharpton didn't use the exact words, but still presents himself that way does nothing to change the fact that Sharpton is a hustler who uses any situation he thinks will help him promote himself at the expense of, well, anyone, because Sharpton cares about Sharpton. Why are you unwilling to look up his racist history? Are you afraid the truth will get in the way of your opinions? why are you unwilling to look up his PRESENT and CURRENT History instead of harping on past of decades ago..? afraid it will get in the way of YOUR opinion? ![]() |
Because he hasn't changed. I can see his current activities, and he is still a self promoting hustler who uses anyone and any situation to advance himself.
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Can we stop accusing racism for EVERY situation involving people of different races? And why is it OK to focus on the relatively rare white on black (Zimmerman was is biracial, as I pointed out earlier, but he doesn't have a Spanish name so the Hispanic part of his lineage doesn't count?) violence, but the daily black on black we can ignore? Why? If "black lives matter," and they do (ALL lives matter! I realize it's racist to say all, but that's true) then why do Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and all these protesters ignore the young black men gunned down EVERY DAY in Chicago, Detroit, Washington, Cleveland, and cities from coast to coast? The White Man is NOT the biggest threat to young black males, and neither are the police. Young black males are the biggest threat to young black males. That is the truth. You said: "Young black males are the biggest threat to young black males. That is the truth." That is not the truth, it is a small piece of the puzzle. You want to explain the huge proportions of black on black crime due to being black. This is the racist view and there are some key underlying factors that you choose to ignore. It all goes back to the slavery of blacks in America and until you look at all the history up until now concerning the treatment of blacks compared to other races you will remain ignorant and racist. |
So I'm a racist because I pointed out that young black males commit 90% of the murders of young black males? That's the truth! If the truth makes me a racist, you have a distorted view of racism.
Slavery ended 150 years ago. No one alive today was a slave or owned a slave. Yes, it was wrong, but the majority of white people, even in the South, did NOT own slaves, and in fact, white Christians are the ones who fought the hardest against slavery. Your argument is weak. Additionally, blacks were not the only people kept as slaves. The Irish were also enslaved. You, not I, could benefit from opening a history book. I know history. So slavery that ended 150 years ago is the reason young black males kill young black males? Wow! And I'm a racist if I point out that young black males are a bigger threat to young black males than anyone else? Excuse me for letting truth shape my opinions instead of, like you, letting opinions shape my truth. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You are narrow minded on the topic of blacks in America. You skipped from slavery to now as if there was no in between to get to now. Here is another hint: it started out as whites against blacks in America, now the blacks have turned on each other. Then look at it as a process. Or stay narrow-minded and yes, racist.
We can also look at the Native Americans and see what the invaders did to them. To this day they are suffering the consequences. If only the Native Americans could have fought back harder against their intruders, but then people like you would be calling them terrorists right? |
So I'm a narrow minded racist because I don't twist history to fit my opinions? Who sold those Africans into slavery in the first place? Other Africans, perhaps? And the Native Americans just all lived peacefully before the evil white people came here? If you want me to feel bad because I'm a white, heterosexual, Christian male, that's never going to happen. My ancestors had nothing to do with slavery for at least as far back as I've been able to trace my lineage. Actually, that's not completely true because some of my ancestors were slaves. Should I still holding a grudge? And by the way, slaves from Ireland were worth less, monetarily, than slaves from Africa, and as such, were treated worse. But I don't expect someone who forms facts around opinions to understand.
My point is according to Sharpton himself, and others, I'm evil because my ancestors are not from Africa and I didn't vote for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sharpton gives a voice to Sharpton. He's against realizing MLK's Dream, and actively works against the Dream for his own relevance. your hangup, he has never said it,,, ![]() Gee,what a lovable Character! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My point is according to Sharpton himself, and others, I'm evil because my ancestors are not from Africa and I didn't vote for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sharpton gives a voice to Sharpton. He's against realizing MLK's Dream, and actively works against the Dream for his own relevance. your hangup, he has never said it,,, ![]() Gee,what a lovable Character! ![]() ![]() ![]() That's only one example. |
My point is according to Sharpton himself, and others, I'm evil because my ancestors are not from Africa and I didn't vote for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sharpton gives a voice to Sharpton. He's against realizing MLK's Dream, and actively works against the Dream for his own relevance. your hangup, he has never said it,,, ![]() Gee,what a lovable Character! ![]() ![]() ![]() That's only one example. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 02/17/15 03:18 AM
But if you ask Estelle, I'm the racist because I dare to be a white, heterosexual, Christian male who doesn't blindly accept distorted history.
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But if you ask Estelle, I'm the racist because I dare to be a white, heterosexual, Christian male who doesn't blindly accept distorted history. ![]() ![]() ![]() But so are most who are living in Erdogan's Caliphate! ![]() |
I don't think you should be ashamed of yourself for being white or being a man or whatever you happen to be, unless you are racist and sexist, then you ought to be ashamed of yourself especially when you know better.
Erdogan is messed up isn't he? Well, at least we agree on one thing.
I don't think you should be ashamed of yourself for being white or being a man or whatever you happen to be, unless you are racist and sexist, then you ought to be ashamed of yourself especially when you know better. As you accused me of being with your first comment on this thread. And based on so many of your posts, apparently you do believe being male is something to apologize for, because you make openly misandrist statements often. I can't imagine how much energy it takes to carry around so much hatred. |
I don't think you should be ashamed of yourself for being white or being a man or whatever you happen to be, unless you are racist and sexist, then you ought to be ashamed of yourself especially when you know better. As you accused me of being with your first comment on this thread. And based on so many of your posts, apparently you do believe being male is something to apologize for, because you make openly misandrist statements often. I can't imagine how much energy it takes to carry around so much hatred. Being a male you should be aware of certain inequities that your gender has put upon females..with awareness comes understanding, with understanding comes stop hating and start living. |