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Sun 02/22/15 08:20 AM
"People Of The Seventh Fire.. refers to an Anishinaabe Prophecy...,
which speaks of the emergence of a new People..., who will retrace the steps of their ancestors. It is said.., that if the People are strong in their belief.., the Sacred Fire of the Anishinaabe People will be rekindled.." ---- Jim Dumont (Ojibwe) --------------- *NOTE: You can re-read the Seven Fires Prophecy, on page #3, of this thread.. BLESSINGS.. TO ALL OF MY RELATIONS..! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Anyone who is willing to live the life I have led.., can do the things I do."
---- Ceremonial Chief Frank Fools Crow (Teton Sioux) |
"You have to understand the goodness of Chief Frank Fools Crow.., in order to understand what the American Indian is really all about. Grandpa Fools Crow possessed a dignity, that you no longer see in America. Grandpa possessed every quality.., that the American Indian People of these great lands once held."
---- Russell Means (Ogala Lakota Patriot) |
"I knew the old Ceremonial Chief of the Teton Sioux well..., having been in six annual sun dances..,
all led by Chief Fools Crow... Other ceremonies.., I also served as his helper.. (Thomas) Mails portrays the Spirit and intellect of the powerful Holy Man, quite well.." ---- Ed McGaa (Eagle Man) Ogala |
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Mon 02/23/15 08:42 AM
..."The powers and ways.... are given to us to be passed on to others. To think or do anything else, is pure selfishness. We only keep them and get more, by giving them away.. and if we do not give them away.., we lose them.."...
---- Fools Crow |
A bit of repetition here, but as I've mentioned a few times in these two threads, repetition is sometimes needed..
2012 In the Seventh Fire prophecy of the Anishnabek, each of the seven fires represent an era in human history. We are now in the time of the Seventh Fire. The task of the people of this age, including the Anishnabek and other red people, the yellow people, the black and the white, is to come together through choosing the road of cooperation. Without this, there will be no Eighth Fire, or future for Natives and others. One person who talks about the Seventh Fire is Grandfather William Commanda of Maniwaki. An Algonquin elder, he holds three wampum belts, one of which is the Seventh Fire Prophecy belt which was made in the 1400s. His understanding of the prophecy was received from Ojibwe people in Minnesota, Michigan and northern Ontario, and through his own family, which has held the belts for over 100 years. He speaks of the fact that the white race was welcomed by the Anishnabek, and it was hoped in the time of the Fourth Fire that the white race would come wearing a face of brotherhood, and that the Anishnabek and whites together would form one mighty nation. This did not happen and the white race chose the course of destruction and death. FROM:--> |
....Today, in the age of the Seventh Fire, the races are again faced with a choice. The two roads are the black road of technology and overdevelopment leading to environmental catastrophe, the other is the red road of spirituality and respect for the earth. Together, people of the world have to choose the right road, be of one mind, or the earth cannot survive. Cyberspace will play a big role in this movement, as will be examined in further sections.
In April 1994, William visited the United Nations with Hopi elders and elders from other nations, including the Migmag and Mohawk. The message from the Hopi was that desecration of their sacred lands must stop, or else there will be a purification of the earth which will destroy life. Their prophecies are in line with those of the Seventh Fire: "Mankind must return to Peaceful ways, and halt the destruction of Mother Earth, or we are going to destroy ourselves. All the stages of Hopi prophecy have come to pass, except for the last, the purification. The intensity of the purification will depend on how humanity collaborates with Creation." The Hopi gave a deadline to the industrial nations: Four years from the date of their presentation in April 1994. This corroborates the fact that we are indeed in the time of the Seventh Fire, and also at the culmination of other Native prophecies..... |
....In Spring 1995 Six Nations hosted the Cry of the Eagle Conference, which was attended by many of the same delegates to the 1994 UN presentation, as well as other leaders and elders from Tibet, New Zealand, Malaysia, Mexico and South America. Hopi elder Thomas Banyacya stated that "the Hopi is looking for a white brother... We will create a spiritual circle where we join the material and the spiritual together and we will take care of the whole world in a spiritual way as well as with the fabulous inventions" (in Hill and Monture 1995: 102). William Commanda has said that "Native people must put aside their differences and speak for Mother Earth and the Great Spirit that is in all people, all races and colours" (LeBlanc 1995: 9).
William teaches that now is the time for Native people to forgive colonizers for their ignorant and destructive actions. Without this forgiveness, Native people will not be able to think clearly � and they need to be strong and healthy in order to be able to teach the road of cooperation and spiritual understanding to the industrial nations before it is too late. This is part of a movement toward decolonization � a time when Native concerns and identity are finding a voice..... |
....The Seventh Fire is not just a time of reclaiming spiritual teachings; it is the time to use those teachings to help correct the imbalance felt in the circle that is the world. It is more than a revitalization movement, it is more like an arrival.
Many Natives today are listening to teachings like the Seventh Fire prophecy, the Seven Generations teachings of the Iroquois and the prophecies of nations like the Hopi, and they are making these concerns felt on the Web..... |
"Think not forever of yourselves, O chiefs, nor of your own generation. Think of continuing generations of our families, think of our grandchildren and of those yet unborn, whose faces are coming from beneath the ground."
---- Peacemaker, Founder of the Iroquois Confederacy / circa 1000 AD", |
"We believe that the Sun Spirit is all powerful, for every spring he makes the trees to bud and the grass to grow. We see these things with our own eyes, and, therefore, know that all life comes from him."
---- "Unknown Blackfoot" |
"The heart of the family is the mother.., because life comes from her."
---- Onondaga |
"Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner."
---- Oglala Lakota Holyman |
"Stop, what you are doing...., Consider the effects..., of what you are doing.... Is it upholding life on this land...? Or is it destructive to the life on this land? If it is destructive, than change your value system..., and your actions.... We are not suppose to be subduing the Earth..., Treading it underfoot..., Vanquishing the Earth.., and all it's life... We are suppose to be taking care of this land..., And the life upon it. So..., it's up to you.., To consider which side..., You are going to be on.." (Thomas Banyanca & Craig Carpenter) |
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Tue 02/24/15 07:23 AM
"In the presence of this house, Grandfather, Wakan-Tanka, and from the directions where the sun sets, and from the direction of cleansing power, and from the direction of the rising sun, and from the direction of the middle of the day.
Grandfather, Wakan-Tanka, Grandmother, the Earth who hears everything, Grandmother, because you are woman, for this reason you are kind, I come to you this day. To tell you to love the red men, and watch over them, and give these young men the understanding because, Grandmother, from you comes the good things, good things that are beyond our eyes to see have been blessed in our midst for this reason I make my supplication known to you again. Give us a blessing so that our words and actions be one in unity, and that we be able to listen to each other, in so doing, we shall with good heart walk hand in hand to face the future. In the presence of the outside, we are thankful for many blessings. I make my prayer for all people, the children, the women and the men. I pray that no harm will come to them, and that on the great island, there be no war, that there be no ill feelings among us From this day on may we walk hand in hand. So be it." ----- Prayer before the U.S. Senate - 1975 by Frank Fools Crow, Old Lord of the Holy Men Ceremonial Chief and Medicine Man of the Lakota Nation |
..."Animals. Spirits and Humans form a ritual community - a Co-Operative Mutual Assistance Group."...
(Kwakiutl Belief: "Hamatsa" - Jim McDowell - pg. 232) |
.....and these are some words from (who I see as) a great Canadian Indigenous person....
(*Note: You can apply this same thought about animals, to all humans, too..) "If you talk to the animals... They will talk back to you... And you will know each other.... If you do not talk to them.... You will not know them.... And what you do not know.... You will fear.... What one fears..., One destroys..." --- (Chief Dan George) |
..."No part, no person, no tribe, no species, no body of supernatural being is self-sufficient. Each possess a portion of the sum of all powers and properties of the cosmos. Each must share with all, or the entire system of nature dies.."...
..."Kwakiutl religion represents the concern of The People to occupy their proper place within the total system of life, and to act responsibly within it, so as to acquire and control the powers that sustain life..."... ---- ("Hamatsa" - 1975) |
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Tue 02/24/15 07:34 AM
"Man feels lost in the cosmos because he is no longer involved in nature. He has freed himself from superstition, but in the process, has lost his spiritual values, to a positively dangerous degree."
---- (Carl Jung - 1977) ----------------------- "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ---- Albert Einstein |
The above two quotes aren't from Indigenous Peoples, but they still apply to all people..