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Topic: How Do You feel right now?
mikey5360's photo
Thu 02/05/15 01:33 AM
Annoyed....grumble grumble

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:19 AM
Sleepy... And strangely, anxious at the same time...

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:27 AM
Not wanting to go to work..its gonna suck without any pain meds.

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:34 AM
Feeling very sick because of the pain, but still smiling

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 04:06 AM
let me check.....feeling kinda pudgy.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 02/05/15 04:31 AM
well rested:wink:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 02/05/15 04:34 AM
Happy now, just got back from the dentist. And it was bad, in spite of anaesthetic. I didn't know it was possible to go "Gordon Ramsey" with a drill in your tooth, pfff. Got a 2nd anesthetic, did help a bit, but now half of my face and scalp is numb.
But happy cos it's over!

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Thu 02/05/15 06:42 AM

Right now I feel like my fanny is on fire. That will teach me to forget about setting my electric blanket to high.

BTW,yes I said fanny. Deal with it! :P
You do know that 'fanny,' is slang for a womens bits and a complete idiot also, over in the UK? laugh laugh laugh laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 02/05/15 08:30 AM

Right now I feel like my fanny is on fire. That will teach me to forget about setting my electric blanket to high.

BTW,yes I said fanny. Deal with it! :P
You do know that 'fanny,' is slang for a womens bits and a complete idiot also, over in the UK? laugh laugh laugh laugh

I'm confused ... does that mean he has ... a ... I mean... bluddy 'ell!! That's quite a revelation here!!

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/05/15 08:40 AM
Still feeling a bit on the somber side of things.

Rock's photo
Thu 02/05/15 10:28 AM
Feeling awesome.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 02/05/15 02:17 PM
Excited! Talked to my daughter earlier this evening on Skype and briefly spoke to my son in law. He'd just bought a new gun and showed it to me. And we talked about us going to a shooting range when I'm there, hopefully spring next year!
I can't wait!! I am totally against ppl carrying guns, but I do LOVE to go to a shooting range and give shooting a whirl. Nuts about weapons, knives, swords, guns, rifles etc. So far only ever used bow & arrow. Recently been thinking about getting throwing knives.. Like to broaden my horizons :tongue:

So... the fact that they still mention me coming over, AND going to a shooting range together, I'm sooooo EXCITED!
:banana: :banana: :banana:

bashajones's photo
Thu 02/05/15 02:58 PM

bashajones's photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:02 PM

Bob Wiley: Well, I got dizzy spells, nausea, cold sweats, hot sweats, fever blisters, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, involuntary trembling, dead hands, numb lips, fingernail sensitivity, pelvic discomfort.

Dr. Leo Marvin: So the real question is, what is the crisis Bob? What is it you're truly afraid of?

Bob Wiley: What if my heart stops beating? What if I'm looking for a bathroom and... my bladder explodes?

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:04 PM
was just thinking about that movie today..."i'm sailing!"

bashajones's photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:10 PM

was just thinking about that movie today..."i'm sailing!"

Love it...Great movie!

"I'm sailing! Way far away from the shore!"....lol

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:26 PM

was just thinking about that movie today..."i'm sailing!"

Love it...Great movie!

"I'm sailing! Way far away from the shore!"....lol

was standing on the bow of a boat today and started doing that..."i'm saaaaaaaiiiillling!" and no one new what the hell is was doing...

bashajones's photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:29 PM

was just thinking about that movie today..."i'm sailing!"

Love it...Great movie!

"I'm sailing! Way far away from the shore!"....lol

was standing on the bow of a boat today and started doing that..."i'm saaaaaaaiiiillling!" and no one new what the hell is was doing...

You coulda pulled a "Titanic" on that boat, too! "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!"

no photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:31 PM

was just thinking about that movie today..."i'm sailing!"

Love it...Great movie!

"I'm sailing! Way far away from the shore!"....lol

was standing on the bow of a boat today and started doing that..."i'm saaaaaaaiiiillling!" and no one new what the hell is was doing...

You coulda pulled a "Titanic" on that boat, too! "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!"

yeah...but that's all 'normal' and s hit...i'm more suited for 'bob' behavior!

bashajones's photo
Thu 02/05/15 03:33 PM

was just thinking about that movie today..."i'm sailing!"

Love it...Great movie!

"I'm sailing! Way far away from the shore!"....lol

was standing on the bow of a boat today and started doing that..."i'm saaaaaaaiiiillling!" and no one new what the hell is was doing...

You coulda pulled a "Titanic" on that boat, too! "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!"

yeah...but that's all 'normal' and s hit...i'm more suited for 'bob' behavior!

Nice. Go nuts!

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