Topic: NSA Phone-Data Program Set fer Legal Test | |
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Wed 09/24/14 08:56 AM
After another gathering last night of spirited folks and coal burners here in the grasslands/country my email box is full of this stuff...
Published September 1, 2014 | By Jed Clampett T' legalitee o't' Nashshunal Securty Agencys bulk colleckshun o'phone recerds will be testid thishere week befor a panel o'fedral judges, t'furst appeels court ta address t'controvershul program amid efferts by Congress ta rein it n'. T' herin skeduled fer Tuesdee at t'Sekunt U.S. Circuit Court o'Appeels n' New York stems frum a lawsuit filet by t'Amurkin Civil Libertees Union an' its New York affiliate. It wuz filet n' June 2013, days aft'r t'program wuz reveeld n' noose reperts, which reliet largelee un documants providet by ferm'r NSA contracter Edward Snowde. T' groups argue at t'bulk colleckshun o'phone metadata includin t'ime, durashun an' dialeeun' an' a'gittin numbers violates privacy rights, as well as fedral law. T' program allows intelligence analsts ta map relatyunships by queryyun' a suspects numb'r n' its database o'call recerds collectid frum phone cumpnys. Analsts a'ken retrieve associatid numbers within acoupla hops o't' suspects numb'r. N' uther wurds, t'gummint a'ken pull recerds o'numbers at wuz diereckly n' contact wit t'suspects numb'r, as well as recerds o'numbers n' contact wit thems numbers. Analsts had bee bull ta retrieve recerds within three hops befor Presdint Barock Obamie made modificatyuns ta t'program n' March. He has urget Congress ta revamp t'program, which gathers data frum about 20% er less o'all U.S. calls. Bills have bee proposet n' bof houses o'Congress at would end t'bulk colleckshun program, at leest as it exists noe, but thay air unlikelee ta be ackted un thishere year. N' t'lawsuit, t'group sed t'NSA program wuz akin ta snatchyun' ever Amurkins address book wit annotatyuns detaileeun' who we spoke ta, wen we talkt, fer hoe long, an' frum whar. T' Justus Department has arguet callers have no privacy innerst n' thar phone metadata, which thay willinglee provide ta thar telecommunicashun cumpnys ever time thay make a call. T' telefony-metadata program serves t'paramount gummint innerst n' prevantyun' an' disruptyun' terrerist attax un t'Unitid States, an' duz so wit minimal impact un legitimate privacy concerns, t'gummint wrote n' un April brief sined by Preet Bharara, t'U.S. atterney n' Munhattun, an' Stuart Delery, t'hed o't' Justus Departments Civil Division. A department spokeswumun declinet ta comment. N' Decemb'r, U.S. Districk Judge Willyum H. Pauley III n' Munhattun dismisset t'ACLUs challenge, describyun' t'colleckshun program as a counterpunch agin al Qaedas diffuse terrer netwerk. T' Justus Department sed n' its appellate brief at 16 differnt judges un t'nashuns surveillance court have appervet bulk colleckshun o'phone recerds un 37 occasyuns. Judge Pauleys ruleeun' kum less thun acoupla weeks aft'r a fedral districk judge n' t'Districk o'Columbia concludet n' a separate lawsuit at t'program almos certunlee violates t'Constitushun. T' Justus Department has appeelet at ruleeun', an' argumants n' t'U.S. Court o'Appeels fer t'D.C. Circuit air skeduled fer Novemb'r. An independent privacy-watchdog board, creetid by fedral law an' tasket wit reviewyun' nashshunal securty programs, declaret t'phone-recerds colleckshun illegal n' Januree an' callt fer its end. T' panel o'judges who will hear t'New York case includes Gerard Lynch, Robert Sack "Politics (fum Greek nekred politikos of, fo, o relatin t citizens) is th art o science of influencin varmints on a civic, o indivijool level, when thar is moe than 2 varmints involved, cuss it all t tarnation. Modern political discourse focuses on democracy an th relashunship between varmints an politics. It is thunk of as th way we choose govment officials an make decishuns about public policee" |
haha, that's better than encryption. I can barely read that!
Vendors of SIGINT/COMINT/LI and supporting Technologies and Systems The // Intercept An unapologetic James Clapper bristled at accusations of misconduct.... Clapper said his people have failed to come up with ways to continue accessing critical intelligence without the sort of bulk data collection that was disclosed by Snowden. |
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Wed 09/24/14 09:59 AM
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kewl, NSA would disregard that pig latin then.^^^^^
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kewl, NSA would disregard that pig latin then.^^^^^ ![]() Code will come in handy. |
Hav t send the OP ta Obozo fer decod'n |
No, 'Apple Wave' does not let you charge your iPhones in the microwave ![]() It will wipe it Good,though,even NSA couldn't recover it! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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