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Topic: what u hate most and why
graywolf55's photo
Wed 12/10/14 01:17 PM
Not anything (really) just get aggravated a lot!frustrated Just walk away dummies may learn?oops

Jinshim_GW's photo
Wed 12/10/14 05:53 PM
When a deer runs out in front of you and you can't stop in time. I'm fine and so is the deer, both of us scared but some damage to my Jeep. grumble

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 12/10/14 07:02 PM
I hate drama...!!!....I hate that my family turns everything into drama...!!!...I love my family but right some of them make me want to puke...!!!!...thank God my kids and I are nothing like them...I love my kids...oh yeah...I hate self righteous, judgmental,.vindictive people that think they have no dirt in their closets...hmmmmm...geez that's the most hate I have felt in forever...explode :wink:

msharmony's photo
Wed 12/10/14 10:34 PM
hatefulness and uber judgementalism,,lol

too many words,,, when someone takes forever to get to the point or when they get to a point and restate it fifteen different ways,,,

I prefer to listen-resolve-move on,,, arguing for argument sake wears me down and I don't like the feeling of being worn down,,,

mikeyspace4691's photo
Wed 12/10/14 11:05 PM
Being awake is starting to be a pain in the ***.

graywolf55's photo
Thu 12/11/14 03:54 AM

hatefulness and uber judgementalism,,lol

too many words,,, when someone takes forever to get to the point or when they get to a point and restate it fifteen different ways,,,

I prefer to listen-resolve-move on,,, arguing for argument sake wears me down and I don't like the feeling of being worn down,,,
frustrated (Pulling hair out) I get this from my Daughter! She is like a sports announcer giving point to point plays- then recaps plays-backs up for strategic points???? 3 hrs.later finally says they need to borrow money???oops Wondering if selfinflicted little lead pill justifies- but reach for my BC powders!surprised

theseacoast's photo
Thu 12/11/14 06:13 AM
when I�m freezing

mikeyspace4691's photo
Thu 12/11/14 09:09 AM

oops People talking so fast you can't reply to anything said let alone understand what they say, going from one topic to another not taking a breath between sentences! I get after my own daughter and family for this! Rudeness is never an option of respect! Or butting in as you speak? I consider what would happen in this situation when I was Young!!:angel:

I know some who will speak, and then seemingly give you a chance to speak, but if you do they will start flapping their jaw again.. Talk teasers is what I call em..

graywolf55's photo
Thu 12/11/14 09:32 AM
frustrated Know what you mean mickey!! I was on the phone just a while ago with a (Lady) Her Daughter is in her 20s,2 grandchildren in the backgrounds,All screaming and laughing to where conversation was impossible!! That's one i will never call again!! Rudeness was never allowed as i was growing, and condoneing rudeness shows (adult mentality)as well!!surprised And Her in her 50s??????rofl

mikeyspace4691's photo
Thu 12/11/14 10:40 AM

panchovanilla's photo
Thu 12/11/14 10:46 AM
People putting their face 2 inches from mine, to talk.
I have learned to not head butt. Wasn't an easy habit to break.
Now, I just blow in their face.

mikeyspace4691's photo
Thu 12/11/14 04:24 PM

People putting their face 2 inches from mine, to talk.
I have learned to not head butt. Wasn't an easy habit to break.
Now, I just blow in their face.

Seinfeld called em close talkers..

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 12/11/14 04:32 PM
bad drivers

police that lie and tell me that my seat belt was not on when it was indeed on!

no photo
Thu 12/11/14 06:58 PM
Edited by Happiness2U on Thu 12/11/14 07:01 PM

morning awakening, especially after a nice dream

Mmmm yes, that twilight time...half in and out of the dream...I hate leaving that.

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/13/14 08:31 AM
lately, bougeise, petty, and egotistical behaviors

the more Im 'in the world' the more of it I see EVERYWHERE,, very draining,,,

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 10:55 AM

smartwithsparks's photo
Sun 12/21/14 11:23 AM
i hate hate hate wrapping

i only like the shoppin part

Totage's photo
Sun 12/21/14 01:40 PM

I hate a lot of things mostly lies and people who tell them.

I try not to hate, as it is negative and I try to release negativity, not harbor it.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 12/21/14 02:25 PM
I try not to hate, but I really dislike aggressive or unsafe drivers.

Cleveston's photo
Sun 12/21/14 02:35 PM
I hate to be alone... that's all folks!

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