Topic: Ecigs | |
has anyone ever tried them? what are your opinions on them? i am one week on mine, i have went from smoking two packs a day to 1 1/2 packs all week. im still getting nicotine which i eventually hope to come off of, but, im not getting all that tar and other chemicals, no smoke, no ashes, no smell, etc... im kinda diggin it. wonder if others used them to help them stop smoking. ive been smoking for 30+ years pretty regular, so its time to stop!
Listen, your best approach to stop smoking is find an annoying person that loves you and wants to see you live longer with a better quality of life. He will remind you to quit!
Listen, your best approach to stop smoking is find an annoying person that loves you and wants to see you live longer with a better quality of life. He will remind you to quit! an annoying person will stress me out and ill need to smoke more so i dont choke them! lol jk.... yes, having someone cheer you on and emotionally support you is great! im working on the quitting thing... doing pretty good actually for someone who has smoked as heavy and as long as i have. im pretty head strong and stubborn as you can prob tell haha.... i put my mind to it... ill do it! :) |
Congrats on the will power :-) |
Congrats on the will power :-) thanks... believe me, i want a cigarette, but i want to quit even more, so i just find something else to do and hit on my ecig here and there to cure the bad cravings... it does help! ![]() |
I quit smoking also about 10 years ago. I cannot say it was the same for me as it will be the same for you. But i can assure you that after 2 weeks of waiting most of the cravings will be gone. What i also did was to go into a bar or place where they would heavily smoke. I did that after 1 month. So i would just sit there and drink a coffee but not smoke. This prepared me for featured encounters with smokers.
It makes it easier this way. Trust me when i say it was really worth it. Not only is it expensive to smoke. But also your skin will look better after it. And you will feel much better. Emotional and physical.. Also it will make your life easier. For example i can go on an airplane with no problems now. I never regreted the day i quit. |
thanks mich... great advice! i wish i would have never started. back then they glamourized smoking, it was cool, everyone did it... but we didnt know what we know now. once addicted... you're screwed.... ive been hypnotized several times, done patches, gum, even pills and shots... nothing has worked. i dont think i truly wanted to quit. i do now. im also a 2 time cancer survivor... i have an amazing grandson i want to see grow up, so much i want to do with my life and not have some cigarette dictate to me where i go and what i do, not to mention how long i live, if that makes sense. its time... im on a crusade and im pretty head strong so i think i got this... it wont be easy but nothing worth anything comes easy...
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also i find helpful is everytime i want to smoke, i down a glass of water, kinda helps with the craving and helps with flushing all that toxins out...
My mom is also a heavy smoker. And i could never convince her to stop. But i asked her to smoke electronic now. And it really helped her. She was a heavy smoker. But now she only smokes 2 cigarettes a day. And the rest is from the electronic cigarette. It does not smell bad and you won't get mess from them either. No burns on the carpet.
I think it is much more healthier. But quitting completely is always better. Me personal i cannot smoke less. It is either quit or smoke the same amount. Because i know that eventually i will smoke the same amount as i did before. But.. some people can do it. Me personally i cannot. I would try with the electronic cigarette or quit all.. |
What i did is to keep myselve busy as much as i can. Setting your goals too high can really lash back at you. The more you force yourselve into doing something that is so dependant on your mood, the harder it becomes. With electronic cigarettes you inhale water vapour.
With the essentials that smokers need. It also depends on the brand of e-cigarette you use. There are a lot of bad ones on the market. But my mom uses them that you can refill with that liquid. It is already saving a lot of money. And she says she feels a lot better now. She would smoke a package a day on average. But now only 2 a day. And then a puff from the electronic cigarette. When needed. |
thats kind of where i am, i get up, have my coffee, smoke a cigarette with my coffee and the rest of the day i use the ecig when i need "a fix" lol. oh yes, i was a 2 pack a day smoker so i am saving a ton of money! its only been a week but i am noticing a huge difference. congrats to your mother! that's wonderful!! congrats to you too!!!
You can do It.. i am sure of it. ;) Your doing the right thing. And you should post your experiences after 1 month. You will feel more comfortable with the cigarette then.
I am sure that when you have a good brand of e-cigarette then you can really reduce or even stop it all. But be carefull.. In the model of my mom the vaporizer will lose it's function over time. So you will not get your Nicotine from it. So it is important that you will replace that part in time. If that is also the case with your type of E-cigarette. |
im using greensmoke right now with the replaceable cartridges. im looking into getting one that you fill yourself. my sister has one of those. she smoked more heavy than i did and once she started with hers she hasnt had a cigarette since last january.
Yes from my experience the ones that you fill with that liquid yourselve are the best. I gave my mom the ones with cartridges too. But they did not last long. So your sister did the right thing :)
With liquids you have really special and delicious tastes by the way. Like blueberry or a cigarette taste. Also chocolate. You can even mix some yourselve. They also last really long. I also find the odour as a non smoker very pleasant when i visit my mom. Normal smoke makes me cough instantly. But not with vapour. :) |
idk if i would like the flavors, perhaps i would, ill have to try them. chocolate... my downfall!!! lol
yes, i tried my sisters and i liked it. i also liked with hers that she could adjust the strength. im a full flavor smoker. the cartridges dont last long and when you get to the end of it it has a burnt metalic taste, not pleasant lol. im anxious to get one of the other ones and get started on this. i did this to see how i would like it. i got the starter kit. i think i will like the others much better too! |