Topic: Would any Ladies know
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Thu 01/15/15 05:51 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Thu 01/15/15 05:52 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?


if you want to talk it over with her do so, if not don't

sounds like she's bored, or planning to move inflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 05:56 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?


if you want to talk it over with her do so, if not don't

sounds like she's bored, or planning to move inflowerforyou

i also think its boredom or her playing games.. some women like playing games.


Amelinng's photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:04 PM

She made her intentions fairly clear yesterday.
But when she broke up with me last year she told me to move on and to find someone else & also that she doesn't have those feelings for me anymore & does not want to marry me & other things.
Only God knows the heartache, pain and hell i went through
But shortly after she told me she wants all those things with me again.
It has left me afraid to believe anything she says or ever trust her with all of me and my life which i gave to her loving her, Cherishing her & making her feel special all the time

Sorry you are getting all those feelings and heartache raked up again. It is difficult enough trying to forget.

But already said it here "left me afraid to believe anything she says or ever trust her with all of me".... the trust is no longer there. Unless, you can find it in yourself to trust her again, it will never be the same.

Protect your own heart...flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Thu 01/15/15 06:09 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?


if you want to talk it over with her do so, if not don't

sounds like she's bored, or planning to move inflowerforyou

i also think its boredom or her playing games.. some women like playing games.


yup I have seen men and women both do this game playing phenomenon. close as I figure it's related to the "I really do not know what to say to express myself syndrome."

mikey5360's photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:11 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?

Your on a dating site.....your obviously moving on.....we have all seen that.....
Your a very busy guy, sort your stress factors out and life will get a bit easier.....
If you really want to end it its quite simple....change your email address.....drinker

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:19 PM
Thank you flowerforyou

Mikey i cant change a business email just like that, its too much of a hassle here doing that as its a paid email with a lot of business contacts using it

Thanks though i value the input

mikey5360's photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:22 PM

Thank you flowerforyou

Mikey i cant change a business email just like that, its too much of a hassle here doing that as its a paid email with a lot of business contacts using it

Thanks though i value the input
Fair enough mate.....leaves you one option.....tell her directly.....that's it.....over.....see you.....BYE.

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:27 PM
Its pretty much been over for sometime now.....although her telling me all those things again wont change anything i guess

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:39 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?

Just move on. If she sends e-mail, then just delete it. There is no need to allow her to open old wounds.

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 06:48 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?

Just move on. If she sends e-mail, then just delete it. There is no need to allow her to open old wounds.

yes that would be the best thing to do. Thanks

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 07:08 PM

Romeo .. You once talked about regret and a chance to do things differently . Only you know your feelings for her . You have mentioned her a few times in the forums .. And it always seems with sadness . If you love her still then this sounds like your chance . It is true it seldom works to go back to an ex but there are exceptions . Perhaps time apart has shown her what really matters . I know I would not contact an ex .. So if I did .. It would not be because of mind games it would because I wanted to be with him :-)

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 07:32 PM

Romeo .. You once talked about regret and a chance to do things differently . Only you know your feelings for her . You have mentioned her a few times in the forums .. And it always seems with sadness . If you love her still then this sounds like your chance . It is true it seldom works to go back to an ex but there are exceptions . Perhaps time apart has shown her what really matters . I know I would not contact an ex .. So if I did .. It would not be because of mind games it would because I wanted to be with him :-)

flowerforyou drinker

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Thu 01/15/15 09:01 PM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Thu 01/15/15 09:03 PM

I am in a confusing situation and need any honest opinions from the ladies & your advice & help will be appreciated.

My ex contacted me again yesterday saying how much she loves me & wants to see me & wishes to be with me & all other things etc.
She is the one that did not want to be with me anymore coz of certain complications regarding distance coz i was out of the country she lives, then she contacted me after that in October 2014 saying the same as yesterday & i told her it would be best if she does not contact me coz i needed to get over her. she did not contact after that.
But yesterday i got an email again.

Why is she doing this to me?

Just move on. If she sends e-mail, then just delete it. There is no need to allow her to open old wounds.

yes that would be the best thing to do. Thanks

no trust = no love

filter those emails to the trash, like I do. :wink:

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 10:25 PM

Romeo .. You once talked about regret and a chance to do things differently . Only you know your feelings for her . You have mentioned her a few times in the forums .. And it always seems with sadness . If you love her still then this sounds like your chance . It is true it seldom works to go back to an ex but there are exceptions . Perhaps time apart has shown her what really matters . I know I would not contact an ex .. So if I did .. It would not be because of mind games it would because I wanted to be with him :-)

Wise words and I think you could be right.

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 10:26 PM

Romeo .. You once talked about regret and a chance to do things differently . Only you know your feelings for her . You have mentioned her a few times in the forums .. And it always seems with sadness . If you love her still then this sounds like your chance . It is true it seldom works to go back to an ex but there are exceptions . Perhaps time apart has shown her what really matters . I know I would not contact an ex .. So if I did .. It would not be because of mind games it would because I wanted to be with him :-)

Wise words and I think you could be right.

(((( Joe )))):smile:

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 10:43 PM

Romeo .. You once talked about regret and a chance to do things differently . Only you know your feelings for her . You have mentioned her a few times in the forums .. And it always seems with sadness . If you love her still then this sounds like your chance . It is true it seldom works to go back to an ex but there are exceptions . Perhaps time apart has shown her what really matters . I know I would not contact an ex .. So if I did .. It would not be because of mind games it would because I wanted to be with him :-)

Wise words and I think you could be right.

(((( Joe )))):smile:

Morning Pretty Lady.
Its a tough predicament the young Gentleman is in right.

no photo
Thu 01/15/15 10:48 PM

Romeo .. You once talked about regret and a chance to do things differently . Only you know your feelings for her . You have mentioned her a few times in the forums .. And it always seems with sadness . If you love her still then this sounds like your chance . It is true it seldom works to go back to an ex but there are exceptions . Perhaps time apart has shown her what really matters . I know I would not contact an ex .. So if I did .. It would not be because of mind games it would because I wanted to be with him :-)

Wise words and I think you could be right.

(((( Joe )))):smile:

Morning Pretty Lady.
Its a tough predicament the young Gentleman is in right.

Very tough...sad2 ...

Mydogsmom's photo
Sat 01/17/15 11:40 AM
She's manipulating and immature. That doesn't make her a bad person, but a selfish one.
We've all been in your shoes. Time helps and meeting someone else for a casual relationship helps occupy your mind and body, but you have to respect yourself more that when you say, "no," mean it and stand by it. Close any doors and move on. Play devils advocate with yourself by playing out the scenarios in your head if you break your word.
"I let her back in, THEN WHAT?
She screws me over again. THEN WHAT?
I hurt again.
I say no, again. Rinse, repeat."
Sorry for your pain. Hope you get some closure soon. xx

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 01/17/15 01:01 PM
After reading your question...I started thinking about a time I had a terrific relationship that got tossed in a garbage the time calling it quits seemed like the right thing to do...he dated other people and so did I ..almost every time I found myself single my mind and heart would inevitably go back to thoughts of the one relationship that I had some of the best memories...I would find a way to contact him in hopes of getting back together because I already knew what to expect from relationships usually start out the same...the excitement, the dreams, and the belief that this is the one...then as time goes on the faults surface and it's more of a struggle to stay together...the desire to go back to what you had that brought the most happiness can be overwhelming...sadly people change and there is no going can never get back what was but sometimes you can start fresh and because you already know each others faults you can develop a stronger bond the second relationship can guarantee total happiness...the same thing that happened in a past relationship can happen in a new really boils down to if you can put what damaged the past behind you and move forward...if you can't forgive and forget...don't waste your time...good luck in what ever you decide...flowerforyou

avamari2's photo
Sat 01/17/15 04:13 PM

Doesn't matter why.

The word, "no.", is pretty useful.

No as in......?

But im still wondering why shes doing it. Is it boredom?
Why do women do that in such a situation

People. Why do People do that. It's not a women issue. I finally gave up on a similar situation. I loved him dearly, but he would periodically go silent. wouldn't talk to me for weeks and then dump me, for reasons I couldn't understand. The confusion of our on-again, off-again relationship was torture. Nearly over him from our last break up, he pulled me back in during the fall of last year, just before I moved overseas. By new years, he was ignoring me again.

I gave up. It is not appropriate for me to feel like I have to be confused and just 'handle' the way he treats me. It's finally over, and after being depressed most of the day yesterday, I'm actually feeling pretty free today. I feel ok... optimistic, even.

Let go of the bad relationship. You'll find someone better. Hopefully you won't waste as long as I did with the wrong one (almost 13 years between two bad relationships).