Topic: such idiots | |
LHB -- Thank you! It's nice to know that someone is at least reading whatever it is that I'm writing here!
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Hey mike now that you're on. Do you think my humor is in really bad taste?
4990...oh am I supposed to be reading? I was too busy counting.
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I mean I have been in a few situations where I've tried to diffuse situations with humor. And I've tried to bait undesirable conflicts to jump on me. Am I bad?
LHB -- "Bad taste" is kind of subjective, though, and I haven't seen anything you've posted that I wouldn't have posted myself if I somehow had a way of making it look like it was really you doing the posting.
Lee -- You know, the thing that worries me is my whole 5000-post theory is based entirely on voodoo and superstition. It MIGHT not even be true....?? |
| snuck one in the Chicago section Lex, and I am feeling awfully like a stalker...but amusing myself no end..
If the voodoo doesn't work it's ok, you gave me great pleasure trailing around counting your posts... Just means we go hunting in Saturn sooner. ![]() |
Thank you lex. I mean the situation with the 18 year old with the bra on the outside of her shirt, her ego on her sleeve, and her head up her rear. Yknow you were right there. It was classic elvis and costello.
Yeah, there are actually a couple of new people who don't realize that the Chicago forum is supposed to stay empty. It's sort of like our emergency storage area. I just can't figure out what we're going to store in there. Maybe debt consolidation forms.
Jeez, I hope it isn't actually 10,000 posts instead of 5000.... Well, I guess I could do 5000 new ones about our trip to Saturn! But we will still need about 6 more oxygen tanks and some Fritos. |
4993...wasn't the Chigago area for the storage of the tanks till we went?
I guess if I dont breathe as hard or as often I could rustle up another 6 tanks before you hit 10 000 posts, (that is, not years..).. ![]() Wasn't there some superstition about if you don't look for it, it bites you on the butt or something? Maybe that's where the 5 000 posts comes in, hang on, will check... Nope, can't see any teeth marks.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I got the abbot and the fritos. Let's make tacos in a bag! You open those individual bags of fritos and put all the fixings right on top. Meat, cheese, sour cream, onions, peppers, taco sauce.
(Psssttt!!! What's a frito??? I wasn't game to answer)
I'm doing ok. I'm batting over 800.
Fritos are corn chips. Years ago, they used to have a little cartoon character called the "Frito Bandito" on their commercials, but he was later deemed not PC enough and he's now the ambassador to Denmark or something.
Fritos are a baked corn chip that comes in a bag. Like potato chips? Or crisps? A snack food. Or one of the reasons 60% of all americans are overweight.
4994...I'm getting excited here, will balloons drop out of the ceiling, with ticker tape stuff?
Thanks for the Fito Bandito update, I wondered why Norway had a potato crisp for an embassador, and we got a cardboard cut out...all the non PC's get shipped to the outer regions. Heaven's, what can one expect as an ambassador to Saturn? ![]() |
And my manners. Good evening jess. What bad snackfood do aussies munch on?
Hi LHB, and thankyou,
I had no idea, and was a little scared to ask...until you mentioned the little taco thingys.. ![]() |
Aussie snackfood...hmmmm...I don't know, all the usual demons I think...potato crisps...umm fish and stuff, fast food...
I don't really know, but this neck of the woods,( Australia) got awfully heavy the last ten years or so.. ![]() |
Kangaroo rinds? Eh good one lex? Damn now I gotta explain pork rinds to jess so she can get the joke.
If balloons drop out of my ceiling, I will have to have a very serious talk with the landlord tomorrow morning....
On the other hand, a parade would be nice -- maybe some kind of award, a little statue or something (not too ostentatious), some Arby's coupons, maybe a free oil change.... Ambassador to Saturn? Pretty much any politician in Washington would be right for that long as it's one-way only.... hell, send 'em all....! |