Topic: The Distance Problem | |
One major issue on these sites is, many have found mutual interest in people from far away. All I can say is, if you don't take a chance, you might miss out your true love. I think it's imparitive that everyone puts in their profile, that they might consider relocating, if that is an option for you.If the chemistry is there, you will some how find a way to make it work. This happened to me. I drove 7 hours to meet someone, only spent 36 hours with her, drove another 7 hours back home, well worth it. I never would have known, If I didn't take the chance!
Since she had the better job. It only made sense the I make the move. Think outside the box! I have no regrets. I took the chance. The online dating scene opens many oportunities for individuals to get to know their potential mate. Unfortunately, most of us tend to go for looks first. This is indeed sad. The forums, give us a chance to see the inside. With the many topics covered, it helps us to get a bigger picture of who this person really is! If it weren't for the interaction, I would not have met my girl. I'm posting this in hopes that many will open their eyes and see the inside of others. There is hope for all. Peace |
im just almost 23 and i dont have the need to move
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Well I took a chance and fell in love with a guy from Idaho....I live in NY. We will be working on when I can move out there because the cost of living is cheaper there.
We first met a few weeks ago when he had a conference in Baltimore. I flew there to meet him and it was fantastic!! As you say, take the might be worth it!! |
I think if the relationship's right and real, any obstacles can be overcome, including distance. But both people have to be willing to put the effort into making it work, it can't be one-sided. Even if you are not the one doing the moving, there'll be a lot of adjustments to make.
I'd do it. |
It is more difficult for people with children to move.
I've raised my kids,so if some captures my heart and soul I would move in a heart beat,it's finally time for me.
I have a 3 year old myself and there would be no way i could just pack up and move
If I still had young kids it would be a different story,but there grown now so it's me time.
But someone else might pick up and move to you. However, if people don't put they might consider, they may get overlooked. I used to never consider anyone out of my home area. I'd still be single if I kept that attitude. I know of people that have traveled, ethen moved thousands of miles away to be with someone. That's awesome. Good for you Eileen. That excellent to hear.
I talk to anyone regardless of their location, come to think of it i have only talked to a few people in my state/city.
If they're worth it, ppl will find a way to go the distance...
me to I've only talked with one from my state,but life is to short and I'm not getting any younger sure I would miss my kids and grandkids but I put my time in so now it's my time.
There are no 'problems', only challenges, which with determination, tenacity, and working together can be overcome.
(Why do I sound like Andy Robbins?) ![]() However, children must come first,then the non custodial parent, and sometimes, cultural differences have to be looked at, also. |
Kind of a double-edged sword, in a way. On this site, no one within 897,000 miles will talk to me. On other sites, there are plenty of locals who want to talk, etc., but they are not relationship material.
I tried two LDRs last year, with two people I met on other sites, and both were just fine until we met in person. In both cases, they were not who they had claimed to be. Since I'd rather be alone than be with the wrong person, it just isn't practical for me to spend months at a time dealing with long distance "multiple personality disorder" types. I'm not saying I would never consider another LDR (at least to start with), but I think it's unlikely. |
That happens alot. I also know of many that have taken themselves off the market and haven't even met the other person. This is ridiculous. I'm talking about a years time. That initial meeting is the most important to see if you both click.
Distance does not determine love. Of course, distance can and will cause some challenges, but whatever is meant to be will happen.
I agree that distance should'nt matter...
If you have children though- then it does matter. Some can't just up and move. I think the distance is what is keeping guys from e-mailing me. I have alot of views from all over the country- but they don't e-mail. You know the old saying... Where theres a will, theres a way... |
Then that's your answer, search for guys named Will.
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![]() ![]() Any Wills out there??? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I met a really nice man online in Jax florida -I'm in upstate SC. We began writing in May & have e-mailed and IM'd for awhile. When I felt comfortable after a coupla months he gave me his # and I would call him occasionally. Now we speak everyday. We met in person a couple of weeks ago. Then he came into town last weekend. He drove 5 hrs to see me. He is a really great guy and we continue to build a good foundation and there seems to be a connection there.
As for moving, That will be awhile off for me and I like the security for now of knowing he is 5 hrs away, after all I was married 8 yrs to a man I didnt know at all so I am really cautious. My youngest is in Hi school and I want him to graduate with his peers and this man seems to be understanding of this. So for now the distance thing isnt a problem for me. He is having a bit more of an issue with it. I guess having been in an abusive realtionship has made me really step back and take my time. And Im ok with that. After all we all deserve the best- why settle for anything less. |