Topic: Sam Elliott
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Sat 05/17/14 06:50 AM
Edited by stoutale on Sat 05/17/14 06:52 AM
Most women i know think the mans hot. myself I like him he's a pretty good actor. always plays the hardarse and fits well in the roles.

Makes for some great movies. just got dont watching the quick and the dead and have Conagher to watch later. both movies are based off of Louis L'amour's westerns.

no1phD's photo
Sat 05/17/14 07:08 AM
Edited by no1phD on Sat 05/17/14 07:09 AM

Louis L'amour's westerns.
..omg.. my dad used to read those all the time..
.. in fact he used to read them at the dinner table and when he'd get up to leave.. he would walk past us children.. and thump one of us on the head with it.laugh and leave the room saying eat your supper. I can't see those books without . pulling my head down in to my shoulderslaugh

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Sat 05/17/14 07:29 AM
My brother in law has like the entire series of Louis L'Amore books. I haven't been able to get into them though.
My sister would agree though about Sam Elliot. She thinks he's dreamysmitten Good actor in my opinion.:thumbsup:

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Sat 05/17/14 08:14 AM
At one time or anouther I have had complete sets of his books but then i sel them and rebuy them as I go.. some of the books like the Sackett series a I can read over and over. Some folks like them some dont.. They are pretty predictable. but they keep me entertained

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Sat 05/17/14 09:40 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 05/17/14 09:41 AM
Did someone say Sam Elliott?!?!?!smokin smokin smokin

drool drinks drool

soufiehere's photo
Sat 05/17/14 10:18 AM

Now that there is a ridable (handlebar) moustache.

no photo
Sat 05/17/14 10:55 AM

Did someone say Sam Elliott?!?!?!smokin smokin smokin

love and his makes mesmitten!!!

drool drinks drool

no photo
Sat 05/17/14 11:42 AM
He's been in some great movies: The Big Lebowski, Tombstone, Thank You For Smoking, though he's probably more well known for his TV movie westerns.

As a kid I remember watching him in horror films like 1972's Frogs, and alongside his real life wife Katherine Ross in The Legacy.
Also seeing him in reruns of Mission Impossible.

Ladies may want to check out the 1976 film Lifeguard, where a very young mustached Sam spends the majority of the film in red shorts.

Jtevans's photo
Sun 05/18/14 10:29 PM
i loved his character in We Were Soldiers laugh

gibbs1602's photo
Sun 05/18/14 11:24 PM
Scrumptious Sam .............smitten