Topic: Have you seen a ghost? | |
My mother and I have seen "shadow people" but they were very short. So we would not really describe them as "people". We saw them in this very house that I live in now before we purchased it and moved in.
We have always been interested in the paranormal and apparitions. I hold karaoke nights downstairs, and one night my sister in law came up to me and said " I just saw a woman in a long dress and long black hair walking up the stairs". No one in the house fit that description. I do not know to this day what she saw I later started my own paranormal investigation group. We have only caught light phenomena, but recorded several E.V.P's. Later I purchased the mel and K2 meters and we have gotten several hits over 3 to 4 years . We went on to investigate other homes and businesses in the area, but have stopped for five years to take care of my mother whom had a stroke. She passed away in 2013 and I have not investigated since. It is interesting and there has been no threats or danger, and mostly there are reasons for odd sounds and feelings etc that can be debunked. |
Same here . I hate when that happen
met God eye too eye when i was 25yrs old a few generations ago lol, dealt with some bad spirits in life, which one are you letting rule your heart?
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Wed 03/02/16 03:37 PM
Yea I seem them down here on kleber Kaserne in Kaiserslautern. The main building with the clock tower in hunted as hell. I didn't believe it at first until I was working filing some papers, I laid a stack of folders on top of a file Cabnet, They jumped off the cabnet on to the floor. I thought I thought that maybe I put them to close to the edge, so I pick them up off the floor and put them back. Again I turned around and BAMB right back on the floor. I call one of my co workers is to see. Once she got in the middle of the door way, what ever it was slamed the door on her hand. We had to take her to the doctor. Next time I was working alone on the weekend. I saw Someone staring at me through the window. That ended my weekend work alone. Almost everyone ther has reported seeing ghost there. The clock tower was use to keep prisoner during world war 2. You can smell death in that building. Just pure ****ing evil. Lights go off for no reasons. One of my co workers saw the lights on on the third floor, he went up, turn them off, befoor he could get down stairs, they were right back on. German enginers made all kind of test, even rewired the place but the lights will still come back on.
I remember waking up a few times during the night and seeing a woman with red short hair and a lialac dress standing at the end of my bed, just staring. Everytime I saw her and froze with fear she'd turn away and walk out of my room.
It was likely just my brain waking up :p however I don't doubt their existence. |
beautifully said!!
I have always found this an unusual topic, simply because, Why is it that ALL Ghosts are in Human Form, never seen a ghost cat, mouse, bird, giraffe, elephant, gazelle, flea..... I could go on.
The other thing to note is that ghost stories have only appeared with the last few hundred years and then the trail goes cold. Lastly I can honestly say myself that I have seen "ghosts". I was sat on the sofa one day and my friend had gone home but then I noticed out of the corner of my eye my friend run from the back of the house to the kitchen, with our house you could walk around in a circle so I ran around the other way into the kitchen and my friend was not there. I questioned everyone else in the house and nobody saw him because he went home a few hours ago. For whatever reason I imagined it and have no idea why. Another occasion was when I caught a bus. I had waited for my bus and all of a sudden the number 38 bus came round. I got on the bus and it started to go on a different route. I asked the driver where we were going on it turned out I had got on the number 62 bus. Totally different number and said a totally different location but I got on the bus adamant that it was my number 38. Sometimes our eyes or mind can deceive us which is likely where ghost stories first came from but nothing more than stories. Watch Derrin Browns documentary of trying to prove ghosts existence and it will show you how "daft" "ghosts" are. |
and mostly the horrible ghost -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THA GHOST TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sun 03/27/16 07:21 AM
and mostly the horrible ghost -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THA GHOST TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
Lived in a house with moving shadows (stable light, no sources to cause the movements). Bootfalls on the floor above when no one home. Screams/banging down a stairwell when no one else home. Didn't stay long :/
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Sat 04/02/16 06:17 PM
scientifically, "ghosts" have neither been proven or disproven. However, at least one study, focusing on the "spirit", demonstrated that the human body loses approximately one pound at time of death. Some people belive in ghosts, some do not. I have seen my share in my life. They were all apparitions of some sort, also orbs. Started when I was about 5. I think people who believe in ghosts have seen some. But one I did not see was living in my home with my daughter and I. I used to hear footsteps going down the hall all the one there. But then one night, after I tucked in my child. I watched some tv til I was ready to go to bed, went back in to check on her and her desk chair was pulled out from under her desk and was facing her bed as if someone was watching her sleep. |