Topic: Anyone here ever .. Ouija Board??
davidben1's photo
Thu 10/30/14 01:39 PM
uh, no actually...

what i was trying to say, was that since one "previously" heard that a plastic board may be "evil", that what one's own mind "heard" when using the board, it self did assume was evil, when in fact, it WAS NOT.

"jinn" is only an "evil", if some human say this word be an "evil name"...

and as far as the "devil", it be no different...

if one has previously been told, that "some thoughts" are of the "devil", then it will be the one to "assume" such thoughts are from the "devil", if it "believed them"...

that was my whole point.

there is no "devil" as the human intellects have been trained to believe was my point.

in other words, it was just another "human", that one day long ago, had a thought, and said "oh my, the "devil gave me that thought"...

and so then each human since the very first institution of such belief, has ADDED TO the LIST OF THOUGHTS, SAID TO BE "EVIL", OR OF THE DEVIL...

no photo
Fri 10/31/14 03:03 PM
Okay, once more, I think it's important to reiterate that for Kevin and myself, at the time, when we were kids... There was no other understanding of the word 'JINN' good, bad, or otherwise on a subconscious level. It was this moot word that had no meaning. I honestly thought it might be some deceased girl maybe, who's name might of been shortened from Jinny. (Not That Jinny, Is That Common A Name Among Girls)

Why I even remember asking the stupid board, "Is this our brain-waves at work?" and it replied, "No."

How appropriate this discussion is... It being Halloween night.

October 31st of 2014

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 03:36 PM


happy halloweens to thee thee...

brains believe what they wish to believe.


no photo
Fri 10/31/14 04:06 PM
Okay davidben1, I've got a story that is pertinent to Your argument.

There was a Donut Shop in Winnipeg that had a bunch of recessed flood-lights all around the establishment.

One of the bulbs had a flaw that just happened to defuse the light in such a manor that some customers started to see what appeared to be 'The Virgin Mary'

Throngs of 'Mary worshipers' came from far and wide to see the holy apparition, and at first the manager didn't mind. (Perspective Customers)

After a while though, people just started loitering and praying the Rosary, and reciting the Hail Mary, and so forth.

The manager said to himself, "Enough of this!" and took a ladder, unscrewed the light-bulb and replaced it with another that didn't defuse the light in such a way anymore.

Holy Mary was gone and so were the faithful. smile2

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 04:12 PM
there be argument with your argument, it twas first seen through eyes that sea argument.


no photo
Fri 10/31/14 04:24 PM
Dude... What are You smoking?

I've gotta get some of that!

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 04:42 PM
live live, and do keep up as down!

no photo
Fri 10/31/14 04:51 PM
Do You need me to send an ambulance or something Pal? what

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 04:54 PM

thank heavens and hell...



run quickly, and do help and save.

what a kind sheik.

blessings to the sheik!

happy hallowed demons and jinnes day!

may they visit all that love to feel wise with devilish dazzle and surprise!

happy hallowed ween to thee.

no photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:02 PM
Exclusive medication need here---> Sheihk of LaBroqueriedrinks <---and David.

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:11 PM

he he boo, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

you silly willy wabbit, evil wishes are for kids to play, not sheiks.

cheers to the jinns!

today be festive jinn day!

please jinns help the sheik to feel better today, for he feel so down, he wish another to get drunk and drown!

happy hallowed jinn day, and night...

no photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:19 PM
So, You're poet and I didn't know it. whoa

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:19 PM




bows to you.

no photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:30 PM
With all modesty... That last part wasn't needed.

Good night David, this has been weird enough.

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:38 PM
some in their pea brains just seem cant seem to find many as equal to them self, and bring down jinns all around in the dark hallowed halls...

cheers to many many more weird day and night to you!

michele63's photo
Mon 11/03/14 08:05 AM
I have used one many times and as far as i know it has not been evil but very informative. we looked up the information it gave us and everything checked out so i love the mystery of it..

no photo
Tue 01/20/15 05:22 AM

I have used one many times and as far as i know it has not been evil but very informative. we looked up the information it gave us and everything checked out so i love the mystery of it..

Loved the mystery of it ? hmm you do know that they are demons/fallen angels giving you this info , making out to be dead loved ones ?

It is a way of calling them , they willingly accept the invite of fools , it is evil , you may not notice anything straight away but after awhile something will 'not be right '

I owned one as a child like in the picture , they are best left well alone , we have enough problems with the 'spirit' of the air without getting personal .

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 01/20/15 05:54 AM
Shades of "The Adventures Of Courage The Dog In The Middle Of Nowhere"!laugh

no photo
Tue 01/20/15 05:59 AM
We played spirit of the cards as a joke once... Freaked us out, what happened... So no way ... Not ever...

no photo
Mon 02/02/15 04:00 AM
I could tell you some stories about the Ouiji Board. Sometimes, that board scared me and other times it was informative. In my opinion, spirits talk to others through a medium. To me, a Ouiji is a form of a medium. It can channel through "good" and "bad." My sister still has her board. I've tried for years to make her get rid of it. I will never have one in my house again.