no photo
Fri 08/15/14 07:01 AM
He is not a prophet but God. When we speak of God, when the bible speaks of God, it means the Holy Trinity. which is 1. the Father. 2. the Son, and the Holy spirit.thats God, That is why the Bible say Jesus is God because he is God the Son.and God the Son is the word who was in the baginning with God and was God.

no photo
Fri 08/15/14 01:19 PM
In Reply To Muputle,

Can You make a numerical quote to support anything You've said?
I've read every would-be quote that has ever been used to support the Trinity and all have been either severely abrogated or not anymore descript of the general unity or oneness of, for example, a husband and wife would know of.

Absolutely every single reference to, "Jesus who is God" through the entire New Testament is actually, "Jesus who is God's." (Again In Original Texts)

Once more, may I reiterate... "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was GOD'S." (Again In Original Texts)

In Colossians it plainly says, 'He (Jesus) is the first born of creation.'
Surely, You cannot confuse a creation with the Creator?
Who is the greater...? The creation or the Creator?

Reemasah's photo
Sun 08/17/14 12:18 AM
God is the Almighty


JESUS is a prophet ( messenger ) to humans

he is a prophet and a messenger like all prophets before and after him
But he is the only prophet still a live and will return again .

no photo
Mon 08/18/14 01:24 PM
In reply to Reemasah,
All the prophets are alive and are in Allah's presents. Such are the Companions of the Right Hand of God.

Sons of God was what was used in the Torah as a metaphor for the Angels but the Quran explains that was their custom of saying.

Allah created Jesus at the beginning of His way, and thus he is the first of His creations, even before the Angels and the Jinn.

Long before there was a Heaven and Earth or any other Spirit Entities, Allah said, "Be" and Jesus came to be. Later on Jesus would be sent to Earth to be a Messiah and would take the form of all other humans in the flesh and in doing so was no more than a man.

Jesus spoke of his pre-existence in the Gospels and even the Quran confirms that he was able to speak from the day of his birth onward.
Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly, before the mountains existed I existed."

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/18/14 01:31 PM

In reply to Reemasah,
All the prophets are alive and are in Allah's presents. Such are the Companions of the Right Hand of God.

Sons of God was what was used in the Torah as a metaphor for the Angels but the Quran explains that was their custom of saying.

Allah created Jesus at the beginning of His way, and thus he is the first of His creations, even before the Angels and the Jinn.

Long before there was a Heaven and Earth or any other Spirit Entities, Allah said, "Be" and Jesus came to be. Later on Jesus would be sent to Earth to be a Messiah and would take the form of all other humans in the flesh and in doing so was no more than a man.

Jesus spoke of his pre-existence in the Gospels and even the Quran confirms that he was able to speak from the day of his birth onward.
Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly, before the mountains existed I existed."

Yeah, Jesus existed before the mountains, because he's the one that made the mountains.

no photo
Mon 08/18/14 02:26 PM
Cowboy GH, are You able to give me a numerical quote as to were in the Bible it says that Jesus created the mountains. spock

Faiz1980's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:35 PM

Who is jesus?
Bibile itself confuse about jesus.

He ain't what your Imam says,and he ain't what that Christian Preacher says!

tooooo much contradiction in bibile about jesus and god

Too much killing in the world, >by you know who.<
I wonder who next will suffer from some sensless act of bloodshed.

No I don't know who??...Why don't you tell us!

Oh, so you want me to spell it out, Islamic extremists, that's who

Yes You are right because:

Muslims Started the first world war.
Muslims started the second world war.
Muslims started the Attack on Vietnam.
Muslims Bombed Heroshima and Nagasaki.
Muslims were behind pearl harbour.
Nuclear war heads were designed and manufactured by Muslims.
Muslims invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and many other countries.

m3k4y's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:52 PM
If we flip a coin and cover it with a book, it would b either head or tails. How can the one who believes it s a heads argue that the other person has the responsibility to prove that it s not.?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/19/14 06:17 AM

Cowboy GH, are You able to give me a numerical quote as to were in the Bible it says that Jesus created the mountains. spock

Colossians 1:16

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

John 1:3

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/19/14 06:22 AM

If we flip a coin and cover it with a book, it would b either head or tails. How can the one who believes it s a heads argue that the other person has the responsibility to prove that it s not.?

Nobody's "proving" anything. It is impossible to prove anything unless one witnesses it first hand. Heck you can't even prove we've walked on the moon without using third party sources that could easily be put off as "hearsay" just as they do here. We're just having a discussion of the things there of. Discussion, not a debate. For it's on faith to believe or not to believe.

m3k4y's photo
Tue 08/19/14 06:57 AM

In reply to Reemasah,
All the prophets are alive and are in Allah's presents. Such are the Companions of the Right Hand of God.

Sons of God was what was used in the Torah as a metaphor for the Angels but the Quran explains that was their custom of saying.

Allah created Jesus at the beginning of His way, and thus he is the first of His creations, even before the Angels and the Jinn.

Long before there was a Heaven and Earth or any other Spirit Entities, Allah said, "Be" and Jesus came to be. Later on Jesus would be sent to Earth to be a Messiah and would take the form of all other humans in the flesh and in doing so was no more than a man.

Jesus spoke of his pre-existence in the Gospels and even the Quran confirms that he was able to speak from the day of his birth onward.
Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly, before the mountains existed I existed."

Yeah, Jesus existed before the mountains, because he's the one that made the mountains.

Jesus only exist within us if we have faith n him.mountains?

m3k4y's photo
Tue 08/19/14 07:10 AM

If we flip a coin and cover it with a book, it would b either head or tails. How can the one who believes it s a heads argue that the other person has the responsibility to prove that it s not.?

Nobody's "proving" anything. It is impossible to prove anything unless one witnesses it first hand. Heck you can't even prove we've walked on the moon without using third party sources that could easily be put off as "hearsay" just as they do here. We're just having a discussion of the things there of. Discussion, not a debate. For it's on faith to believe or not to believe.

In fact we face similar situations daily..none of us ever actually seen christopher columbus. yet many of us beleive that he existed because of the many testimonials to his existence that we can witness for ourselves.

TBRich's photo
Tue 08/19/14 09:04 AM

If we flip a coin and cover it with a book, it would b either head or tails. How can the one who believes it s a heads argue that the other person has the responsibility to prove that it s not.?

Nobody's "proving" anything. It is impossible to prove anything unless one witnesses it first hand. Heck you can't even prove we've walked on the moon without using third party sources that could easily be put off as "hearsay" just as they do here. We're just having a discussion of the things there of. Discussion, not a debate. For it's on faith to believe or not to believe.

In fact we face similar situations daily..none of us ever actually seen christopher columbus. yet many of us beleive that he existed because of the many testimonials to his existence that we can witness for ourselves.

Interesting that outside of the gospels there really is no historical witness, for example both references in Tacticus and Flavius Joseph are demonstrated forgeries

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/19/14 09:53 AM

If we flip a coin and cover it with a book, it would b either head or tails. How can the one who believes it s a heads argue that the other person has the responsibility to prove that it s not.?

Nobody's "proving" anything. It is impossible to prove anything unless one witnesses it first hand. Heck you can't even prove we've walked on the moon without using third party sources that could easily be put off as "hearsay" just as they do here. We're just having a discussion of the things there of. Discussion, not a debate. For it's on faith to believe or not to believe.

In fact we face similar situations daily..none of us ever actually seen christopher columbus. yet many of us beleive that he existed because of the many testimonials to his existence that we can witness for ourselves.

Interesting that outside of the gospels there really is no historical witness, for example both references in Tacticus and Flavius Joseph are demonstrated forgeries

There are many third party sources for the things in the bible if you search hard enough. Not so much the prophecies being told in itself, but the historical events and things that happened therein the scriptures. It's even historically accurate that a man named Jesus lived and was crucified for the reasons included in the scriptures. Doesn't go into great details such as when the father said "This is my son, in whom I'm well pleased". But nevertheless the crucifixion itself can be found by third party sources.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/19/14 09:53 AM

In reply to Reemasah,
All the prophets are alive and are in Allah's presents. Such are the Companions of the Right Hand of God.

Sons of God was what was used in the Torah as a metaphor for the Angels but the Quran explains that was their custom of saying.

Allah created Jesus at the beginning of His way, and thus he is the first of His creations, even before the Angels and the Jinn.

Long before there was a Heaven and Earth or any other Spirit Entities, Allah said, "Be" and Jesus came to be. Later on Jesus would be sent to Earth to be a Messiah and would take the form of all other humans in the flesh and in doing so was no more than a man.

Jesus spoke of his pre-existence in the Gospels and even the Quran confirms that he was able to speak from the day of his birth onward.
Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly, before the mountains existed I existed."

Yeah, Jesus existed before the mountains, because he's the one that made the mountains.

Jesus only exist within us if we have faith n him.mountains?

Jesus existed in the flesh just as much as you exist. From paintings, to historical references of him. Just as will be for each and everyone of us once we have passed away from this world.

m3k4y's photo
Tue 08/19/14 02:58 PM
Beleif can b reasonable even though no enescapable proof exist. Example i blieve the existence of the star alpha centuari.i beleive it even though i have never identified wich star s visible n the nightsky.i could b wrong..
Of course one could argue that the existence of alpha centuari s different from the existence of god because i could see the star if i knew wher to look..but what if im blind?will that mean the star did not exist for me.?certainly not.

TBRich's photo
Tue 08/19/14 04:00 PM
I note that the argument only arises when each claims him to be their own and by their definition of him. I do not quite understand why this should be important. Is there a basic argument over the basic teachings- love g-d and love one another? If not, why not just settle on that and call it a day? Does it really matter what some one who follows these things calls him/herself?

m3k4y's photo
Tue 08/19/14 04:14 PM
Most popular arguments today are problematic, either because they employ selected use of evidence or the conclusion s not as clear as what s stated n the books they have read..others demand the leap of blind faith..i contend that none of this problem are necessary when definining the reasons for faith in the bible..

m3k4y's photo
Tue 08/19/14 04:16 PM

I note that the argument only arises when each claims him to be their own and by their definition of him. I do not quite understand why this should be important. Is there a basic argument over the basic teachings- love g-d and love one another? If not, why not just settle on that and call it a day? Does it really matter what some one who follows these things calls him/herself?

:smile: :smile: :thumbsup:

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:58 AM
Jesus is the most known of this world