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Topic: what annoys you?
Tryztan's photo
Sat 07/19/14 03:19 PM
Edited by Tryztan on Sat 07/19/14 03:20 PM

75% of the other adults I have contact with

You can say I am a real people person.

You sound like a great guy...:thumbsup: laugh


Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 07/19/14 05:20 PM
Farts other than my own in elevators.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 07/19/14 05:22 PM
My employer today.

no photo
Sat 07/19/14 05:41 PM
people who do things on purpose to annoy others.....hope it comes back to them 10fold....see I AM a Christian...lol

Jarsno's photo
Sun 07/20/14 06:50 AM
Edited by Jarsno on Sun 07/20/14 06:51 AM

Topics to keep being deleted by mods that are pretty legitimate...

At some point, a person needs to be given the freedom that everyone else is allowed...

No apologies, I have to call B/S on this one.....

Well said.


Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Mon 07/21/14 05:11 PM
People who can't be mature. They always have to shout in everyone's face. And declare to the world about every single thing they're doing. And swearing is a major turn-off for me.

And people who try to get me to change my mind. I know what I want from life, so why bother even going there, when my mind is already made up?

michele63's photo
Mon 07/21/14 08:21 PM

Damn glasses. lollaugh laugh laugh

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/21/14 08:37 PM
immature, women...
... who think they're still in highschool..
. kissing every guy under the bleachers... and then . bragging to all there little friends about it.. they think it makes them cool... but in reality..
it just makes all the other girls look at her... like she was a s***t..
. we used to call those girls... attention craving Bleacher seekers..lmao

no photo
Mon 07/21/14 08:43 PM

immature, women...
... who think they're still in highschool..
. kissing every guy under the bleachers... and then . bragging to all there little friends about it.. they think it makes them cool... but in reality..
it just makes all the other girls look at her... like she was a s***t..
. we used to call those girls... attention craving Bleacher seekers..lmao

But you are the one who dropped your pants ....I'm confused...

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 07/21/14 08:51 PM
"what annoys you?"

People who have been given free membership on a website that they don't own and who complain about having to follow the rules established by that site's owner(s).

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/21/14 08:55 PM
well if me dropping my pants confuses youslaphead ...you have bigger issues than i thought:banana:

no photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:00 PM
I wasnt impressed thats one...rofl rofl

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:05 PM

I wasnt impressed thats one...rofl rofl

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:05 PM
i would imagine ..when you have seen as many mountains as you, have..
...even the site of mount everest does Not Seem impressive..slaphead surprised

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:20 PM

i would imagine ..when you have seen as many mountains as you, have..
...even the site of mount everest does Not Seem impressive..slaphead surprised

There you go again, making a mountain out of a mole hill. laugh

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:22 PM
well if i don't ,Pummp myself up who will..laugh ..pump It uplaugh

no photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:24 PM
Lol to the mole hill....David...rofl

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 07/21/14 09:30 PM

well if i don't ,Pummp myself up who will..laugh ..pump It uplaugh

Dude, it is brave of you to talk about that in public. laugh

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