Topic: As I Was..... | |
walking down and around the lil' town here today, I was shocked to witness a very aggravated Jackie Chan! I approached j-Man and much to my surprise he violently attacked me with his feet! So as I dodged his deadly blows, I beagan to think to myself why in the world is J-man soo angry??? And as I blocked one of his judo blows i wondered why he was here in my town?! So I did a steven segal move on the lil' chinc and told him to calm down! J-man only began to get madder, so I put my foot down literally in his face and said, lookahere Jackie Chan, i don't know what your problem is, but u need to shape up b-4 I have to hurt ya! And of course he began to speak his half-ass english and ranting about Tucker got the best lines again and so on and so on! So I pull out my cell and speed dial Sly Stallone who is a cousin's, cousin's friends, dog sitter's, neighbors' uncle's brother who sister slept with my nephew's uncle mother's best froends' roomates' highschool librians' mailman's email pal's twin brother's friend that i heard read a story on this whole story! Well so on and so on, needless to say, Channie Chan won't be back in town 5 awhile, i wupped his b-u-t-t pretty bad! lmao
mach - you been in the licker cabinet agin ain't ya!
Are ya high bro?
no just a lil' pissed by his behavior, he seems soo friendly onscreen!
Cool dream bro!
well i woulda whipped him but he was too fast for me!
durh!! ur hands are too slow! lmao
but i played my guitar and drove him off with love ballads!
ok liberace! enough sidetracking my story! shaeesh, go write ur own adventure! j/k
ok get us back on track....
can i have some of what u r smokin or droppin?