Topic: Wanting to have sex before Marriage | |
I'm pretty sure that you already know the answer. The bible (God's Word) is clear about fornication, sex before marriage is wrong and harmful. You must know from experience how harmful sex before marriage is. To name a few, std's, grieving the Holly Spirit, you become one with that person, it opens the door for anything that person is into to come into your life. I could go on about the harm of this sin. You should be thankful for this friend being strong enough to tell you the truth that you didn't want to hear. God bless, no condemnation here but wanting you to please the Lord in all you do.
I recently just went through a barrage of judgment from a person I thought understood my beliefs. It was out of no-where that this person told me that I was a Luke-warm Christian due to me being okay with sex before marriage. It hurt not only being called a person that God wants to spit out of his mouth, but more so because I cared for this girl. We had come to an agreement before hand, and I thought we we're on the same page. But then out of no-where, she one eighties on me, but I don't blame her at all for feeling this way. As someone who believes/knows Jesus died for my sins, I know just how BIG God really is, but I also have a lot of confidence in Him knowing me inside and out as well. I am a sinner, and will sin for the rest of my life, but I am just tired of so many people who go through condemnation and persecution on a daily basis that end up doing this to each other! It's all about God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit in the end, but at the same time, apart of me really does just want that intimacy in a sexual relationship with another human being. What do you think? No judgement here at all, I'm just wondering what others believe on this topic. |
If a Couple Are in Love, Is It All Right for Them to Live Together Without Being Married?
The Bible’s answer The Bible clearly states that “God will judge fornicators.” (Hebrews 13:4) The Greek word for “fornication,” por·nei′a, includes premarital sex. Therefore, it would be wrong in God’s eyes for an unmarried couple to live together—even if they intend to get married later. What if a couple are deeply in love? God still requires that they marry before having sex. It was God who created us with the capacity to love. God’s primary quality is love. (1 John 4:8) Therefore, he has good reason for insisting that sex be reserved for married couples. |
Does the Bible Comment on Same-Sex Marriages?
The Bible’s answer Our Creator established rules governing marriage long before governments began regulating the institution. The opening book of the Bible tells us: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) The Hebrew word “wife,” according to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, “connotes one who is a female human being.” Jesus confirmed that those yoked together in marriage should be “male and female.”—Matthew 19:4. Thus, God intended marriage to be a permanent, intimate bond between a man and a woman. Men and women are designed to complement each other so they may be capable of satisfying each other’s emotional and sexual needs and of providing children. |
How Can I Explain the Bible’s View of Homosexuality? The awards ceremony erupts into a frenzy when two popular actresses greet each other with a passionate kiss! Onlookers gasp in shock and then cheer in support. Gays call it a triumph. Skeptics call it a publicity stunt. Whichever it is, video clips of the kiss will be aired repeatedly on TV newscasts—and elicit millions of hits on the Internet—for days to come. AS ILLUSTRATED in the above scenario, few events create more media buzz than when a celebrity comes out as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Some people praise such ones for their courage; others condemn them for their debauchery. Between the two extremes, many view homosexuality as nothing more than an alternative lifestyle. “When I was in school,” says Daniel, 21, “even straight kids felt that if you had a problem with the idea of homosexuality, you were prejudiced and judgmental.” * Attitudes about homosexuality may differ from one generation to another or from one land to another. But Christians aren’t “carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching.” (Ephesians 4:14) Instead, they adhere to the Bible’s view. What is the Bible’s view of homosexuality? If you live by the Bible’s moral code, how can you respond to those who label you prejudiced, judgmental, or even homophobic? Consider the following questions and possible responses. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? The Bible makes it clear that God designed sex to be engaged in only between a male and a female and only within the arrangement of marriage. (Genesis 1:27, 28; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 5:18, 19) When the Bible condemns fornication, it is referring to both homosexual and heterosexual conduct. *—Galatians 5:19-21. If someone asks: “What’s your view of homosexuality?” You might reply: “I don’t hate homosexuals, but I can’t approve of their conduct.” ✔ Remember: If you’re guided by the Bible’s moral code, then that is your lifestyle choice, and you have a right to it. (Joshua 24:15) Don’t feel ashamed of your view.—Psalm 119:46. Shouldn’t Christians treat all people with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation? Absolutely. The Bible says: “Honor men of all sorts” or, as Today’s English Version renders it, “Respect everyone.” (1 Peter 2:17) Therefore, Christians are not homophobic. They show kindness to all people, including those who are gay.—Matthew 7:12. If someone asks: “Doesn’t your view of homosexuality encourage prejudice against gays?” You might reply: “Not at all. I reject homosexual conduct, not people.” ✔ You could add: “To illustrate it, I also choose not to smoke. In fact, I find the very idea of it repugnant. But suppose you’re a smoker and you feel differently. I wouldn’t be prejudiced against you for your view, just as I’m sure you wouldn’t be prejudiced against me for my view—am I right? The same principle applies to our differing views of homosexuality.” Didn’t Jesus preach tolerance? If so, shouldn’t Christians take a permissive view of homosexuality? Jesus didn’t encourage his followers to accept any and all lifestyles. Rather, he taught that the way to salvation is open to “everyone exercising faith in him.” (John 3:16) Exercising faith in Jesus includes conforming to God’s moral code, which forbids certain types of conduct—including homosexuality.—Romans 1:26, 27. When it comes to popular opinion, Christians have the courage to walk against the crowd If someone says: “Homosexuals can’t change their orientation; they’re born that way.” You might reply: “The Bible doesn’t comment on the biology of homosexuals, although it acknowledges that some traits are deeply ingrained. (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5) Even if some are oriented toward the same sex, the Bible tells Christians to shun homosexual acts.” ✔ Suggestion: Rather than get ensnared in a debate about the cause of homosexual desires, emphasize that the Bible prohibits homosexual conduct. To make a comparison, you could say: “You know, many claim that violent behavior can have a genetic root and that as a result, some people are predisposed to it. (Proverbs 29:22) What if that was true? As you might know, the Bible condemns fits of anger. (Psalm 37:8; Ephesians 4:31) Is that standard unfair just because some may be inclined toward violence?” WHAT ABOUT BISEXUALITY? Although it can be found among both genders, it seems that bisexuality is becoming increasingly common in girls. Consider a few reasons. Attention “Boys openly admit that they think lesbians are appealing. Girls who lack self-confidence will do almost anything to make a guy like them.”—Jessica, 16. Curiosity “When you put something out there in movies, TV, and music that promotes girls kissing girls, teens will be tempted to try it—especially when they do not consider it to be wrong.”—Lisa, 26. Attraction “I met two bisexual girls at a party, and later I found out from a friend that they liked me. Eventually I started texting one of the girls, and I started developing feelings for her.”—Vicky, 13. If you want to please God, you should avoid experimenting with conduct that the Bible describes as unclean. (Ephesians 4:19; 5:11) But what if you’re really drawn to both sexes? Many would urge you simply to embrace your sexuality and come out as bisexual. However, you should be aware that same-sex attraction is often nothing more than a passing phase. That’s what Lisette, 16, found. She says: “Talking to my parents about my feelings made me feel better. Also, through my biology classes in school, I learned that during the adolescent years, hormone levels can fluctuate greatly. I truly think that if more youths knew more about their bodies, they would understand that same-sex attraction can be temporary and they wouldn’t feel the pressure to be gay.” Even if your feelings are more deep-rooted than a short-lived growing pain, realize that the Bible presents you with a reachable goal: You can choose not to act on any wrong desires. * How could God tell someone who is attracted to the same sex to shun homosexuality? That sounds cruel. Such reasoning is based on the flawed notion that humans must act on their sexual impulses. The Bible dignifies humans by assuring them that they can choose not to act on their improper sexual urges if they truly want to.—Colossians 3:5. If someone says: “Even if you’re not gay, you should change your view of homosexuality.” You might reply: “Suppose I didn’t approve of gambling but you did. Would it be reasonable for you to insist that I change my view, simply because millions of people choose to gamble?” ✔ Remember this: Most people (including homosexuals) have some ethical code that causes them to deplore certain things—perhaps fraud, injustice, or war. The Bible prohibits those behaviors; it also draws the line at certain types of sexual conduct, including homosexuality.—1 Corinthians 6:9-11. The Bible is not unreasonable nor does it promote prejudice. It simply directs those with same-sex urges to do the same thing that is required of those with an opposite-sex attraction—to “flee from fornication.”—1 Corinthians 6:18. The fact is, millions of heterosexuals who wish to conform to the Bible’s standards employ self-control despite any temptations they might face. Their numbers include many who are single with little prospect of marriage and many who are married to a disabled partner who is unable to function sexually. They are able to live happily without fulfilling their sexual urges. Those with homosexual inclinations can do the same if they truly want to please God.—Deuteronomy 30:19. TO THINK ABOUT Why does God impose moral laws on humans? How do you benefit from adhering to the Bible’s moral laws? |
Sex before marriage is not really a good move. Our body is the temple of God and as christians we should Honor him with everything that we have and do. Sin is a sin. Repent and never do it again.
Well you either believe the Word of God you don't but the choice is yours we in this country are in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and if the Lord does not judge this country because of it's immoral state the He will apologies to the other city but thank the Lord for His long suffering towards us
And that is truth std's are a punishment for the act of fornication I believe
Sex before marriage is wrong. We are all tempted but having a strong Christian faith will overcome those temptations
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Wed 11/19/14 04:45 AM
Dear Azgoodlookin!
Jesus loves you so much! I hope that one day you reactivate your account to reading this. One thing is important to know. Satan is too much happy when you feel guilty. He is dancing and clapping hands. He knows how to run people down. Even by throwing Bible verses on you. Do not give him more chance. Jesus Christ has paid for our forgiveness. When I tell Him, God you know what I did yesterday, I have done it again. He replies, Yesterday? God has forgiven and forgotten, because of my repentance. We personally do not forget so that we are watchful. So many people are struggling with the sin of the flesh. I know this from my internet-sons from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and other more. Some of them are somehow protected by strong traditions, which gives them no chance to do. They also try to stay away from doing it because of their religion, if Muslim, Hindu or Christian. God is guiding you and teaching you, until last breath. Stop doing that sin, forgive yourself and move one. Another level is ahead of you. May your love for Jesus and your obedience grow from level to level. This site gives some good help: I love you with the love of the Lord! Be blessed and rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS! By the way, marriage is a commitment of two forgivers, a forgiving man and a forgiving woman. |
forget about before marriage. ..I looking like before tonight!
I have read with interest many of the posts on this topic. It appears to be going round in circles a little.
Is sex before marriage wrong? Adam and Eve were they married? Or was Cain to whomever he found when he ran from the Lord for his crime? We will never know the true answer to that one? Jesus prevented a prostitute from being stoned by saying "whomever is without sin should cast the first stone" knowing that no-one there was sin-free except him, and he didn't condemn her. I believe that Promiscuous sex is wrong, sex for sex sake is wrong, however in a loving committed relationship it is between the couple. Each one of us has to decide for themselves if they can face judgement day with that on their hearts, none of us are in a position to judge others, Jesus is our saviour, he died so we could be forgiven, the Lord's prayer states we should forgive others as we are forgiven. There are many different types of sin, none of us will ever be sin-free, Jesus was the only one who was and he loves us as we are. God knew us before we were born, Psalm 139, he knows what we are capable of, he knows what is in our hearts, we can only do our best but we will trip up, we will sin. So I ask who are we to judge each other? We should support each other, love each other, prayer for each other, and each of us needs to make decisions and live our lives the best we can. Showing the love of Christ in our actions, words and for others. God bless you all. xx |
Amen sister It is all about the Word!! We have to base our lives on something, not our needs or desires. Blessings Michael
For me itis pretty simple. Having sex before marriage is fornication and fornication is sin!! End of conflict as far as I am concerned. Holy as He is Holy.
I haven't met a Christian guy that would wait for marriage. This made me think far out I'm on my own? Don't get me wrong sex is a beautiful gift to give to someone you love. If you give it away before marriage what have you got to give to your wife or husband on your wedding night?
I haven't met a Christian guy that would wait for marriage. That is because you haven't met me. My late wife and I waited until after our wedding. |
To be completely honest friend in romans it talks about considering yourself dead to sin and through His Spirit to mortify(kill) the deeds of the flesh. It also sais we are free from sin and the bible does say all HAVE sinned but it does NOT say you have to keep on sinning but IF you do sin you have an advocate Jesus who will reconcile you back to the Father and forgive you however the truth is God wants you free from sinnot to be okay with it and identify in it. Get married if you want to have sex Amen? Watch dan mohler sex and marriage its on youtube it will blow your mind.
God forgives all our sins. There's no where in the bible says that premarital sex is a sin. But it does speak of fornication and I will let you search the passages on this topic. I believe in my own heart that the sin of fornication is from the intentions of the heart. Are you trying to become a playboy screwing all the girls you can bag? That's fornication! But if you find someone who you love genuinely and do end up having sex exclusively, I don't this is something unforgivable... after all, we are all human. Go at it with the intention of marriage in the long run and if it works out Kudos to you, if not then ask for forgiveness because you never knew the outcome to begin with. I hope this helps! If I am wrong, I am sorry for offending your views.
Those that are waiting for marriage before having sex are few and far between, but thay still exist. I am one of those few. I have waited this long and have no desire to break that vow. I have no judgement for those who have. I am not God and nor do I want to be. I am definitely not perfect and has made lots of mistakes.