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Topic: Fluency in XKEYSCORE ?
no photo
Mon 07/28/14 10:50 PM
Go ahead and google that. Then wonder about your unencrypted connection.

bah ha....ah ...ha. glasses

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 07/29/14 04:04 AM

Go ahead and google that. Then wonder about your unencrypted connection.

bah ha....ah ...ha. glasses

Somebody gets it!

metalwing's photo
Tue 07/29/14 04:47 AM
Big Brother is alive and well!

willing2's photo
Tue 07/29/14 06:47 AM
Too bad that ain't in English.

It went rat over the head of dis heah old redneck.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 07/29/14 07:45 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 07/29/14 07:47 AM

Too bad that ain't in English.

It went rat over the head of dis heah old redneck.

Just think NSA and personal privacy buddy.... you know.... what used to be the 4th amendment?..... you'll get it then

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 07/29/14 08:20 AM

Go ahead and google that. Then wonder about your unencrypted connection.

bah ha....ah ...ha. glasses

they most likely still know where the start of the Communication was,and where it was headed!
Doubt you can hide that!

no photo
Wed 07/30/14 10:38 PM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Wed 07/30/14 10:44 PM
Some people get it here.

yeah, good old RSA and RC4, no good, back door buddies? Yup, how's that for homosexual dating?

Bah hahahaha....gee wonder why my username and email account was deleted from that other site forums I was on? Um....let's see, ya, XKEYSCORE, bleeding heartbeat, of art, eh? (besides that 10 million $ pay off.)(AND 65,000 x's FASTER TO CRACK`up yer azz)

I'm trying really hard not to find Edward right now.....lmfao.


no photo
Tue 08/05/14 12:24 PM
oh, I forgot to mention IPv6 tunneling. :angry:

no photo
Mon 08/18/14 08:35 PM

no photo
Mon 08/18/14 08:48 PM

no photo
Tue 11/04/14 12:33 PM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Tue 11/04/14 12:33 PM
The Internet Son Aaron Swartz's Story Spanish subtitles

Open Access to public information that publishers make billions on every year. Criminalizing non criminal hackers to public info.
Aaron's Law.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 11/04/14 04:17 PM
Edited by alnewman on Tue 11/04/14 04:17 PM

Go ahead and google that. Then wonder about your unencrypted connection.

bah ha....ah ...ha. glasses

OMG, I'm on NSA's Red List, imagine that. But what do I care? NSA is not my concern, I spent too many years working in Internet hotels not to know about there little private room where all circuits terminate before going to the frames to be connected to users. But using good encryption keeps messages safe unless extra effort is used to break the code.

But yes, all meta data is in the clear, must be to be routed through the network. And that data reveals everything about you but the message. And believe me, if they want to crack the text with the machines they have, it will be cracked. Won't be in real time, but they don't need to, they have a lot of time.

Oh yes my concern, the corporations that steal my data and sell it unbidled all across the internet, like google, yahoo, microsoft, and so many more.

no photo
Tue 11/04/14 04:58 PM

Oh yes my concern, the corporations that steal my data and sell it unbidled all across the internet, like google, yahoo, microsoft, and so many more.


no photo
Tue 11/04/14 08:03 PM

Oh yes my concern, the corporations that steal my data and sell it unbidled all across the internet, like google, yahoo, microsoft, and so many more.


Still with governments, so what do you expect? They enslave the people, our western corporations come in and bribe them so the corporations may steal their resources. Now they have all this shiny new trinkets and have to spend them on something.

Now here in the Corporation of US, it's different. The corporate government have all the little sheeple convinced that the government has some mystical right to up to 35% of the results of their labor. And all these little sheeple cringe in fear at the thought of them coming with the guns because they refuse to be a slave.

Now with all these ill gotten gains, not the income tax, that just sounded good. All that income money goes to the bankers for lending the government what they didn't have in the first place, money, as interest on debt created out of thin air.

Anyway, back to the story. Out of all this other money the government steals from the unaware (well aware also), they can buy all these neat toys. And with all these greedy corporations, the request from the government are a god send and they build all these totally illegal devices for totally illegal purposes, but the profit is great.

And the sheeple cry and whine and government goes on.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/04/14 11:38 PM
I never mistook the WORLD WIDE WEB as a private place in the first place,,

,,so no worries here,,,

no photo
Wed 11/05/14 05:42 AM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Wed 11/05/14 05:57 AM

Still with governments, so what do you expect? They enslave the people, our western corporations come in and bribe them so the corporations may steal their resources. Now they have all this shiny new trinkets and have to spend them on something.

This could be, possibly THE only thing relevant in this thread topic that you have stated.

Now here in the Corporation of US, it's different. The corporate government have all the little sheeple convinced that the government has some mystical right to up to 35% of the results of their labor. And all these little sheeple cringe in fear at the thought of them coming with the guns because they refuse to be a slave.

Now with all these ill gotten gains, not the income tax, that just sounded good. All that income money goes to the bankers for lending the government what they didn't have in the first place, money, as interest on debt created out of thin air.

Anyway, back to the story. Out of all this other money the government steals from the unaware (well aware also), they can buy all these neat toys. And with all these greedy corporations, the request from the government are a god send and they build all these totally illegal devices for totally illegal purposes, but the profit is great.

And the sheeple cry and whine and government goes on.

Actually the entire object of the monitoring of the peoples information and meta data in all countries, is the illusion of fear of being controlled. Not consumerism. Not terrorism at home either.

General Keith Alexander's motto on intelligence: "Collect it all."

If you are looking for some real news, from real journalists not spewing dissent, I suggest you check this site:

Also here's a great site in conjunction with digital rights:

I never mistook the WORLD WIDE WEB as a private place in the first place,,

,,so no worries here,,,

I agree, never have put my real name out there on any social networking, or inside my devices, ever.

no photo
Wed 11/05/14 01:39 PM

Still with governments, so what do you expect? They enslave the people, our western corporations come in and bribe them so the corporations may steal their resources. Now they have all this shiny new trinkets and have to spend them on something.

This could be, possibly THE only thing relevant in this thread topic that you have stated.

Now here in the Corporation of US, it's different. The corporate government have all the little sheeple convinced that the government has some mystical right to up to 35% of the results of their labor. And all these little sheeple cringe in fear at the thought of them coming with the guns because they refuse to be a slave.

Now with all these ill gotten gains, not the income tax, that just sounded good. All that income money goes to the bankers for lending the government what they didn't have in the first place, money, as interest on debt created out of thin air.

Anyway, back to the story. Out of all this other money the government steals from the unaware (well aware also), they can buy all these neat toys. And with all these greedy corporations, the request from the government are a god send and they build all these totally illegal devices for totally illegal purposes, but the profit is great.

And the sheeple cry and whine and government goes on.

Actually the entire object of the monitoring of the peoples information and meta data in all countries, is the illusion of fear of being controlled. Not consumerism. Not terrorism at home either.

General Keith Alexander's motto on intelligence: "Collect it all."

If you are looking for some real news, from real journalists not spewing dissent, I suggest you check this site:

Also here's a great site in conjunction with digital rights:

I never mistook the WORLD WIDE WEB as a private place in the first place,,

,,so no worries here,,,

I agree, never have put my real name out there on any social networking, or inside my devices, ever.

Interesting sites, helps to stay informed. Speaking of informed,as I type this the "LIAR" in Chief is having a news conference with the parrot media. Had to put my hip waders on, the stuff was getting deep. As to his message: "Blah, blah , blah, I'm great, blah, blah, blah."

But still, you can play with the conspiracies. You can try and hide from reality, but in the end it really doesn't matter. Until you can understand the law, you loose. Until you get rid of your local psychopaths in government and return your county to the republic, you loose.

I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.
― Benjamin Franklin

And one of those faults that they preceived very early on was Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

The problem with this was there was no penalties so an amendment was proposed, the original 13th amendment. And as they say, from there it was history.

God works wonders now and then; Behold a lawyer, an honest man.
-Benjamin Franklin

no photo
Wed 11/05/14 01:45 PM

But still, you can play with the conspiracies. You can try and hide from reality, but in the end it really doesn't matter. Until you can understand the law, you loose. Until you get rid of your local psychopaths in government and return your county to the republic, you loose.

nutjob. Derailing.
^^^Can't find your electronic digital rights, huh?

no photo
Wed 11/05/14 03:14 PM

But still, you can play with the conspiracies. You can try and hide from reality, but in the end it really doesn't matter. Until you can understand the law, you loose. Until you get rid of your local psychopaths in government and return your county to the republic, you loose.

nutjob. Derailing.
^^^Can't find your electronic digital rights, huh?

Can't find what isn't lost. You have a right not to post on the internet. If you give up that right, it will be used against you, from many different angles and many different sources.

Trying to hide your name is just an illusion, keep telling yourself it matters other than to those that don't care. Unless you are religiously using TOR and follow their routine to an exact T, your metadata tells all. It contains enough information for someone to arrive on your doorstep in the morning with a copy of your "birth" certificate and intimate photos.

And EFF is but pissing in the wind. They will make a bunch of noise but accomplish little else. After all, Snowden spilled the beans and made all aware, but what has changed, even more corruption right in your face.

I have more faith in "Anonymous". At least if someone messes with their right to the internet, they will retaliate and all those fast sources will just not work at all, millions and millions of dollars in damage to the corporate networks, just ask PayPal when they blocked funding to Julian Assange.

no photo
Wed 11/05/14 05:15 PM

I have more faith in "Anonymous". At least if someone messes with their right to the internet, they will retaliate and all those fast sources will just not work at all, millions and millions of dollars in damage to the corporate networks, just ask PayPal when they blocked funding to Julian Assange.

Well, that's about the smartest thing I have heard you say yet. Kudos.

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