Topic: Chair Rep. Trey Gowdy Says Hillary Clinton 'Needs To Be Talk | |
Benghazi Committee Chair Rep. Trey Gowdy Says Hillary Clinton 'Needs To Be Talked To' Gowdy tells ABC News' Jeff Zeleny why he wants to question the former secretary of state. Vid: |
Benghazi Committee Chair Rep. Trey Gowdy Says Hillary Clinton 'Needs To Be Talked To' Is that the same thing as reading to her her rights? J/K |
Benghazi Committee Chair Rep. Trey Gowdy Says Hillary Clinton 'Needs To Be Talked To' Is that the same thing as reading to her her rights? J/K Or will she be sworn in? ![]() |
the one who speak speak not lest the inner inner circle allow and so wish them to.
the one who speak speak not lest the inner inner circle allow and so wish them to. Is that speaketh? |
for all one hear, and sea, be orchestrated, rehearsed, planned, to those with wise eye's who sea. than, one will sea, what was unseaable. when it was dark, when one used to sea but looking through the evil tree of all things seen, placed into brain category of either evil, or good. free the mind... sea all actions as perfect, then, the plan, the knowing, cannot elude. |
smiles... for all one hear, and sea, be orchestrated, rehearsed, planned, to those with wise eye's who sea. than, one will sea, what was unseaable. when it was dark, when one used to sea but looking through the evil tree of all things seen, placed into brain category of either evil, or good. free the mind... sea all actions as perfect, then, the plan, the knowing, cannot elude. Yeah, right. Now how about addressing the topic of this thread in a way that everyone can understand. |
smiles... for all one hear, and sea, be orchestrated, rehearsed, planned, to those with wise eye's who sea. than, one will sea, what was unseaable. when it was dark, when one used to sea but looking through the evil tree of all things seen, placed into brain category of either evil, or good. free the mind... sea all actions as perfect, then, the plan, the knowing, cannot elude. Ok, ...ok...., WHAT?! ![]() |
I want some of what Davids smokin
![]() |
John Lennon was so right about the small brains of self as awesome... funny... how human brains have gotten so small, over time.... their own reality of popular notion as illusion as real... they gotta imagine smoking something, to even begin to know or imagine anything better than what is and was that they them self created... the sad small brains... small small small. but, these declare them self as wise wise wise, most to them self, by deeming many others as dumb dumb dumb... oh the small insecure kindergarten children, who in their own brain's, still exist trying to impress the other kids on the playground, to prove they are worth something. |
Is the hype of the "talking to",
a ploy to immunize former co-president clinton in time for the upcoming election? ![]() |
everything is a ploy, a ploy bigger than just one person better than another person, rather it be, a ploy big enough to lead the whole world to what should be felt, and thought.
sum be suckers, sum use their own brain. |
Rep. Gowdy is just another Republican hatchet-man hoping to kick up some more fuss out of Benghazi after the other six or so investigations failed to find anything criminal in that tragedy. Also to sully Hillary, who's now a private citizen and doesn't really have to answer to anybody on that panel.
Rep. Gowdy is just another Republican hatchet-man hoping to kick up some more fuss out of Benghazi after the other six or so investigations failed to find anything criminal in that tragedy. Also to sully Hillary, who's now a private citizen and doesn't really have to answer to anybody on that panel. doubt you can SULLY Hitlery! ![]() She will be a private Citizen when she keeps her Piehole shut in public! And she will always be a Former Secretary Of State,and responsible for her actions in that capacity! |
Rep. Gowdy is just another Republican hatchet-man hoping to kick up some more fuss out of Benghazi after the other six or so investigations failed to find anything criminal in that tragedy. Also to sully Hillary, who's now a private citizen and doesn't really have to answer to anybody on that panel. doubt you can SULLY Hitlery! ![]() She will be a private Citizen when she keeps her Piehole shut in public! And she will always be a Former Secretary Of State,and responsible for her actions in that capacity! ![]() |
Rep. Gowdy is just another Republican hatchet-man hoping to kick up some more fuss out of Benghazi after the other six or so investigations failed to find anything criminal in that tragedy. Also to sully Hillary, who's now a private citizen and doesn't really have to answer to anybody on that panel. doubt you can SULLY Hitlery! ![]() She will be a private Citizen when she keeps her Piehole shut in public! And she will always be a Former Secretary Of State,and responsible for her actions in that capacity! ![]() I would luv to watch Trey Gowdy rip into Hillary under oath. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 01/30/15 07:03 AM
Rep. Gowdy is just another Republican hatchet-man hoping to kick up some more fuss out of Benghazi after the other six or so investigations failed to find anything criminal in that tragedy. Also to sully Hillary, who's now a private citizen and doesn't really have to answer to anybody on that panel. It's not like it's Hitlery's 1st rodeo..... not even close! ![]() ![]() Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war |
Edited by
Fri 01/30/15 08:15 AM
Gowdy could bring out the ***** in her ![]() |
Gowdy could bring out the ***** in her ![]() Sure, and Hillary would get free air time, and all she need do is point to the findings of the other seven Republican-led investigations. "Here, Congressman. Read this." (stack of Congressional reports go thud on the floor, laughter breaks out in the chamber). That would be rich! |
Gowdy could bring out the ***** in her ![]() Sure, and Hillary would get free air time, and all she need do is point to the findings of the other seven Republican-led investigations. "Here, Congressman. Read this." (stack of Congressional reports go thud on the floor, laughter breaks out in the chamber). That would be rich! Guess your Vote is already set? ![]() |