Topic: Why don't we ban religion? | |
Or all that You hope for? |
David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists. Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought. fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go. It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world. So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers. People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... Really? If it were proven tomorrow that there is in fact no God(s) or higher power of any sort to eventually answer to.. an this had to be accepted by all.. that in fact when you die.. you do just that.. and there is no after life.. or second calling... no reckoning,basically that's it.. your dust. you would see a total change in all of civilization... and it would not be pretty. I'm Catholic.. if we were to chuck the 10 commandments, which by this time would have been proven to be BS. and all other religions were chucking their versions, as religion no longer exist. what effect would that have on civilization. Do you really think people would continue to follow rules that no longer carry any moral weight. That they would continue to lead a honest "sin" free life without the faith they were lead to believe they had?. Their faith would now be in who?.. in what?...mankind? We are raised to be "God fearing people".. take God (or any God like entity) out of the equation.. and who do you then fear. The only other thing to fear would be mankind Current atheists ( who believe in no Gods.. no higher power of any type) comply a very small percentage of the overall population. A population driven by religions and who's core laws are derived from religious believes throw that all out the window and see what happens Also, curious: would you teach your children to be good so that they get a reward, or because it's the right thing to do. I teach dogs to be good and they get a treat. I would hope that as humans, we're slightly more evolved than that. But thanks for degrading the value of a good dead. Apparently intrinsic motivation is not a concept that you're familiar with. Too bad, cause it's the BEST! CHEERS!! Yes we were taught what was right and wrong.. all of us. By our parents and them from their parents. So on and so on. And all from a cornerstone of religion. That is where the basic "rules" come from.. they differ per religion, but that is where they originated. Take that cornerstone away and see how fast the foundation cracks and crumbles. Then see just how mankind evolves... Cheers!!!! This is such a horrible way to try to 'prove' your point. It can't even pass as anecdotal. "ALL of us" didn't anything. He only thing sweeping generalizations do, is make us want to counter by showing statistics to prove then wring. I won't embarrass you, so I'll skip that part. I was not raised with any overarching religious influence. My daughter also will not be. Yet, we know the difference of right from wrong. How is that possible? Based on your logic, we'd really be a little family of horrors. Humanity does not come from religion. Compassion does not come from religion. It comes from an evolved brain. It is what separates us from so-called wild animals. Its logic. logically, if we cooperate, we live longer, happier lives. To cooperate, we must communicate. To communicate and, build community, we must care for the weaker in that community. Do bad harms this theme and we all suffer. I am not, as some may argue, trying to devalue ones faith, but, it does start to feel as if you are trying to say that my good deeds are attributable to someone (God) other than myself. Highly offensive. |
I stand by my first suggestion.
Lobotomies for all fanatics. |
This topic is way too deep for me...but what's two cents...aren't faith and religion two different things..?...Faith to me is what one creates and feels in their heart...religion is how one chooses to practice would faith without religion be that bad..?... ...
This topic is way too deep for me...but what's two cents...aren't faith and religion two different things..?...Faith to me is what one creates and feels in their heart...religion is how one chooses to practice would faith without religion be that bad..?... ... Exactly. It's religion I take some issue with. If people understood the difference, the world would be a far better place. |
This topic is way too deep for me...but what's two cents...aren't faith and religion two different things..?...Faith to me is what one creates and feels in their heart...religion is how one chooses to practice would faith without religion be that bad..?... ... ^^^^^Absolutely awesome^^^^^^ Works for me. If anyone is confused by that, Spend some time with a Native elder. Your eyes will be opened. |
Dear world ... Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my throat... (Anonymous ) This made me laugh .. And oh so true :-) |
Dear world ... Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my throat... (Anonymous ) This made me laugh .. And oh so true :-) |
Dear world ... Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my throat... (Anonymous ) This made me laugh .. And oh so true :-) |
anyway enough about religion aint it more of an important issue that 1 percent of the population have more money than the rest of us put together who is fooling who here? maybe we should ban them there is only 1 percent of them or banish them and confiscate there worldly goods
i cant believe in this day and age there are still kids in this world dying from starvation and stuff like that while these higher end of the spectrum people lavish there selves its a bloody joke also don't you get the feeling they are always hitting you with some sob story about donating your money when they are actually the ones with all the money they are so full of b.s i would happily let them tax my wages by 1 percent or something like that if i thought it was actually going to a worthy cause
i see adverts on the telly telling me they are drinking contaminated water cant we send them a plumber or something ? it makes ya wonder where all that money that you donate goes why don't they open a free mcdonalds or something its a farce
Edited by
Tue 01/20/15 04:47 AM
David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists. Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought. fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go. It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world. So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers. People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... Its Called a God given connscience ... ISIS and ISIL are TRUE Muslims ... The Crusaders were NOT true Christians neither is the pope ... Jesus condems acts of Violence the Quran Demands it ... About banning Religion ? The Bible predicts they will when the one world NWO government takes over , one world currency , one world Government , one world fuzzy new age world/state religion ALL others will be outlawed made to go underground , actually people will take the " mark of the beast " or be slaughtered , give up your Faith or die ... ISIS / ISIL is just propganda to get the world ready for when its outlawed , why do they give airtime to one muslim in my country Australia who killed 2 ppl ??? if they want it crushed ? That siege played ALL day on TV , excactly what the guy wanted . Its propaganda , Al-quada / ISIS / ISIL >>> next bogey man plz stand up ? The News is owned by the ruling Elite and they are getting you ready for their Totalitarian Rule ... An ALL out Attack on Christianity is comming soon |
Christ, in terms of the Christian philosophy, is the human ideal. He personifies that which men should strive to emulate. Yet, according to the Christian mythology, he died on the cross not for his own sins but for the sins of the nonideal people. In other words, a man of perfect virtue was sacrificed for men who are vicious and who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice. If I were a Christian, nothing could make me more indignant than that: the notion of sacrificing the ideal to the nonideal, or virtue to vice. And it is in the name of that symbol that men are asked to sacrifice themselves for their inferiors. That is precisely how the symbolism is used. |
religion started all the problems in the first place there would still be government and laws just less stupid ones
Christ, in terms of the Christian philosophy, is the human ideal. He personifies that which men should strive to emulate. Yet, according to the Christian mythology, he died on the cross not for his own sins but for the sins of the nonideal people. In other words, a man of perfect virtue was sacrificed for men who are vicious and who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice. If I were a Christian, nothing could make me more indignant than that: the notion of sacrificing the ideal to the nonideal, or virtue to vice. And it is in the name of that symbol that men are asked to sacrifice themselves for their inferiors. That is precisely how the symbolism is used. there was gods before he existed |
according to them at least
don't ya think christian s just want the world to end so they can just say i told you so?