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Topic: disappearing threads
mightymoe's photo
Thu 03/27/14 06:08 PM
i think they do a decent job of it... i really don't want to read about some chic or dude squirting on here... i mean, really?

some people have no class or respect for themselves, and if not, they are scammers... most all of everyone thats posted in this thread knows the rules, and goes by them... most/some of the time, anyway... but these other weird people that get on here to talk about how big their johnson is, or that chic that "likes to squirt" is just ridicules...

kc0003's photo
Thu 03/27/14 06:14 PM
Edited by kc0003 on Thu 03/27/14 06:16 PM
well i posted in the thread and i didn't see that, but tell me, what is the difference in that and the two threads we have going about people shiiiting?

i'll tell you what i think it is...but really i would love to see the people that supposedly "complained", stand up and be counted.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 03/27/14 06:15 PM

..while membership may be up, active membership here is waaaay off from where it once was. the boards are not even a third as busy as they used to be. so this tells me that, yes, the numbers overall may be higher, the actual user numbers cannot be were they were when things were less "civil". that tells me that people are NOT returning here to hang out..

It seems advertisers are not sacrificing their standards
to bottom-line volume, which would be the other side of
that coin..and neither does M2.

So, perhaps the benefit, a FREE site, tilts the balance :-)

I remember when the boards were so busy that all of 'Recent
Posts' turned over in a few minutes.
The I&S forum fairly throbbed.
Always good for laughs there.
Titillation sacrificed for a free hangout.
It can work.

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/27/14 06:37 PM
..moe.. I was posting on that when it disappeared.. defending your position so to speak... it was quite . eloquent. actually... put some thought into it.. took my time.. hit post reply... got a yellow flag... son of a b****... same feeling you get when you message somebody... make some epic message... hit send. son of a b****.... get the yellow flag... out of your range... does not smoke.. you're too old...lol...

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/27/14 06:48 PM
.. oh I think God for the . mingleLords...lol.. there would be . knife fight.. drive by shootings... and excuse my language here... mass raping.. of both men and women.... basically a coed prison...lol.. but it would be nice if the site reflected... a little more adult language.... like you could post a pic with a guy with his shirt off... but you show a girl showing a little skin...hmm... but there are licenses to.. adhere to.... and the buck does stop somewhere... that's all I got to say about that...
. I forgot what the topic was..lol

kc0003's photo
Thu 03/27/14 06:48 PM

It seems advertisers are not sacrificing their standards
to bottom-line volume, which would be the other side of
that coin..and neither does M2.

So, perhaps the benefit, a FREE site, tilts the balance :-)

I remember when the boards were so busy that all of 'Recent
Posts' turned over in a few minutes.
The I&S forum fairly throbbed.
Always good for laughs there.
Titillation sacrificed for a free hangout.
It can work.

i'm not rallying the return of 'forks & dorks', i'm simply asking why threads that may have a 'blue' tint are almost automatically deleted?

yes it was an adult subject, but she is an active member here, not a troll and the thread wasn't offensive, just too racy for christian mingle guess...oh well ohwell

markecephus's photo
Thu 03/27/14 07:04 PM
Hello folks,

The bottom line is this. We have an obligation to our advertisers, to keep the site clean. Those advertisements keep this site free. Google has a new 'morality clause'. Without this funding, we cannot keep this site free. To coin the much hated phrase.. "it is what it is".

I am locking this now, as there is no point in discussing the matter any further.

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