Topic: Why don't we ban religion?
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Tue 01/20/15 06:24 AM
because they are annoyed that they have to sustain themselves in the name of Jesus our lord pitchfork

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Tue 01/20/15 06:25 AM
hail Jesus :banana:

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Tue 01/20/15 06:30 AM
most wars are supposedly started over different opinions about religion
(its all about greed and money really :)but we all have versions of the same story really just different aspects of it

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:05 AM

morals wouldn't disappear

but the world would change, not for the better

for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well

whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,,

why are religious people harming anyone? don't they go to hell for that? (cept muslims, they get a bunch of virgins in a special room in heaven)

because they were born HUMAN, and humans harm humans

I don't think much about Hell, those answers would be best found in a Bible

if we are attempting to live a life Pleasing to God, we will not harm others intentionally

not just humans, all animals fight... for food, mating, territory... god or not, we will always find a reason to fight... i mean, we haven't stopped fighting with religion, have we?... if your living your life to please "god", sounds like a sad existence...

only if one cant be pleased while pleasing God

I live my life pleased when I make my family proud
why wouldn't I also be pleased at pleasing God?

because your family is there, real and touchable, never a doubt whether they exist...

and I have no doubts that an intelligent creator exists either

I have no doubt that there are molecules,, I am told they are here, but I cant see them

my mortal vessel were my parents and I am proud to make them proud
but my spiritual creator is God, and I am likewise proud to accept and live with faith in his word

really? every time you look or touch something, you don't see or feel molecules?

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:27 AM

because they are annoyed that they have to sustain themselves in the name of Jesus our lord pitchfork

Working for WINDUP-RECORDS,are you?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:30 AM

because they are annoyed that they have to sustain themselves in the name of Jesus our lord pitchfork

Working for WINDUP-RECORDS,are you?


no photo
Tue 01/20/15 11:28 AM

David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists.

Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought.

fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go.

It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world.

So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control

No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers.

People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds.

Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward...

Its Called a God given connscience ...

ISIS and ISIL are TRUE Muslims ... The Crusaders were NOT true Christians neither is the pope ... Jesus condems acts of Violence the Quran Demands it ...

About banning Religion ? The Bible predicts they will when the one world NWO government takes over , one world currency , one world Government , one world fuzzy new age world/state religion ALL others will be outlawed made to go underground , actually people will take the " mark of the beast " or be slaughtered , give up your Faith or die ...

ISIS / ISIL is just propganda to get the world ready for when its outlawed , why do they give airtime to one muslim in my country Australia who killed 2 ppl ??? if they want it crushed ?
That siege played ALL day on TV , excactly what the guy wanted .
Its propaganda , Al-quada / ISIS / ISIL >>> next bogey man plz stand up ?

The News is owned by the ruling Elite and they are getting you ready for their Totalitarian Rule ...

An ALL out Attack on Christianity is comming soon huh

I'm curious Th3Dv8,

Where has 'your' specific brand or denomination of Christianity been for the last 17 hundred years?

(Maybe, that's too long)

Where has 'your' specific brand or denomination of Christianity been for the last mere thousand years?

(Maybe, that's still too long)

Where has 'your' specific brand or denomination of Christianity been for the last little fraction of the past 500 years?

(Maybe, the highly enlightened members of 'your' church, haven't been around as long as that either)

Last of all... Where were all the Faithful, through the ages, pervious to 'your' enlightened views on Christianity?

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 11:39 AM

morals wouldn't disappear

but the world would change, not for the better

for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well

whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,,

why are religious people harming anyone? don't they go to hell for that? (cept muslims, they get a bunch of virgins in a special room in heaven)

because they were born HUMAN, and humans harm humans

I don't think much about Hell, those answers would be best found in a Bible

if we are attempting to live a life Pleasing to God, we will not harm others intentionally

not just humans, all animals fight... for food, mating, territory... god or not, we will always find a reason to fight... i mean, we haven't stopped fighting with religion, have we?... if your living your life to please "god", sounds like a sad existence...

only if one cant be pleased while pleasing God

I live my life pleased when I make my family proud
why wouldn't I also be pleased at pleasing God?

because your family is there, real and touchable, never a doubt whether they exist...

and I have no doubts that an intelligent creator exists either

I have no doubt that there are molecules,, I am told they are here, but I cant see them

my mortal vessel were my parents and I am proud to make them proud
but my spiritual creator is God, and I am likewise proud to accept and live with faith in his word

really? every time you look or touch something, you don't see or feel molecules?

just as much as I 'see' or 'feel' God,, thats the point

TBRich's photo
Tue 01/20/15 01:32 PM

morals wouldn't disappear

but the world would change, not for the better

for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well

whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,,

why are religious people harming anyone? don't they go to hell for that? (cept muslims, they get a bunch of virgins in a special room in heaven)

because they were born HUMAN, and humans harm humans

I don't think much about Hell, those answers would be best found in a Bible

if we are attempting to live a life Pleasing to God, we will not harm others intentionally

not just humans, all animals fight... for food, mating, territory... god or not, we will always find a reason to fight... i mean, we haven't stopped fighting with religion, have we?... if your living your life to please "god", sounds like a sad existence...

only if one cant be pleased while pleasing God

I live my life pleased when I make my family proud
why wouldn't I also be pleased at pleasing God?

because your family is there, real and touchable, never a doubt whether they exist...

and I have no doubts that an intelligent creator exists either

I have no doubt that there are molecules,, I am told they are here, but I cant see them

my mortal vessel were my parents and I am proud to make them proud
but my spiritual creator is God, and I am likewise proud to accept and live with faith in his word

really? every time you look or touch something, you don't see or feel molecules?

just as much as I 'see' or 'feel' God,, thats the point

You're silly, did you know that? It is kinda cute.

Over the holiday season, I had to deal with a lot of questions, however since my current employment does not mesh with my pastorial counseling background- I was very careful in how I answered.

Interesting, most of the questions stemmed from the sermons of the clients' church. From example, one woman had the fecal matter scared out of her by her pastor's sermon on the devil. Simply saying, well, you know there is no devil in the Jewish religion, relaxed the muscles in her face. Questions on who was Jesus' father really was, I dealt with- well, the Jerusalem Torah states it was Tiberus Pathera, also had much calming responses. Why do pastors do this?

Why is there so much twisted logic, bold faced lies, misunderstanding of logic and science, etc. in vain attempts to prove this or that is actually historical true? When the point is the message, is the message true? Well is it? Should we actually try to "love one another"? That is what should be taught and it can be taught without scaring the crap out of people.

And as to the topic- banning religion- one cannot legislate morality, but one can tax the crap out of it. Look how Pat Robertson surrendered his ministerial credentials in order to avoid an audit.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 02:28 PM

morals wouldn't disappear

but the world would change, not for the better

for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well

whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,,

why are religious people harming anyone? don't they go to hell for that? (cept muslims, they get a bunch of virgins in a special room in heaven)

because they were born HUMAN, and humans harm humans

I don't think much about Hell, those answers would be best found in a Bible

if we are attempting to live a life Pleasing to God, we will not harm others intentionally

not just humans, all animals fight... for food, mating, territory... god or not, we will always find a reason to fight... i mean, we haven't stopped fighting with religion, have we?... if your living your life to please "god", sounds like a sad existence...

only if one cant be pleased while pleasing God

I live my life pleased when I make my family proud
why wouldn't I also be pleased at pleasing God?

because your family is there, real and touchable, never a doubt whether they exist...

and I have no doubts that an intelligent creator exists either

I have no doubt that there are molecules,, I am told they are here, but I cant see them

my mortal vessel were my parents and I am proud to make them proud
but my spiritual creator is God, and I am likewise proud to accept and live with faith in his word

really? every time you look or touch something, you don't see or feel molecules?

just as much as I 'see' or 'feel' God,, thats the point

whoa another one of those obscure answers that means nothing... when you touch or see something, it's not made out of god, its made from molecules, particles and atoms...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 06:13 PM
there was nothing obscure about it

molecules are not something I see when I touch them
nor are they something I feel

I am 'told' what I am feeling or seeing is made of molecules, that they are present in spite of me not seeing them myself

just like Im 'told' that God is there, even though my eyes don't see him, and my fingers don't feel him,,,,

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 06:22 PM

there was nothing obscure about it

molecules are not something I see when I touch them
nor are they something I feel

I am 'told' what I am feeling or seeing is made of molecules, that they are present in spite of me not seeing them myself

just like Im 'told' that God is there, even though my eyes don't see him, and my fingers don't feel him,,,,

so, you believe in something you that none of your 5 senses make you aware thats it there...

i guess it's the same as me believing in aliens or bigfeets...

maybe i should start a religion to the boggy creek monster? i'll see if he/she/it comes to me in a vision tonight...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 06:32 PM
you can believe what you want as can I

not EVERYTHING is known because of our five senses,, some knowledge is attained through the recorded knowledge and experience of others,,,

like 'history',, for example

I Wasn't there, but I believe others who wrote about it were and wrote it as they experienced it

like 'science' , for example

I have done no personal scientific experiments, but I believe in the integrity of the scientists who record THEIR experience and write them down

,,,,,,,so, I continue to believe my life , the animals, the earth, the plants, and all the other things that work in conjunction were the work of an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER

and I believe the book he inspired to be a guide and a lesson,,,,

and I hurt absolutely NOONE By doing so, and in fact, my nature of being kind and caring is only REINFORCED by doing so,,,

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 06:54 PM

you can believe what you want as can I

not EVERYTHING is known because of our five senses,, some knowledge is attained through the recorded knowledge and experience of others,,,

like 'history',, for example

I Wasn't there, but I believe others who wrote about it were and wrote it as they experienced it

like 'science' , for example

I have done no personal scientific experiments, but I believe in the integrity of the scientists who record THEIR experience and write them down

,,,,,,,so, I continue to believe my life , the animals, the earth, the plants, and all the other things that work in conjunction were the work of an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER

and I believe the book he inspired to be a guide and a lesson,,,,

and I hurt absolutely NOONE By doing so, and in fact, my nature of being kind and caring is only REINFORCED by doing so,,,

good answer... i'm just trying to figure out why people can believe in the bible and not homer, for example...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 06:56 PM
who is homer?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:06 PM

who is homer?

wrote the Iliad and Odyssey, about the Trojan war, Jason... the movie troy was loosely based on the Iliad..

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:14 PM
aren't those considered mythology?

I don't know their origins, but sounds as if this Homer was a person who wrote fictional stories

not that it couldn't have happened, like I said we don't truly KNOW what we didn't experience for ourselves,,

but I do know that there is God and that his son died on the cross

mightymoe's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:21 PM

aren't those considered mythology?

I don't know their origins, but sounds as if this Homer was a person who wrote fictional stories

not that it couldn't have happened, like I said we don't truly KNOW what we didn't experience for ourselves,,

but I do know that there is God and that his son died on the cross

i consider the bible mythology... battle of troy was real, not sure that Achilles was a god tho...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:22 PM

aren't those considered mythology?

I don't know their origins, but sounds as if this Homer was a person who wrote fictional stories

not that it couldn't have happened, like I said we don't truly KNOW what we didn't experience for ourselves,,

but I do know that there is God and that his son died on the cross

i consider the bible mythology... battle of troy was real, not sure that Achilles was a god tho...

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/20/15 07:22 PM

aren't those considered mythology?

I don't know their origins, but sounds as if this Homer was a person who wrote fictional stories

not that it couldn't have happened, like I said we don't truly KNOW what we didn't experience for ourselves,,

but I do know that there is God and that his son died on the cross

i consider the bible mythology... battle of troy was real, not sure that Achilles was a god tho...