Topic: what u hate most and why | |
I hate it when someone can't keep their promises.. Because it might lead to the deterioration of a certain relationship. And it hurts....a lot...
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Cunning n selfish
Good thought. But there may b a situation where u need to brk ur promise.
I hate my self
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I hate that I send messages to so many women and get no reply except the ones that have a business interest on here. Most put a ad on here and don't come back on.
Most people hate faking, false and lies
I know, you have perfectly write
Im whit u
I hate a lot of things mostly lies and people who tell them. |
When someone pretends they were a victim and in reality they do everything they can to make everyone else a victim of their self-centered-ness.
Oh my gosh! Bad drivers....well let's see...I HATE people that absolutely refuse to go the speed least do that! My ultimate pet peeve!!!
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right now I am angry that I believe... I am right about something ...
and someone is saying I am wrong ... wondering if its worth it ... kinda like getting tired of starting again ... shakes head ... |
Motion sensitive toilet flushers. ... they always go off when I reach for the toilet role.. usually resulting in a cold wet arse and me shouting.. "shiiiit"...
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I generally have very quick conversa....
I hate spiders. They really creep me out.
I hate spiders. They really creep me out. They're smart and stylish as all the predators .. thanks to them there are much less other nasty bugs. I highly appreciate their presence. Betrayal is the thing I hate the most |
I hate Snakes and Spiders, oh and being alone.
I hate it when people cut in line.... . I hate it when parents yell at their children in public... .. I hate standing in line.. and waiting for the person in front of me.. to decide what they are going to order.. .. from the coffee house menu.... when they were just standing in line for 10 minutes with me... before they got up to be serviced..... what on earth were they thinking for those 10 minutes..... they should have been thinking what the hell they wanted to order..... but instead they're thinking... .. did I leave the lights on in my bathroom....omg... make me want to strangle them... Hilarious |