Topic: Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told | |
I just love how people from the South or the East think they know how things work out here in the WEST when it comes to cattle ranching and grazing permits. Seeems to me like a lot of people supporting Cliven Bundy are just doing it because they are anti-government. I am Native Arizonan and have grown up with ranching uncles, aunts, many cousins, family and friends in Arizona cattle ranching. Many were homesteads that date back before statehood...1880's. Most of the lands out here are either Forest Service or BLM that ranchers graze their cattle on. Very little land of the ranch is patent/private land. They have permits to run X amount of cattle on their allotments, depending on the size of the allotment and the quality of the grazing land. The entity that issues the permit, either Forest Service or BLM has always been able to regulate how many cattle you run on your allotment, based on the quality of the grazing land. One ranch I spent a lot of time on originally had an 800 head permit that was cut back over the years to around 400 as the land became overgrown with oak brush, juniper and cedars. Another rancher I know had to pull all his cattle off for a couple years due to lack of rainfall, droughts and extremely poor range conditions. As conditions improved, they put the cattle back on. All the ranching families I know out here in Arizona have paid their grazing permit fees. Cliven Bundy is really SCREWING UP BAD and will lose his ranch in the much for the history of the Bundy family. The real value in these ranches is the permit. Gee. I look off to the East and see about a mile of grazing cattle. I look off the West see another mile of grazing cattle. Crap! I look off to the North and see about five miles of grazing cattle. If I look to the South, there are ranchettes with cattle and horses so I guess this isn't cattle country. ![]() ![]() Wait till you see what happens with the BLM land grab at the Texas Oklahoma border. "...At issue is some amount of acreage — Abbott says 90,000 acres, BLM says 140 — along the Texas side of the border with Oklahoma, delineated by the Red River. The BLM is currently updating its resource management plan for Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, deciding what will be done with the public lands under its management (it could sell the land, open or close it to public use, or let ranchers graze cattle on it, for example). As part of that process, BLM is looking to clarify who owns certain areas of property along the Red River. You would think that the Texas-Oklahoma border is pretty well fixed by now, but determining the right line has consumed decades of court battles — all the way to the Supreme Court — and involves concepts like avulsion and accretion (when a river cuts away or adds land as it naturally changes course). Both the BLM and Abbott's office say they have the law and court precedent on their side. This is a murkier case than the fairly cut-and-dry Cliven Bundy dispute, and a few north Texas landowners do have reason to be concerned that land they have considered theirs for decades could be classified as public. After a series of public meetings the BLM held last year, "frustration has simmered in parts North Texas for months, but state officials have only recently picked up on it," says The Texas Tribune's Jim Malewitz. Attorney General Abbott in his letter asked the BLM for clarification of its intentions, asserting that "respect for property rights and the rule of law are fundamental principles in the State of Texas and the United States." But candidate Abbott took a more populist tack, telling Breitbart Texas that he is "about go to go to the Red River and raise a 'Come and Take It' flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas." If you're unfamiliar with that flag — the Gonzales Flag (named after the first battle of the Texas Revolution, in the town of Gonzales in 1835) — well, Texans aren't." |
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