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Wed 02/25/15 08:09 AM
..."All of us are taught by the same God, so we should expect to find the same teachings and practices everywhere. The only differences would be determined by where people have lived and what means were available to them.
Long before writing came to us, we learned by observing the seasons and nature.., by experiencing and studying with Elders... and by listening to the Higher Ones... In the beginning,.., they taught our ancestors things, which were to be passed down.., from generation to generation..".... ---- Fools Crow |
..."Only rarely.., do we hear the actual voices of Wakan-Tanka and the helpers..., although I do when I spirit travel... and I have heard His Voice twice, in visions..
Mostly.., I receive their directions and advice through meditating with concentration tools... and through through signs...., or things other people say to me...".... ---- FOOLS CROW |
i was looking for this thread
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..."The survival of the world....., ....depends upon our sharing what we have.... and working together.
If we don't.., the whole world will die.. First the planet.. and next... the people..".... ..(then he added).... .."The ones who complain and talk the most about giving away medicine secrets..., are always those who know the least..." ..(He had little time, for anyone who attempted to keep blessings to themselves)... ---- FOOLS CROW |
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Wed 02/25/15 08:31 AM
..."Fools Crow and Black Elk were convinced that the Supreme Being they worshiped.., was the One True God of the Bible....., which was an even stronger reason to share gifts with.. all people.
Sadly though.., it has taken centuries fro any of the Christian churches both this truth of a common God... and the fact that Christians can learn a great deal about Spirituality.., from the Native Americans..".... ---- Thomas E. Mails (Lutheran Minister/ Artist/ Illustrator/ Writer (1920-2001) |
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Wed 02/25/15 08:57 AM
..."To be a clean hollow bone.., you must first live as I have..., or if you have not done this already.., you must begin to do it..
....You must love everyone..., ....put others first.., moral.., ....keep your life in order..., ....not do anything criminal.... ...and have good character"... ..."If you do not do these things.., you will be easily tricked.. ....and become a hollow bone for the powers of evil..".... ..."You must also serve the Higher Powers.., for only what you should reasonably expect.... If you demand more than this from the people you help.., any power you receive... will come from the evil ones... and it will hurt what you are trying to do"... ..."Also...., if people come to you just because they are curious... and want you to perform some miracle for them..., should ignore them.."... ---- Grandfather Frank Fools Crow --------------------------------- **** NOTE: I would personally advise anyone and everyone interested in working in this field *"voluntarily" ....and NOT for ANY form of payment, (as some New Age and others seem to think is okay to do.. It is not...)... read this post at least four times.. and come back and read it again, many more times, each year.. I have seen and experienced with my own eyes, ears and other senses.., many medicine people, shamans, priests and many others proclaiming to be working for the good of all.., forget this.. (and/or they were never taught this in the first place)... and I watched as they lost their abilities and caused more harm, than good..., for others... and for themselves..") **** |
..."The true medicine person and the holy person do not try to cheat.., to just get by.., or to fool anyone.
Instead.., they are the ones who always work and study the hardest.. As long as we have the strength to do Wakan-Tonka's will..., we work at our job, constantly. Although we keep our lives in balance.., we don't waste time. People can do anything.., if they want to do it badly enough.... Of course.., medicine persons must take the time to actually experience things..., to know how they truly are... Can we know how rain or snow feels.., without being out in it..? Can we know how a Sun Dance feels.., without experiencing what a dancer does..? Can we know about suffering.., if we don't suffer..? ..Another thing medicine people need.., is a good sense of humor... ....You know that I enjoy life and like to laugh.. Laughter breaks the tension.. It is a very good healer... And.., it keeps us from taking life too seriously..".... ![]() ---- FOOLS CROW |
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Wed 02/25/15 09:21 AM
...."When I was 10 years of age.., I looked at the land and the rivers.., the sky above... and the animals around me...
..and I could not fail to realize.., that they were made from some greater power... ..I was so anxious to understand this power.., that I questioned the trees and the bushes... ...It seemed as though, the flowers were staring at me...and I wanted to ask them: .."Who made you?"... ....I looked at the moss-covered stones ... Some of them seemed to have the features off a man.., but they could not answer me.. Then.., I had a dream... and in my dream..., one of those small, round stones appeared to me... and told me that the maker of all was Wakan-Tonka.... and in order to to honor him.., I must honor his works in nature.. ...The stone said.., that by my search.., I had shown myself worthy of supernatural help... It said.., that if I were curing a sick person.., I might ask for it's assistance.... (It said) .. That all the forces of nature.., would help me work a cure..".... ---- BRAVE BUFFALO *(After this dream, Brave Buffalo found his first Sacred Stone) ![]() |
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Wed 02/25/15 12:52 PM
![]() - After you have boiled your water for a tea or coffee.., take a clean saucer/cup and pour some in it.. - When it has reached luke-warm/ room temperature.., add about a teaspoon of "natural"/organic honey in.. and stir it up... - Then.. take a clean eye-dropper.. and put about four drops in each eye..., four times a day... It may sting at first, but will very soon relieve the pain and itchiness... *NOTE: You can also carefully pull the top nozzle out of an empty bottle of saline or Visine eye-drops.. and fill the bottle with this mixture, if you either don't have an eye-dropper.. or just want to keep a mixture to use for a few days... Store at room-temp.. Don't use this in any medicated eye-drop bottle, though.. You can also put some of the same organic honey directly under your eyes, to relieve swelling, circles and other abnormalities... Leave it on for about twenty minutes.. and then rinse it off with warm water and soap.. or a hygenic facial cleanser.... Repeat four times a day, until healed.. VOILA..! ![]() I'll throw more in here every once in awhile, but there's a big list of different remedies I use on page 1 of the first thread.. |
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Thu 02/26/15 02:22 AM
"Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner." ---- Oglala Lakota Holyman We forget this very often. If every step we do would be seen like that, we would act much more carefuly, with larger attention to what our actons may cause in both directions. Because even the smallest light can lighten up the darkest dark. What would happen if it would be concentrated sequance of lights? Hi Jag ![]() |
..."To be a clean hollow bone.., you must first live as I have..., or if you have not done this already.., you must begin to do it.. ....You must love everyone..., ....put others first.., moral.., ....keep your life in order..., ....not do anything criminal.... ...and have good character"... ..."If you do not do these things.., you will be easily tricked.. ....and become a hollow bone for the powers of evil..".... ---- Grandfather Frank Fools Crow --------------------------------- It�s really interesting how big people from all around the world always come to the same thought, isn�t it? ![]() |
"Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner." ---- Oglala Lakota Holyman We forget this very often. If every step we do would be seen like that, we would act much more carefully, with larger attention to what our actions may cause in both directions. Because even the smallest light can lighten up the darkest dark. What would happen if it would be concentrated sequence of lights? Hi Jag ![]() Hi, Sea... ![]() Yes.. but we are also all human, too.. and we all make mistakes.. and often get caught up so heavily in our own personal lives and agendas.., that we often forget about these lessons.. I am reminded of something about the Dalai Lama.., that I learned in the 1980's.. He is probably one of the most peaceful, Holy and spiritually intelligent persons on the planet, but even he has a human side, too.. He loves "little birds"... and very often takes time from his day to feed some.. But.., he doesn't like it when predator birds appear during this.. and will not hesitate to take a rifle and fire into the air (not at the predator birds) to scare them away.. I found it shocking at the time, that a man so peaceful and holy would even touch a firearm.. But.., maybe he regretted this after ..and maybe he doesn't do this any more..? We all make mistakes.. I can list thousands of my own, over my lifetime.. LOL! |
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Thu 02/26/15 08:32 AM
..."To be a clean hollow bone.., you must first live as I have..., or if you have not done this already.., you must begin to do it.. ....You must love everyone..., ....put others first.., moral.., ....keep your life in order..., ....not do anything criminal.... ...and have good character"... ..."If you do not do these things.., you will be easily tricked.. ....and become a hollow bone for the powers of evil..".... ---- Grandfather Frank Fools Crow --------------------------------- It�s really interesting how big people from all around the world always come to the same thought, isn�t it? ![]() I'm not so sure "big" is the right word, but I think that I know what you are trying to say, here.. Yes.. Many spiritual leaders have the same ideals... They just have different names and labels for things.., just like there are so many different names for the one higher power (God)... Even In the Indigenous world, there are so many words for God... and the settlers that came to North America often "assumed" they were talking about different Gods, because of all the different names used.. I can name a few words I have heard, but this is not all of them, of course: Gitzche Manidoo; Great Spirit, Creator, Tirawa; Yoesin; Manitou; Gitche Manitou; Wakan-Tanka; Yahweh; Buddha; Allah; The One; God; El Eloah; Elohim; Adonai; Jehovah; Nkosi; Hu; Parvardigar; The Almighty; Akal Purakh; Satnam; Shiva; Vishnu; Lord; Wahanda; Quawteaht; Kiehton; Chebbeniathan ; Naiyenesgani; Wah-con-tun-ga; Omet�otl; Aelguntam; Apistotoke; Caddi Ayo; Chareya; Heammawihio; Maiyun; Luak Ishto Holo Aba; Ikanam; Yeddariye; Kumokums; Shilup Chito; Akbatekdia; Wahkeegan; Anguta; Amotken; Ketchimanetowa; Ahone; Ioskeha; Kane'; Tareya-Wagon; Tsohanoai; Kadebenjit; Pah-ah; Pabothkew; Cotokinunwu; Skan; Wahhahnah; Jupka; Awonawilona.... The thing that confuses so many people..., is that in different languages, tribes, sects, groups of people..., these same names/words/references can have completely totally different meanings/interpretations.... It is my own belief.., that most Peoples of the world believe in only one omnipotent, omniscient & omnibenevolent God.., but some also have many words for other Spirits that they believe in.. and that a lack of solid communication & translation has caused many arguments & wars.., over nothing.. (mistakes)... Just my opinion, though.. |
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Thu 02/26/15 08:46 AM
I know that a lot of people outside of Canada have never heard of a tv program called :"The Nature Of Things" (by Dr. David Suzuki)..., but this is relevant to this thread.. and I wanted to share a link to a series he has put together, so everyone who is interested can take a look at (what I consider) to be a very good look at the history of the world and all of it's various "Peoples"...
The series is a four part series entitled: "The Great Human Odyssey" ... It touches on a wide variety of Indigenous tribes.. as well as many other Peoples of the world.., over history.. The 4th and final part of the series airs tonight (8 PM - Toronto Time) on CBC television.. But here is a link for the first three programs that you can watch on-line.. They are pretty quick getting them loaded, so if you can't see tonight's final episode, I bet it will available on this LINK below, by tomorrow at the latest.. Copy & paste the LINK in your browser --> I think most of you will enjoy it ,as much as I have.. ![]() PS.: If you are able to, put the headphones on and turn it up.., because as well as being extremely interesting, informative and having spectacular photography/filming.., the soundtrack is also breathtaking.... |
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Thu 02/26/15 08:56 AM
Re: Spiritual Power & Medicine Persons
..."Sometimes.., it feels like energy, or electricity.., when it is moving in and through us... But, spiritual power is really a distinctive kind of knowledge.., that is like the key that opens the door.., or the switch that starts the energy moving.. ..It is that special insight.., that we need to break up a log jam of knowledge.... Other people may have gathered up the same amount of information we have.., but they can't get it moving.... They go nowhere..., because they have not called in the power.... and have not been given the key or switch.., to turn it on..".... ---- FOOLS CROW |
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Fri 02/27/15 06:40 AM
It's Friday (here)... and Grandfather tells me it's time for some comedy healing..., so I'm going to re-post a joke that I posted awhile back.., that was told to me by one of my Indigenous Elder teachers a long, long time ago...
When he told me the joke, in front of many full-blooded N.A. People.., I wasn't sure whether I should laugh, or not.. (as I was in the process of my first initiation... and thought it might be some kind of "test" to my commitment.. ![]() He told me.., later ..."If we can't laugh at ourselves.., than we take ourselves too seriously"... ![]() ------- "One day... A white frontier family, in the 1800's..., were traveling across the Plains in a covered wagon... There was a man and woman, with their two children, a dog and supplies... They came over a small hill... and then saw a Brave lying down on the ground..., with the side of his head & ear to the ground.... At first.., they thought that he was dead.., but soon saw him moving a bit... When they got nearer.., the man stopped the horses.. and stood up in the wagon.. and talked to the Brave... He said..., "Are you okay..? Do you need any help..?" The Brave responded... "Seven miles north of here.. there is a large wagon train... 21 wagons... 57 horses... 24 men... and 22 women... 17 children... and 10 dogs... And they enough food and supplies to last them five months..."... The frontier man looked surprisingly at his wife.. and said to her.. "Some of these Indians are very wise.. They can just put their ear to the ground and know all kinds of information... I have seen this before.. and never fail to be amazed by it.."... He then spoke again, to the Brave.. .."Your people amaze me...! How you can tell us all this just by putting your ear to the ground, is something that I have never seen done by any of our own people... and it is a sign to me of how in-tune your people are, with all of the life around you..".... The Brave then slowly lifted himself up off the ground..., brushed off the sand from his leathers... and then said to the man... .."What are you talking about..? They ran over me.., about an hour ago.."... ![]() |
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Sat 02/28/15 08:17 AM
"Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner." ---- Oglala Lakota Holyman We forget this very often. If every step we do would be seen like that, we would act much more carefully, with larger attention to what our actions may cause in both directions. Because even the smallest light can lighten up the darkest dark. What would happen if it would be concentrated sequence of lights? Hi Jag ![]() Hi, Sea... ![]() Yes.. but we are also all human, too.. and we all make mistakes.. and often get caught up so heavily in our own personal lives and agendas.., that we often forget about these lessons.. I am reminded of something about the Dalai Lama.., that I learned in the 1980's.. He is probably one of the most peaceful, Holy and spiritually intelligent persons on the planet, but even he has a human side, too.. He loves "little birds"... and very often takes time from his day to feed some.. But.., he doesn't like it when predator birds appear during this.. and will not hesitate to take a rifle and fire into the air (not at the predator birds) to scare them away.. I found it shocking at the time, that a man so peaceful and holy would even touch a firearm.. But.., maybe he regretted this after ..and maybe he doesn't do this any more..? We all make mistakes.. I can list thousands of my own, over my lifetime.. LOL! And how many mistakes I made in my life! Better not to count because I should hide in a mousehole. But all these mistakes can be transformed into something positive, and weaknesses into strength. They teach us to be humble, nonjudging, to accept others in all their humanity (although it�s really, really hard sometimes). If we would be perfect it would be just a food for our ego. Our mistakes are our helpers. We can fail and it�s ok as long as we are trying to be better then we were in the moment before. Our mistakes can also be a prayer. |
.....And how many mistakes I made in my life! Better not to count because I should hide in a mousehole. But all these mistakes can be transformed into something positive, and weaknesses into strength. They teach us to be humble, nonjudging, to accept others in all their humanity (although it�s really, really hard sometimes). If we would be perfect it would be just a food for our ego. Our mistakes are our helpers. We can fail and it�s ok as long as we are trying to be better then we were in the moment before. Our mistakes can also be a prayer. Well.., sometimes we don't learn very much, unless we embarrass ourselves and face some humility... We often remember to do it better, the next time, this way.. Grandfather Frank often talked about his own mistakes, too.., but something tells me that he made as many in a lifetime, as I did in one month of my life.. ![]() Knowledge comes to us in so many ways... ![]() |
"I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of the nation. We do not want riches but we do want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world.
We do not want riches. We want peace and love." ---- Red Cloud |
"Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows. Now we are poor but we are free. No white man controls our footsteps. If we must die, we die defending our rights."
---- Sitting Bull - Lakota Sioux |