Topic: I remember a time when cops were brave and caring
TBRich's photo
Wed 06/04/14 06:00 PM
I see more and more of this; what do you think is causing this shift in attitudes? Is the violence on the TV news reality or media hype? Are we scaring the beejeesus out of our cops or something?

A California family says that a call to 911 to get medical assistance for an 18-year-old family member with special needs ended in tragedy when police showed up instead and killed her.

Deputy Rebecca Rosenblatt told KNTV that San Mateo County sheriff’s deputies responded to reports that a violent female suspect was thought to be armed in Half Moon Bay.

“Deputies arrived on scene,” Rosenblatt explained to KRON. “Shortly thereafter there was a confrontation where the deputy was in fear for his life and as a result he fired his weapon.”

Tiny Serrano, who said that the girl was his sister, identified her as 18-year-old Yanira Serrano.

The brother, however, told a different story about events that led up to Yanira Serrano’s death.

Tiny Serrano said that his family called 911 hoping that paramedics would come to provide medical assistance because his sister had special needs, and she had not been taking her medication. He admitted that she may have had a knife.

The family had called paramedics for assistance before, so they were shocked when deputies showed up and fatally shot Yanira Serrano.

“She has special needs and we just want answers,” the brother remarked. “Who are we supposed to call now when we need help when who is supposed to help us is killing our kids?”

“Why didn’t they use a Taser?” Tiny Serrano asked KNTV. “We just want to know what really happened.”

The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office placed the deputy on administrative leave while detectives and the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office completed an investigation.

willowdraga's photo
Wed 06/04/14 06:02 PM
They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

willing2's photo
Wed 06/04/14 07:01 PM
I have to agree.

Cops should not be allowed to carry anything that will kill or incapacitate people.

Only citizens should be allowed to carry weapons of defense.

no photo
Wed 06/04/14 08:08 PM

I have to agree.

Cops should not be allowed to carry anything that will kill or incapacitate people.

Only citizens should be allowed to carry weapons of defense.

Very true, the second amendment is a restriction on the government not to infringe the peoples right to bear arms. Their is no such restriction on the people to restrict the government.

But then we live in a slave society.

The one true divide that separates humanity into two distinct types of individuals. The criterion for the divide is whether or not an individual believes in "authority" and therefore believes that there is legitimacy to slavery.

Well, no slave here, but where do you fall on this great divide?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 06/05/14 06:37 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 06/05/14 06:42 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

Gun madness...... you mean like blaming a shovel for the hole you fell in?

There used to be morality and meaning in taking an oath, but like Clinton made oral sex a "non-sex" issue, Obozo has made non-adherence to law, lying and idiocy the norm

willing2's photo
Thu 06/05/14 06:40 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

Gun madness...... you mean like blaming a shovel for the hole you fell in?

Or the spoon for making one fat?:wink:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/05/14 07:53 AM
Many people have noticed that several of the local police officers, particularly the younger ones are more gruff, rude and even abusive as compared to the past. Many veteran officers attribute the shift towards DHS' training of local police which focuses on teaching the police that the public is their enemy as opposed to the traditional view that teaches that the local population and the police are partners in keeping the community safe.

Whatever happened to the friendly neighborhood cop who walked a beat, was well-known and respected by the local residents and was seen as the protector of the neighborhood? Far too often, that cop has been replaced by thugs wearing camouflage, bank robber type black ski masks who are armed with automatic weapons and sometimes even break down the doors of people who are innocent.

A Long-Term Trend Towards the Militarization of the Local Police

Americans have long maintained that a man's home is his castle and that he has the right to stand his ground in defending his property from dangerous interlopers.

Unfortunately, the right to defend one's own home may be disappearing. America has become SWAT team happy. America has seen a disturbing trend towards militarization of its local civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and very disturbing rise in the use of paramilitary police units being used for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home. However, anyone can be SWAT-teamed,, even those who default on their student loans have been SWAT-teamed.

Since 9/11, and the subsequent militarization of the police by the Department of Homeland Security, about 5,000 Americans have been killed by US police officers. The civilian death rate is nearly equal to the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq. In fact, you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.

Salt Lake City: The Federalization of Our Police

Under the creation of the Unified Police Department (UPD) in Salt Lake City, Utah local jurisdictions and municipalities which were previously controlled by the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office, was reallocated to UPD. The UPD is a regional police force. They answer to no mayor, no city council and no county commissioners. The UPD is Salt Lake City's new police department and serves as the model for the program which is being implemented in other police departments across the nation. This centralized Gestapo type of law enforcement does not belong anywhere in America.

It is clear that the police departments are being trained as the local enforcers of the coming martial law and they are also being trained to use horrific brutality.

While the majority of police officers are good men, reports like raiding the wrong house and subsequently killing the individuals inside are becoming more common place, and the officers that are involved rarely face any sort of consequences.

John Adams 61, was shot and killed by police in a drug raid on the wrong house. His wife Loraine, 70, was also handcuffed and forced to the ground. Not one of the officers has lost their job. In fact, some have even been promoted since the event.

Jose Guerena was shot and killed by several members of the Pima County Sheriff's Office on a drug raid that produced no evidence of drug use or that of selling drugs. He was an Iraq veteran and the Pima Sheriffs officers let him bleed to death over the course of an hour after being shot over 60 times. The deputies denied Guerena medical attention. Not one of the officers has lost their job.

The Guerena and Adams cases are being played out all across the country. This is unacceptable in a supposed free society. However, what we are witnessing is the militarization of police for what looks like brutal martial law training. Why else would we see such senseless acts of violence being committed by police against American citizens all across the country?

The Data Says It Is Time for the Public to Act

The CATO Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, in 2010 there were 4,861 reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

The question of police discipline is one of the fox watching the hen house. Far too often the police are left to discipline themselves. Many communities who are dissatisfied with police departments' internal discipline procedures have created volunteer police watch groups to prevent the police from hiding behind the discipline offered by colleagues as they hide behind the "thin blue line", which serves to protect fellow officers accused of wrongdoing.

Coupled with the paramilitary design of the police bureaucracy itself, the police give in to what is already a serious problem in the ranks: the belief that the increasing use of power against a citizen is always justified no matter the violation. The police don't understand that in many instances they are the cause of the escalation and bear more responsibility during an adverse outcome. The Cato Institute maintains a botched raid map at this link.

The Solution Is to Film Cops in the Performance of Their Duties

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Police should be filmed in the performance of their duty so there is no question as to whether the police are applying excessive force and are following the Constitution.

We can no longer trust cops to operate on their own authority. They must wear cameras.

In Minneapolis, the city government voted to spend $25,000 to have cops wear cameras in the performance of their duties. City Council member, Betsy Hodges, said that the city will ultimately save money from lessening the number of law suits.

Film Cops and Get Life In Prison

Unfortunately, many police are not warm to the idea of being filmed in the performance of their duties. However, it is perfectly legal to film cops so long as they are not interfered with, as nobody in public has an expectation of privacy. Yet, the law has not stopped some cops from abusing their authority and arresting people for harmlessly filming officers in the performance of their duty.

Michael Allison, recorded police officers on duty in his front yard inspecting vehicles he was repairing. The police cited Allison for failing to properly register his vehicles, and so he requested an ordinance review hearing. Allison now faces five felony counts, with each count carrying a penalty for 15 years in prison. For videotaping police and a court proceeding, Allison faces an unbelievable total of 75 years, or the rest of his life in prison under Illinois new eavesdropping statutes.


Clearly, the tide of increasing and deadly police brutality must be stemmed in America. The solutions that should be invoked are (1) invoke the 10th Amendment and forbid DHS to train local law enforcement; (2) repeal the legislation which permits the military and DHS to donate military hardware to local police departments, it is not needed and promotes a paramilitary attitude towards police work; (3) establish a citizen review board which will have authority over all complaints regarding police brutality. The police can longer be allowed to judge their own; and, (4) require all on-duty police to wear cameras.

These simple actions could go a long way towards re-establishing civilian control over too many departments which are clearly out of control and are serving to endanger the public as opposed to serving the public.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/05/14 07:54 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 06/05/14 07:55 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

willowdraga's photo
Thu 06/05/14 09:47 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

Aw but I do have more rights and I exercise them all the time in voting for more gun control and making sure that gun crazies are not considered the norm.

I will continue to fight for that kid who gets shot by his brother because gun owners have no sense. I will continue to fight for that wife, daughter, sister who stupidly marries a gun crazy and gets killed by him. I will continue to fight for those who go to work and get killed by the disgruntled employee...etc and it goes on so long that if this country had any sense at all we would be psych testing every gun purchase, trade or hint of a gun in anyone's possession.

I will continue to fight for the innocents that gun crazies kill or their gun accidentally kills since accidents seem to be acceptable in their crazy *** minds.

And I am not anti gun I am anti gun crazy. If you can pass a psych eval yearly, keep your nose clean, no history of violence, no civil hatreds like racism, homophobia, misogynistic views ok the last is just my wishful thinking but you get the jist.

I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/05/14 10:31 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 06/05/14 10:34 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

Aw but I do have more rights and I exercise them all the time in voting for more gun control and making sure that gun crazies are not considered the norm.

I will continue to fight for that kid who gets shot by his brother because gun owners have no sense. I will continue to fight for that wife, daughter, sister who stupidly marries a gun crazy and gets killed by him. I will continue to fight for those who go to work and get killed by the disgruntled employee...etc and it goes on so long that if this country had any sense at all we would be psych testing every gun purchase, trade or hint of a gun in anyone's possession.

I will continue to fight for the innocents that gun crazies kill or their gun accidentally kills since accidents seem to be acceptable in their crazy *** minds.

And I am not anti gun I am anti gun crazy. If you can pass a psych eval yearly, keep your nose clean, no history of violence, no civil hatreds like racism, homophobia, misogynistic views ok the last is just my wishful thinking but you get the jist.

I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything.
actually your Rights stop where my Rights starts,and the Constitution affirms my Right to Own and Bear Arms,without Conditions,and definitely not Conditions set by People who arrogate themselves the "Right" to abrogate my Rights!
And claiming not to be afraid of anything or anyone is a pretty foolish and dangerous claim!

BTW,where do you derive those "Rights" fro you claim are trumping my Constitutional Rights!
Obama or some other Arch-Liberal bestowed them on you?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 06/05/14 11:03 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 06/05/14 11:18 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

Aw but I do have more rights and I exercise them all the time in voting for more gun control and making sure that gun crazies are not considered the norm.

I will continue to fight for that kid who gets shot by his brother because gun owners have no sense. I will continue to fight for that wife, daughter, sister who stupidly marries a gun crazy and gets killed by him. I will continue to fight for those who go to work and get killed by the disgruntled employee...etc and it goes on so long that if this country had any sense at all we would be psych testing every gun purchase, trade or hint of a gun in anyone's possession.

I will continue to fight for the innocents that gun crazies kill or their gun accidentally kills since accidents seem to be acceptable in their crazy *** minds.

And I am not anti gun I am anti gun crazy. If you can pass a psych eval yearly, keep your nose clean, no history of violence, no civil hatreds like racism, homophobia, misogynistic views ok the last is just my wishful thinking but you get the jist.

I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything.

I Like My Guns Like Obama Likes His Voters: Undocumented!

Ras427's photo
Thu 06/05/14 11:13 AM
Exactly why many people despise the police.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 06/06/14 03:49 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 06/06/14 04:14 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

Aw but I do have more rights and I exercise them all the time in voting for more gun control and making sure that gun crazies are not considered the norm.

I will continue to fight for that kid who gets shot by his brother because gun owners have no sense. I will continue to fight for that wife, daughter, sister who stupidly marries a gun crazy and gets killed by him. I will continue to fight for those who go to work and get killed by the disgruntled employee...etc and it goes on so long that if this country had any sense at all we would be psych testing every gun purchase, trade or hint of a gun in anyone's possession.

I will continue to fight for the innocents that gun crazies kill or their gun accidentally kills since accidents seem to be acceptable in their crazy *** minds.

And I am not anti gun I am anti gun crazy. If you can pass a psych eval yearly, keep your nose clean, no history of violence, no civil hatreds like racism, homophobia, misogynistic views ok the last is just my wishful thinking but you get the jist.

I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything.

I thought about this for a moment actually.... then it hit me!

"I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything."

Then why are you pushing for control over other peoples rights, and talking like someone has a gun to your head making it necessary?

For the children? You don't seem to want others, people just like you, to have the ability to protect their children who think or believe differently than you do..... AND THAT IS SCARY!

It is also "victim-think!" I'm afraid so I must control it! Problem is, you're too afraid to care or be responsible for your own safety and expect others to sacrifice themselves protecting you!

State's concealed-carry permits skyrocket, especially for women

The number of Washington state residents receiving a concealed-carry permit tripled between 2005 and 2012. The surge has been especially large among women, whose ranks have swelled twice as fast as men since 2011. Overall, more than 451,000 residents now have a permit.

You're a statistic waiting to happen. Wonder what criminal will see things your way when it confronts you and you're begging or praying for your life..... and how fast the police (who really only investigate crime and arrest those who commit it) will arrive to protect you in your time of need!

We ALL know the statistics on that outcome.... especially in gun free zones!! (as do the women in the above article it seems)

Gun laws are like locked doors..... they only restrict the innocent.... NOT the criminal!

Idiot liberals! slaphead They want to make victims of all of us!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 06/07/14 01:06 AM

They are not immune to gun madness apparently....

You know the "I have a gun that makes me powerful so I will use it with no brain cells needed."

We see it take over people all over the news.

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

Aw but I do have more rights and I exercise them all the time in voting for more gun control and making sure that gun crazies are not considered the norm.

I will continue to fight for that kid who gets shot by his brother because gun owners have no sense. I will continue to fight for that wife, daughter, sister who stupidly marries a gun crazy and gets killed by him. I will continue to fight for those who go to work and get killed by the disgruntled employee...etc and it goes on so long that if this country had any sense at all we would be psych testing every gun purchase, trade or hint of a gun in anyone's possession.

I will continue to fight for the innocents that gun crazies kill or their gun accidentally kills since accidents seem to be acceptable in their crazy *** minds.

And I am not anti gun I am anti gun crazy. If you can pass a psych eval yearly, keep your nose clean, no history of violence, no civil hatreds like racism, homophobia, misogynistic views ok the last is just my wishful thinking but you get the jist.

I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything.

I thought about this for a moment actually.... then it hit me!

"I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything."

Then why are you pushing for control over other peoples rights, and talking like someone has a gun to your head making it necessary?

For the children? You don't seem to want others, people just like you, to have the ability to protect their children who think or believe differently than you do..... AND THAT IS SCARY!

It is also "victim-think!" I'm afraid so I must control it! Problem is, you're too afraid to care or be responsible for your own safety and expect others to sacrifice themselves protecting you!

State's concealed-carry permits skyrocket, especially for women

The number of Washington state residents receiving a concealed-carry permit tripled between 2005 and 2012. The surge has been especially large among women, whose ranks have swelled twice as fast as men since 2011. Overall, more than 451,000 residents now have a permit.

You're a statistic waiting to happen. Wonder what criminal will see things your way when it confronts you and you're begging or praying for your life..... and how fast the police (who really only investigate crime and arrest those who commit it) will arrive to protect you in your time of need!

We ALL know the statistics on that outcome.... especially in gun free zones!! (as do the women in the above article it seems)

Gun laws are like locked doors..... they only restrict the innocent.... NOT the criminal!

Idiot liberals! slaphead They want to make victims of all of us!

"As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.” ~ Adolf Hitler

seems Governments these days are catching up with that Tyrant real fast!

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 05:19 PM
Edited by alnewman on Sat 06/07/14 06:03 PM

Many people have noticed that several of the local police officers, particularly the younger ones are more gruff, rude and even abusive as compared to the past. Many veteran officers attribute the shift towards DHS' training of local police which focuses on teaching the police that the public is their enemy as opposed to the traditional view that teaches that the local population and the police are partners in keeping the community safe.

Whatever happened to the friendly neighborhood cop who walked a beat, was well-known and respected by the local residents and was seen as the protector of the neighborhood? Far too often, that cop has been replaced by thugs wearing camouflage, bank robber type black ski masks who are armed with automatic weapons and sometimes even break down the doors of people who are innocent.

A Long-Term Trend Towards the Militarization of the Local Police

Americans have long maintained that a man's home is his castle and that he has the right to stand his ground in defending his property from dangerous interlopers.

Unfortunately, the right to defend one's own home may be disappearing. America has become SWAT team happy. America has seen a disturbing trend towards militarization of its local civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and very disturbing rise in the use of paramilitary police units being used for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home. However, anyone can be SWAT-teamed,, even those who default on their student loans have been SWAT-teamed.

Since 9/11, and the subsequent militarization of the police by the Department of Homeland Security, about 5,000 Americans have been killed by US police officers. The civilian death rate is nearly equal to the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq. In fact, you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.

Salt Lake City: The Federalization of Our Police

Under the creation of the Unified Police Department (UPD) in Salt Lake City, Utah local jurisdictions and municipalities which were previously controlled by the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office, was reallocated to UPD. The UPD is a regional police force. They answer to no mayor, no city council and no county commissioners. The UPD is Salt Lake City's new police department and serves as the model for the program which is being implemented in other police departments across the nation. This centralized Gestapo type of law enforcement does not belong anywhere in America.

It is clear that the police departments are being trained as the local enforcers of the coming martial law and they are also being trained to use horrific brutality.

While the majority of police officers are good men, reports like raiding the wrong house and subsequently killing the individuals inside are becoming more common place, and the officers that are involved rarely face any sort of consequences.

John Adams 61, was shot and killed by police in a drug raid on the wrong house. His wife Loraine, 70, was also handcuffed and forced to the ground. Not one of the officers has lost their job. In fact, some have even been promoted since the event.

Jose Guerena was shot and killed by several members of the Pima County Sheriff's Office on a drug raid that produced no evidence of drug use or that of selling drugs. He was an Iraq veteran and the Pima Sheriffs officers let him bleed to death over the course of an hour after being shot over 60 times. The deputies denied Guerena medical attention. Not one of the officers has lost their job.

The Guerena and Adams cases are being played out all across the country. This is unacceptable in a supposed free society. However, what we are witnessing is the militarization of police for what looks like brutal martial law training. Why else would we see such senseless acts of violence being committed by police against American citizens all across the country?

The Data Says It Is Time for the Public to Act

The CATO Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, in 2010 there were 4,861 reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

The question of police discipline is one of the fox watching the hen house. Far too often the police are left to discipline themselves. Many communities who are dissatisfied with police departments' internal discipline procedures have created volunteer police watch groups to prevent the police from hiding behind the discipline offered by colleagues as they hide behind the "thin blue line", which serves to protect fellow officers accused of wrongdoing.

Coupled with the paramilitary design of the police bureaucracy itself, the police give in to what is already a serious problem in the ranks: the belief that the increasing use of power against a citizen is always justified no matter the violation. The police don't understand that in many instances they are the cause of the escalation and bear more responsibility during an adverse outcome. The Cato Institute maintains a botched raid map at this link.

The Solution Is to Film Cops in the Performance of Their Duties

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Police should be filmed in the performance of their duty so there is no question as to whether the police are applying excessive force and are following the Constitution.

We can no longer trust cops to operate on their own authority. They must wear cameras.

In Minneapolis, the city government voted to spend $25,000 to have cops wear cameras in the performance of their duties. City Council member, Betsy Hodges, said that the city will ultimately save money from lessening the number of law suits.

Film Cops and Get Life In Prison

Unfortunately, many police are not warm to the idea of being filmed in the performance of their duties. However, it is perfectly legal to film cops so long as they are not interfered with, as nobody in public has an expectation of privacy. Yet, the law has not stopped some cops from abusing their authority and arresting people for harmlessly filming officers in the performance of their duty.

Michael Allison, recorded police officers on duty in his front yard inspecting vehicles he was repairing. The police cited Allison for failing to properly register his vehicles, and so he requested an ordinance review hearing. Allison now faces five felony counts, with each count carrying a penalty for 15 years in prison. For videotaping police and a court proceeding, Allison faces an unbelievable total of 75 years, or the rest of his life in prison under Illinois new eavesdropping statutes.


Clearly, the tide of increasing and deadly police brutality must be stemmed in America. The solutions that should be invoked are (1) invoke the 10th Amendment and forbid DHS to train local law enforcement; (2) repeal the legislation which permits the military and DHS to donate military hardware to local police departments, it is not needed and promotes a paramilitary attitude towards police work; (3) establish a citizen review board which will have authority over all complaints regarding police brutality. The police can longer be allowed to judge their own; and, (4) require all on-duty police to wear cameras.

These simple actions could go a long way towards re-establishing civilian control over too many departments which are clearly out of control and are serving to endanger the public as opposed to serving the public.

Excellent article and it is something that America needs to take to heart. But the problem is not one of just government, but of the people themselves, their mistaken belief in authority.

Authority, an illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters, slavery.

The belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law.

Through their fear of the possibility of chaos (true freedom), most people advocate the legitimacy and continuance of "authority" and government, and are therefore actually advocating the legitimacy and continuance of violence and slavery.

Those who believe that "authority" is necessary and that it must continue, have actually been duped into believing that human slavery is necessary and must continue in order to prevent chaos, Statism - the most dangerous religion in the world. Violence and slavery can not prevent chaos. Violence and slavery are chaos.

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 05:23 PM

never miss an opportunity do you,to push your anti-Gun-sentiments,hmm?
If you don't like them,don't own one,that's about the only right you have on this Issue other than the Right to Own a Firearm,or any Arms as a matter of Fact!

Oh, so very true but there are but perhaps two out of a hundred that actually knows what a right is, much less understand rights.

Everyone has the same exact same rights. No one has any more or less rights than any one else. Also, since rights are not created by humanity, and since they are the birth-right of humanity, gifted to us by the creator of the universe, no human being or group of human beings is actually capable of granting rights to anyone else, nor is any human being capable of "revoking" rights from anyone else.

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 05:53 PM

Aw but I do have more rights and I exercise them all the time in voting for more gun control and making sure that gun crazies are not considered the norm.

Actually you don't, and you have no right to vote, just a privilege that can be revoked at the whim of some supposed "authority" figure that you condone by electing then as a leader. What you are describing is called moral relativism, the idea that there is no inherent and objective difference between right and wrong, so humanity may arbitrarily "create" or "decide" right and wrong for themselves.

This arbitrary concept leads to Solipsism, the ideology that only one's own mind is sure to exist. Solipsists contend that knowledge of anything outside of one's own mind is unsure, hence there is no such thing as objective truth, and nothing about the external world and it's workings can actually be known. A perception they are god and as such can dictate to others what they feel is right and wrong even then they have no real concept of the inherent and objective difference between right and wrong. Solipsist are mentally ill.

I will continue to fight for that kid who gets shot by his brother because gun owners have no sense. I will continue to fight for that wife, daughter, sister who stupidly marries a gun crazy and gets killed by him. I will continue to fight for those who go to work and get killed by the disgruntled employee...etc and it goes on so long that if this country had any sense at all we would be psych testing every gun purchase, trade or hint of a gun in anyone's possession.

That is not a fight for anybody, that is but the extreme god complex, believing one is god and can rule the lives of others, normally by one that can ill handle their own lives.

"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule." - John Locke

I will continue to fight for the innocents that gun crazies kill or their gun accidentally kills since accidents seem to be acceptable in their crazy *** minds.

And I am not anti gun I am anti gun crazy. If you can pass a psych eval yearly, keep your nose clean, no history of violence, no civil hatreds like racism, homophobia, misogynistic views ok the last is just my wishful thinking but you get the jist.

I don't own a gun because I am not afraid of anyone or anything.

That is a complete lie, that is a statement of the hatred of guns. It is a statement of a god complex that others can only own by another's terms, it is a mantra to dictate rights to others, rights based on the ignorance of one refusing to learn what a right is, the feelings of fear.

Through their fear of the possibility of chaos (true freedom), most people advocate the legitimacy and continuance of "authority" and government, and are therefore actually advocating the legitimacy and continuance of violence and slavery.

Those who believe that "authority" is necessary and that it must continue, have actually been duped into believing that human slavery is necessary and must continue in order to prevent chaos.

No there is no fear of anything, just everything.

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 05:57 PM

actually your Rights stop where my Rights starts,and the Constitution affirms my Right to Own and Bear Arms,without Conditions,and definitely not Conditions set by People who arrogate themselves the "Right" to abrogate my Rights!
And claiming not to be afraid of anything or anyone is a pretty foolish and dangerous claim!

BTW,where do you derive those "Rights" fro you claim are trumping my Constitutional Rights!
Obama or some other Arch-Liberal bestowed them on you?

Sorry, no such thing as constitutional rights, if you are waiting on the constitution to bestow rights, not going to happen. And the constitution wont protect your rights either, it's just old pieces of parchment.

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 06:01 PM

Exactly why many people despise the police.

Police and law enforcement should not only be despised but eliminated. There should only be sheriffs, an elected "Conservator of the Peace" of the people.

There should also be no judges, just elected magistrates, another "Conservator of the Peace".

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/07/14 10:21 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 06/07/14 10:23 PM

I see more and more of this; what do you think is causing this shift in attitudes? Is the violence on the TV news reality or media hype? Are we scaring the beejeesus out of our cops or something?

A California family says that a call to 911 to get medical assistance for an 18-year-old family member with special needs ended in tragedy when police showed up instead and killed her.

Deputy Rebecca Rosenblatt told KNTV that San Mateo County sheriff’s deputies responded to reports that a violent female suspect was thought to be armed in Half Moon Bay.

“Deputies arrived on scene,” Rosenblatt explained to KRON. “Shortly thereafter there was a confrontation where the deputy was in fear for his life and as a result he fired his weapon.”

Tiny Serrano, who said that the girl was his sister, identified her as 18-year-old Yanira Serrano.

The brother, however, told a different story about events that led up to Yanira Serrano’s death.

Tiny Serrano said that his family called 911 hoping that paramedics would come to provide medical assistance because his sister had special needs, and she had not been taking her medication. He admitted that she may have had a knife.

The family had called paramedics for assistance before, so they were shocked when deputies showed up and fatally shot Yanira Serrano.

“She has special needs and we just want answers,” the brother remarked. “Who are we supposed to call now when we need help when who is supposed to help us is killing our kids?”

“Why didn’t they use a Taser?” Tiny Serrano asked KNTV. “We just want to know what really happened.”

The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office placed the deputy on administrative leave while detectives and the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office completed an investigation.

TB. I believe its media and desensitization,, I seem to see more and more of the attitude that life is expendable, and more and more of the examples of the worst and most vile kinds on television so that people are fearful of certain 'types' even people who have a badge and a gun.

its also a prime environment to attract those who are picked on themselves or who are otherwise fearful without a gun,, the type to be quickest to see everything as a me vs them situation,,,

If you 'think' they are a threat or if you are involved in a fisticuff,, life is expendable, shoot first, ask questions later

there seems to be a growing popularity to the wild west mentality in our modern culture,, and a growing trend to egotism

I remember when females were ladies and males were gentleman, now everyone is waiting for the other person to 'prove' they are deserving before they even show that other person basic respect or consideration,,,,

its can be scary times, which is why I think its important to go to environments where people are gracious and loving and uplifting,,, what we absorb makes a huge difference in what leaks out of us,,,