Topic: Why can't a whole African continent bind together and take o
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Thu 05/22/14 02:08 PM
You would think Africans would be able to handle an isolated crisis as what is taking place in Nigeria with out foreign(external Africa assistants. It is a very sensitive situation due to hostages but it sends a clear message of Africa's dependancy on aid of sorts, inability to solve intercontinental issues, and how religion continues to tare and divide a people much the same.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 05/22/14 02:25 PM
I think education is the answer.
When Africans reach a point where they can compete
on a world-wide basis, it may be US seeking aid
from you :-)

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/22/14 02:27 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 05/22/14 02:32 PM

You would think Africans would be able to handle an isolated crisis as what is taking place in Nigeria with out foreign(external Africa assistants. It is a very sensitive situation due to hostages but it sends a clear message of Africa's dependancy on aid of sorts, inability to solve intercontinental issues, and how religion continues to tare and divide a people much the same.

you might have to ask those African "Leaders"!
Besides,Nigeria being a Member of the UN,the other Memberstates are obliged to render Assistance!

no photo
Thu 05/22/14 02:52 PM

You would think Africans would be able to handle an isolated crisis as what is taking place in Nigeria with out foreign(external Africa assistants. It is a very sensitive situation due to hostages but it sends a clear message of Africa's dependancy on aid of sorts, inability to solve intercontinental issues, and how religion continues to tare and divide a people much the same.

This is all in the base nature of man, for the masses to be led like sheep and for the same purpose, slaughter. This is what supposed leader use to instill leadership, the leadership that rapes the people, prevent unity on any scale.

But it's not just an African trait, it is the dominant nature of Europe, so long little states that have been at war throughout their existence. Finally, they banded together after all those centuries only to discover, they are still at war but now with a pen enforced by a gun.

And while this is an African issue, the instant case is that of Nigeria. Nothing will get better until the people can unite and take their country back, much the same as the US and all the other countries under siege by a political unauthorized authority.

To call in help from the UN is not a cure, it is but the proverbial nail in the coffin.

no photo
Thu 05/22/14 02:56 PM

I think education is the answer.
When Africans reach a point where they can compete
on a world-wide basis, it may be US seeking aid
from you :-)

You could say that would be part of it, but just where would that education come from? Only free men may be educated, the enslaved are but indoctrinated, and the UN is the ultimate indoctrinator.

no photo
Thu 05/22/14 02:57 PM

You would think Africans would be able to handle an isolated crisis as what is taking place in Nigeria with out foreign(external Africa assistants. It is a very sensitive situation due to hostages but it sends a clear message of Africa's dependancy on aid of sorts, inability to solve intercontinental issues, and how religion continues to tare and divide a people much the same.

you might have to ask those African "Leaders"!
Besides,Nigeria being a Member of the UN,the other Memberstates are obliged to render Assistance!

And what assistance!!!

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 08:43 AM
Yes, I too feel education is the answer but will Africans receive and accept knowledge of self or just propoganda , religion, and neo colonial imperialistic indoctrination. I feel blacks/Africans have a big identity crisis mingled with low self esteem

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 08:51 AM
Nigeria and other African nations leaders are too corrupt. It will never change.

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 08:52 AM
True, but that obligation is in reserve to be initiated at government's( Nigeria) request. I feel a neighbour should be the first response team to crisis on any scale then the broader global community. In addition, there's always a catch when receive help/aid especially foreign

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 08:57 AM

True, but that obligation is in reserve to be initiated at government's( Nigeria) request. I feel a neighbour should be the first response team to crisis on any scale then the broader global community. In addition, there's always a catch when receive help/aid especially foreign

You think that Mugabe would help his neighbor? I don't think so. Like other African leaders, he's too busy raping his pillaging billions from his own country. Good luck.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/28/14 08:59 AM

True, but that obligation is in reserve to be initiated at government's( Nigeria) request. I feel a neighbour should be the first response team to crisis on any scale then the broader global community. In addition, there's always a catch when receive help/aid especially foreign

Use the Forces of the African Union!

Or has it deteriorated to the level of the UN?

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 09:10 AM
I agree with your comments. How can people take control though with the seeds of corruption planted in the seat of their elects. Politics is like televised ring circus that better represent a game of musical chairs for the classes than meaningfull leader with clear vision for the masses.

Most poor would say negative things about the rich, then again most poor idolize and would love/dream to be rich and probably would do what they distained being poor. Is the nature of humanity doomed to repeat failure due corruption/greed?

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 09:16 AM
Expertise in hostage/ terrorist situations, advance satalite imagery, sonar and other intelligence gathering technology and equipment. The stuff they used on Iraq, Afghanistan, the public etc.

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 09:23 AM
Edited by Realness9 on Wed 05/28/14 09:32 AM
You have a point but that's just 1 neighbour(54 countries) Africa is a continent for Christ sakes (my original point) you have South Africa most advanced, and ethiopia biggiest army in Africa. It's not a major war needing allied forces, just an isolated crisis.

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 09:30 AM
Ya think.... The African Union is ironically divided as is the UN council but they should atleast have some function to retain and suggest any legitimacy to their name as a body of support for anything; this would be a perfect unfortunate opportunity to show solidarity.