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Topic: measles, CDC data proves
mysticalview21's photo
Tue 02/10/15 11:08 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Tue 02/10/15 11:30 AM
rofl rofl

vaccines should be a choice... but if you go back in history they did not have a lot of them back then ... what about the lepers... no not the ones in my head slaphead ... how many died from that ... look at what some got while in the army and have died from it today ...
agent orange... an can not go into great details... how how some of these wars where fought... we have diseases now that are a huge mystery and not many talk about those ... but I know first hand ... that we do ... and some say you should get them when in schools and even as baby's and the measles are not the only cases out there... their saying a few cases of the mumps to now ... some can not get vacs for certain diseases because of some insurance... so not everyone will get vacs ... guess... that's why it should be a choice at this point ... an some say you rep what you sow... that just means... you take your chances if you don't or can't ... I said this before you want those that tested for experiments it can be called going in to the army ... will never for get standing in line and some guy started talking to me just got of the port for awhile ... but had to get Vaccinations he said have know Idea what they gave me ... would not tell me ... just had to get them ...

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 03/02/15 04:56 PM
Natural News...says it all.slaphead

Now for a little balance:


Conrad_73's photo
Tue 03/03/15 08:55 AM

Aliens killed the dinosaurs.
They were also responsible for Woodstock.spock

I was in Nam, but I have friends who were there who would probably swear to that! laugh

Actually,it was the Measles combined with Chickenpox!

OH! Now that's just too far Con! Ya gotta love Charlie! Would you have the balls to be seen on television on your baddest hair day?...... even if it was every day? laugh

But in a way the statement is true...... what is a meteorite if not alien?

Could you imagine the evolution of human life if the aliens hadn't steered that meteorite at earth and wiped out the dinosaurs? rofl

And Morgan Freeman had a hand in it too bigsmile

Sometimes even the brightest bulb in the box can burn out from over use......

What if??????

Aliens came to Earth millions of years ago!!!

... and discovered that dinosaurs were good to eat!!!?
tasted like Chicken,and the Drumstick were enormous!laugh

However,"Doctor" Mercola wouldn't tell you,his Homeopathic Supplements leave them tasteless!laugh

no photo
Tue 03/03/15 11:11 PM
vaccines are poison and are dangerous. if they are so safe, why has the government paid out over 4 billion dollars since the 1990s to people who were harmed by vaccines? I don't think measles has ever killed anyone, but the vaccines have. people should have the right to choose what goes into their body or their kids bodies. the best is that lawmaker who wants to make laws about vaccines stricter because "i don't want my kids, who are vaccinated, going to school and getting measles from an unvaccinated kid". if the vaccine is so effective why would u worry about your vaccinated kids getting measles from an unvaccinated kid. if the vaccine is so effective and you already have it, what are you worried about? its not going to get any better until people grow a set and stand up for themselves. the nanny state we live in is ridiculous and its gonna keep getting worse till the people push back. to be honest I cant believe most americans put up with as much as they do. the fact that we pay an income tax (which is illegal) just goes to show you most americans are too pus*y to stand up for themselves. the gov is like give us a 3rd of your paycheck and instead of people being like "no, that's illegal" they just give in. income tax = slavery clear and simple. forced vaccinations = no freedom of choice. just because our government tells us we are free, does not mean we are free. we are so free, but get caught growing the wrong plant in your garden and good old government is gonna throw your a** in a cage for YEARS of your life. now that's what I call freedom!

MadDog1974's photo
Tue 03/03/15 11:21 PM
So you don't trust the government, but cite the CDC, which is a government agency? Do you not see the hypocrisy?

no photo
Wed 03/04/15 12:30 AM
the only hypocrisy i see lies within the government. in an earlier post i said "I don't think measles has ever killed anyone" that is not what i meant, it was a typo, i didn't proofread my post before posting. what i was trying to say is that measles is very rarely fatal. your more likely to die from the vaccine itself, than the actual disease. the hypocrisy i see is one gov. official telling u that by law u should have to get the vaccine because the disease is so dangerous and that theres no negative effects from the vaccine, while another official is saying the vaccine is worse than the disease. that is hypocrisy.

MadDog1974's photo
Wed 03/04/15 12:46 AM
Ok, but you still cite the same government that you admittedly don't trust. If the government is not to be trusted (a premise I agree with), then why is it logical to believe this one agency, but not that one? The bureaucrats at the CDC work for the same government as the bureaucrats in the Surgeon General's office. If we can't trust the government, why are you so quick to trust the CDC? Especially considering that others on this thread have debunked your original post.

no photo
Wed 03/04/15 01:04 AM
because by them saying that the vaccine is more dangerous than the actual disease, I tend to believe them because they have nothing to gain by expressing the negatives of it. where as vaccines are made by pharma companies who have a big stake in making the disease look worse than the vaccine because they stand to make money from it. not every single person in the government is corrupt, most are but not all.

MadDog1974's photo
Wed 03/04/15 01:28 PM
Yet you completely ignore when someone else debunks your entire argument. I can play the conspiracy theory game too. What if the CDC is trying to scare people to become anti-vaxers because their agency is losing relevance? What if vaccines are eradicating so many diseases that they don't have enough to control, and only by reintroducing them can they remain a "necessary" government agency? Yet another problem with conspiracy theorists is that they refuse to consider anything that doesn't support their theory.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:53 PM

Yet you completely ignore when someone else debunks your entire argument. I can play the conspiracy theory game too. What if the CDC is trying to scare people to become anti-vaxers because their agency is losing relevance? What if vaccines are eradicating so many diseases that they don't have enough to control, and only by reintroducing them can they remain a "necessary" government agency? Yet another problem with conspiracy theorists is that they refuse to consider anything that doesn't support their theory.
im not here to argue, like I said you do make some good points and seem to be pretty knowledgeable. anything I post is purely my opinion. my opinion is vaccines are more dangerous than we are led to believe. and the idea that the government should be able to force people to put something into ones own body is ridiculous. im not some crazy whacked out conspiracy theorist, I just tend to question things more than most other people. all people should question everything and not just blindly follow the advice of criminals(politicians) who care only about keeping their position and $$$. and also you said I ignore when someone debunks my entire article, I wasn't aware that anyone debunked my article. some officials are corrupt, some aren't, maybe the head of the CDC is one of the non corrupt ones?

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 06:46 PM
Where we agree is that vaccines should be left to the individual. My opinion is that in most cases, being vaccinated is the wiser option based on the flimsy (at best) evidence used by most anti-vaxers that has been debunked, and the fact that we've pretty much eradicated some nasty diseases and there has been no definitive link drawn between vaccines and autism or, in extremely rare cases, death because of an allergy. Should the government tell you to vaccinate your kids? No. You should be smart enough to make that decision for yourself. Just make an informed decision that's not based on junk science. If you have something solid to support not vaccinating, you should be free to make that determination on your own. I disagree with that choice based on the information I have. My biggest issue with your original post was not that I have a different opinion. It was that you were citing a government agency as evidence that the government is lying. If the government is dishonest, why is one agency trustworthy?

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 06:55 PM

Where we agree is that vaccines should be left to the individual. My opinion is that in most cases, being vaccinated is the wiser option based on the flimsy (at best) evidence used by most anti-vaxers that has been debunked, and the fact that we've pretty much eradicated some nasty diseases and there has been no definitive link drawn between vaccines and autism or, in extremely rare cases, death because of an allergy. Should the government tell you to vaccinate your kids? No. You should be smart enough to make that decision for yourself. Just make an informed decision that's not based on junk science. If you have something solid to support not vaccinating, you should be free to make that determination on your own. I disagree with that choice based on the information I have. My biggest issue with your original post was not that I have a different opinion. It was that you were citing a government agency as evidence that the government is lying. If the government is dishonest, why is one agency trustworthy?
so we agree that it should be a choice, and not forced upon you, ok. like I said earlier you make some valid points. as far as the cdc and the gov as a whole, if u put 100 people in a room, 90 of which are liers, doesn't mean the other 10 cant be trusted.

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 07:14 PM
It should definitely be a choice. And as for the bureaucracies and politicians, we know that as a whole, they are generally not to be trusted because they care less about governing and more about amassing power and ruling. Jefferson and Madison warned us that even our own representative republic could become a corrupt, tyrannical monstrosity if left unchecked by the citizenry. It went unchecked for a long time. How do we discern which bureaucrats are honest and which are dishonest?

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 07:30 PM

It should definitely be a choice. And as for the bureaucracies and politicians, we know that as a whole, they are generally not to be trusted because they care less about governing and more about amassing power and ruling. Jefferson and Madison warned us that even our own representative republic could become a corrupt, tyrannical monstrosity if left unchecked by the citizenry. It went unchecked for a long time. How do we discern which bureaucrats are honest and which are dishonest?
wish I knew the answer to that. seems like anyone who tries to check them either dies ends up in jail or is made to seem like an extremist. im sure that discourages the masses from checking them.

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 08:36 PM
Which just answered my question. Don't trust them precisely because they are with the government. We are not supposed to trust the government. Jefferson told us this around the time he was drafting the Declaration of Independence.

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