Topic: Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told | |
Storm Clouds Gathering does it again! STG has always been a great site for investigative info! It seems Slimy Reid has some explaining to do....hopefully, it will be before a judge along with Dem Senator Elijah Cummings, the majority Dem leader in the House, over the IRS targeting he implemented (unlawfully) while sitting on the panel to investigate it, along with all the other scandals coming to light under this admin, its Dem supporters, financiers, corporate sponsors, and the liberal media seeking to cover it all up with lies and distraction! |
Storm Clouds Gathering does it again! STG has always been a great site for investigative info! It seems Slimy Reid has some explaining to do....hopefully, it will be before a judge along with Dem Senator Elijah Cummings, the majority Dem leader in the House, over the IRS targeting he implemented (unlawfully) while sitting on the panel to investigate it, along with all the other scandals coming to light under this admin, its Dem supporters, financiers, corporate sponsors, and the liberal media seeking to cover it all up with lies and distraction! Have to agree 100%, they do outstanding work and take the time to get to the source. And I was amazed at how they tracked down the documents especially the part where they nailed google. |
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Wed 04/16/14 12:51 PM
Does Cliven Bundy Have Something Called "Prescriptive Rights" (Ben Swann) In this ongoing story surrounding cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, there are a series of questions media has ignored. For instance, in the 20 years Bundy hasn't been paying his fees, why hasn'��t he been taken to court? Why this year, spend nearly $1,000,000 of taxpayer money to round up 400 cattle that ultimately have to be returned? Why didn't the BLM just place a lien on the cattle rather than attempting to take them by force and then auction them off? The Bureau of Land Management has suffered a huge black eye this week because of their response to the Bundy situation. Perhaps though, there is a reason the BLM chose force over the courts. Among the questions Devlin asked of the BLM, "Is it possible that this guy (Cliven Bundy) has prescriptive rights?" The response from top officials at the BLM, "We are worried that he might and he might use that defense." So what exactly are prescriptive rights? Prescriptive right to property is an easement that gives some one the right to use land owned by someone else for a particular purpose. An example is using a path through Party A's land to get to your land, a prescriptive easement is allowed which gives the user the right to get to his land through A'��s property. In most states, if a trespass or use of land occurs regularly for at least 5 years without the "owner" of the land taking legal action, prescriptive rights come into play. Because Bundy stopped paying his grazing fees to the BLM in 1993 but continued to use the land for over 20 years, it is possible he now has prescriptive rights to the land. That might explain why the BLM has not taken this issue to court and never bothered to file a lien against the cattle. I have sifted through and found the actual nevada laws.. NRS 11.070 No cause of action effectual unless party or predecessor seized or possessed within 5 years. No cause of action or defense to an action, founded upon the title to real property, or to rents or to services out of the same, shall be effectual, unless it appears that the person prosecuting the action or making the defense, or under whose title the action is prosecuted or the defense is made, or the ancestor, predecessor, or grantor of such person, was seized or possessed of the premises in question within 5 years before the committing of the act in respect to which said action is prosecuted or defense made. [1911 CPA § 10; RL § 4952; NCL § 8509] NRS 11.080 Seisin within 5 years; when necessary in action for real property. No action for the recovery of real property, or for the recovery of the possession thereof other than mining claims, shall be maintained, unless it appears that the plaintiff, his ancestor, predecessor, or grantor was seized or possessed of the premises in question, within 5 years before the commencement thereof. [1911 CPA § 11; RL § 4953; NCL § 8510] You tell me...... |
First off, they have been to court, their court and probably their favorite judge, all federal.
Here is the time line: Washington Post: Everything you need to know about the long fight between Cliven Bundy and the federal government 1998: A federal judge issues a permanent injunction against Bundy, ordering him to remove his cattle from the federal lands. He lost an appeal to the San Francisco 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. He represented himself. March 2002: Cliff Gardner is sentenced to a month in a Reno halfway house, along with a $5,000 fine and a year of probation. He has been under house arrest for the three previous months for not taking his cattle off of federal land. When his sentence — which affirmed the U.S. Forest Service's authority over the disputed land — was announced, more than 50 states' rights protesters were in the courtroom with him. May 2012: BLM files a complain in a federal Las Vegas court seeking an injunction against Bundy. See a pattern here? Also, you are quoting Nevada statutes, don't apply in Federal Court. The Federal court uses Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and federal statutes, which just happen to be written by none other than, BLM. Imagine that, and Cliven Bundy loses. If they can't railroad him one way, they get him the other. All I have to say is that I am thankful for men and women like Cliven Bundy and his family and all those that stood with him, well except for this idiot. ![]() Wonder which mass media outlet paid for this one? With his field of fire the only thing he would be able to shoot would be the protestors. Sure seems staged to me, especially when NBC is involved and picked it up. In this article it was provided by Reuters. |
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Storm Clouds Gathering does it again! STG has always been a great site for investigative info! It seems Slimy Reid has some explaining to do....hopefully, it will be before a judge along with Dem Senator Elijah Cummings, the majority Dem leader in the House, over the IRS targeting he implemented (unlawfully) while sitting on the panel to investigate it, along with all the other scandals coming to light under this admin, its Dem supporters, financiers, corporate sponsors, and the liberal media seeking to cover it all up with lies and distraction! Storm Cloud took down this video. They say there could be a factual error and need to reinvestigate. They are asking for input on facebook. |
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Remember this one? The Hages and Pine Creek Ranch? Or this one in Texas that is going on now as well as the Bundy siege? Any doubt in anyones mind that govt has gotten out of control? |
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Thu 04/24/14 07:19 PM
Cliven Bundy is nothing but an idiot, racist, anti-government, deadbeat rancher. He will end up in jail.....
Evidently, the youtube video was bogus as it has been deleted.. |
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Fri 04/25/14 04:26 AM
Cliven Bundy is nothing but an idiot, racist, anti-government, deadbeat rancher. He will end up in jail..... Evidently, the youtube video was bogus as it has been deleted.. Many posts are deleted from youtube or many of the other sites not because they are false, but because they bring rise to questioning the current administration and its agenda. Media will always protect its source of income! |
I think Clive is going to be too busy explaining his remarks defending racist, pro slavery beliefs to worry about another shoot out any time soon...jus' sayin'
Oh and Love the cartoon with Obama and Putin up there ^ ...pricless lol |
![]() is that another Post-Turtle? ![]() |
Clive's remarks will cost him most of the support he has gathered.
Too bad really, exposing the overreach of Federal Power and response against citizens with troops while letting (the list is long) go unopposed is sad. True, he is wrong under the law. But do IRS agents who don't pay their taxes get hundreds of assault troops heading their way? The news this morning was about how the Veterans Administration faked admission requests of vets to the tune of 40 deaths. This occurs while many thousands of illegal aliens get free healthcare, food, etc. Our government has gone upside down and is heading for a big crash. |
I just love how people from the South or the East think they know how things work out here in the WEST when it comes to cattle ranching and grazing permits. Seeems to me like a lot of people supporting Cliven Bundy are just doing it because they are anti-government.
I am Native Arizonan and have grown up with ranching uncles, aunts, many cousins, family and friends in Arizona cattle ranching. Many were homesteads that date back before statehood...1880's. Most of the lands out here are either Forest Service or BLM that ranchers graze their cattle on. Very little land of the ranch is patent/private land. They have permits to run X amount of cattle on their allotments, depending on the size of the allotment and the quality of the grazing land. The entity that issues the permit, either Forest Service or BLM has always been able to regulate how many cattle you run on your allotment, based on the quality of the grazing land. One ranch I spent a lot of time on originally had an 800 head permit that was cut back over the years to around 400 as the land became overgrown with oak brush, juniper and cedars. Another rancher I know had to pull all his cattle off for a couple years due to lack of rainfall, droughts and extremely poor range conditions. As conditions improved, they put the cattle back on. All the ranching families I know out here in Arizona have paid their grazing permit fees. Cliven Bundy is really SCREWING UP BAD and will lose his ranch in the much for the history of the Bundy family. The real value in these ranches is the permit. |
Clive's remarks will cost him most of the support he has gathered. Too bad really, exposing the overreach of Federal Power and response against citizens with troops while letting (the list is long) go unopposed is sad. True, he is wrong under the law. But do IRS agents who don't pay their taxes get hundreds of assault troops heading their way? The news this morning was about how the Veterans Administration faked admission requests of vets to the tune of 40 deaths. This occurs while many thousands of illegal aliens get free healthcare, food, etc. Our government has gone upside down and is heading for a big crash. At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list. The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources. For six months, CNN has been reporting on extended delays in health care appointments suffered by veterans across the country and who died while waiting for appointments and care. But the new revelations about the Phoenix VA are perhaps the most disturbing and striking to come to light thus far. Internal e-mails obtained by CNN show that top management at the VA hospital in Arizona knew about the practice and even defended it. Government has turned into an arrogant Master,instead of being the Servant of the People! ![]() |
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Fri 04/25/14 09:31 AM
I just love how people from the South or the East think they know how things work out here in the WEST when it comes to cattle ranching and grazing permits. Seeems to me like a lot of people supporting Cliven Bundy are just doing it because they are anti-government. I am Native Arizonan and have grown up with ranching uncles, aunts, many cousins, family and friends in Arizona cattle ranching. Many were homesteads that date back before statehood...1880's. Most of the lands out here are either Forest Service or BLM that ranchers graze their cattle on. Very little land of the ranch is patent/private land. They have permits to run X amount of cattle on their allotments, depending on the size of the allotment and the quality of the grazing land. The entity that issues the permit, either Forest Service or BLM has always been able to regulate how many cattle you run on your allotment, based on the quality of the grazing land. One ranch I spent a lot of time on originally had an 800 head permit that was cut back over the years to around 400 as the land became overgrown with oak brush, juniper and cedars. Another rancher I know had to pull all his cattle off for a couple years due to lack of rainfall, droughts and extremely poor range conditions. As conditions improved, they put the cattle back on. All the ranching families I know out here in Arizona have paid their grazing permit fees. Cliven Bundy is really SCREWING UP BAD and will lose his ranch in the much for the history of the Bundy family. The real value in these ranches is the permit. the Fallacy of "Public Property" is about to explode! |
Cliven Bundy is nothing but an idiot, racist, anti-government, deadbeat rancher. He will end up in jail..... Evidently, the youtube video was bogus as it has been deleted.. Wow, we actually agree on something. |
Clive's remarks will cost him most of the support he has gathered. Too bad really, exposing the overreach of Federal Power and response against citizens with troops while letting (the list is long) go unopposed is sad. True, he is wrong under the law. But do IRS agents who don't pay their taxes get hundreds of assault troops heading their way? The news this morning was about how the Veterans Administration faked admission requests of vets to the tune of 40 deaths. This occurs while many thousands of illegal aliens get free healthcare, food, etc. Our government has gone upside down and is heading for a big crash. He will only loose the Government supporters like Dean Heller and Brian Sandoval. The Militia's are mostly racist or follow Christian Identity beliefs and are so anti Government that he wont lose their support and racist Senators like Rand Paul will continue to support him. |
Why is everyone spouting racism? Who really cares about that, this whole thing is about something bigger. Open your eyes!
I just love how people from the South or the East think they know how things work out here in the WEST when it comes to cattle ranching and grazing permits. Seeems to me like a lot of people supporting Cliven Bundy are just doing it because they are anti-government. I am Native Arizonan and have grown up with ranching uncles, aunts, many cousins, family and friends in Arizona cattle ranching. Many were homesteads that date back before statehood...1880's. Most of the lands out here are either Forest Service or BLM that ranchers graze their cattle on. Very little land of the ranch is patent/private land. They have permits to run X amount of cattle on their allotments, depending on the size of the allotment and the quality of the grazing land. The entity that issues the permit, either Forest Service or BLM has always been able to regulate how many cattle you run on your allotment, based on the quality of the grazing land. One ranch I spent a lot of time on originally had an 800 head permit that was cut back over the years to around 400 as the land became overgrown with oak brush, juniper and cedars. Another rancher I know had to pull all his cattle off for a couple years due to lack of rainfall, droughts and extremely poor range conditions. As conditions improved, they put the cattle back on. All the ranching families I know out here in Arizona have paid their grazing permit fees. Cliven Bundy is really SCREWING UP BAD and will lose his ranch in the much for the history of the Bundy family. The real value in these ranches is the permit. |