Topic: You're Cheap | |
women do that in Africa...not with tampons but with feminine pads...they are reused. (I know this only because my daughter brought one, a new one, home with her afetr her 2 months there this summer.)
I'm guilty of the ziploc bag thing, but only with the gallon size ones... the little ones arent worth it.
I reuse store bought water bottles by filling them with tap water. I love to go to yard sales cause you can find nice stuff cheap, and bargin with the people on it too. The dollar menu at McD's is the best. I buy my DVD's at the video rental store used, or at pawn shops cause they are atleast half the price of new. Hmmm... I'll keep thinking and check back! |
I reuse water bottles too. Oh and the yard sale/flea market thing...this is a way cool outlite I use for my creativity. Trash to treasure projects that I LOVE to do.
I reuse water bottles too. Oh and the yard sale/flea market thing...this is a way cool outlit I use for my creativity. Trash to treasure projects that I LOVE to do.
bought my tux at a bag sale!
I go without panties or a bra to save on water,electric and laundy soap.
now we're talking! i wear sandals. and go barefoot to save shoe leather.
lol I sniffen gas from other cars,cause gas is so high take my bucket and hose and just go walking plus it's a good buzz
hmmm let's see - take the same bday card and use it over and over every year just add a new line like happy 18th nand the next year happy 19th etc! |
I might be cheap, but I ain't EZ!!!!!
cheap is a great character trait - i'll give you that - but EZ is FUN too.
nasty cheap...real nasty cheap.
here is a tip........for all those crazy curling iron chords etc.....use an empty toilet paper roll to keep the chords organized!!!
OH ALRIGHT! grabs hand and does the happy dance :happyfeet:
strews strews strews strews strews strews |
"i KNEW it"
dilute shampoo with water to stetch it like kids lemonade!!