Topic: Lets see who tells the truth
2469nascar's photo
Fri 03/07/14 08:32 PM

Honestly, I don't think I have every truly been in love with a man before having sex with them. I have never fallen in love because of bomb D as you said, but I have lost all feelings because of lousy D. lol Straight up, if I didn't have an emotional connection with him I wouldn't sleep with him, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it was love.

Yep, I'm with you there. It has taken me a loooong time to fall in love in the past. I thought I was in love but experience after experience tells me there's always more to learn about love. I have to have a strong attraction and interest, but these days its all about the friendship. I've had dreams, all recently, where I've reached out for a friends hand, and when he held mine it made me orgasm! That's new! Not orgasms in my sleep but ones over hand holding... whew.

Sex can happen over feelings, but love comes with trust, and some people need a very long time to completely trust.

2469nascar's photo
Fri 03/07/14 08:33 PM

Honestly, I don't think I have every truly been in love with a man before having sex with them. I have never fallen in love because of bomb D as you said, but I have lost all feelings because of lousy D. lol Straight up, if I didn't have an emotional connection with him I wouldn't sleep with him, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it was love.

Yep, I'm with you there. It has taken me a loooong time to fall in love in the past. I thought I was in love but experience after experience tells me there's always more to learn about love. I have to have a strong attraction and interest, but these days its all about the friendship. I've had dreams, all recently, where I've reached out for a friends hand, and when he held mine it made me orgasm! That's new! Not orgasms in my sleep but ones over hand holding... whew.

Sex can happen over feelings, but love comes with trust, and some people need a very long time to completely trust.

no photo
Fri 03/07/14 08:36 PM

it has nothing to do with it

tigerlily123's photo
Sat 03/08/14 08:26 AM
sex without love doesn't make sense to me yet can have sex with 50 women and none of the women he has sex with he not even into them its usally the one the men don't have sex with is the trick.. then all of sudden there in love ?????

no photo
Sat 03/08/14 10:07 AM

sex without love doesn't make sense to me yet can have sex with 50 women and none of the women he has sex with he not even into them its usally the one the men don't have sex with is the trick.. then all of sudden there in love ?????

Well...forget about love if it's a wham-bam-thank you ma'am situation. However, if it's a long term relationship (LTR) then it is impossible not to get emotionally attached.

no photo
Sat 03/08/14 11:55 AM
There is no such word exsist called love. Love means pains, nobody like pains there only exsist sex.. Only love drama exsist before sex or after sex

Klonji's photo
Sun 03/09/14 08:14 AM
Before and after

Jennara2's photo
Sun 03/09/14 09:34 AM
I fall before sex. I have to have a connection with the person first.

phandi's photo
Sun 03/09/14 10:29 AM
Is it really possible just 2 fall in LOVE!! !noway

no photo
Sun 03/09/14 11:03 AM
After, first u like a lot :smile:

no photo
Sun 03/09/14 11:11 AM
Love and sex are on opposite sites...

no photo
Sun 03/09/14 11:39 AM
After of course. Kinda gotta know if your sexually compatible. Not saying right after the deed is done, because we all know those euphoric feelings lie after Great sex.

kc0003's photo
Sun 03/09/14 12:20 PM
it is said, women give sex to get love and men give love to get sex.

no photo
Sun 03/09/14 03:00 PM
what he said ^

Mississippigal2003's photo
Sun 03/09/14 05:19 PM

After of course. Kinda gotta know if your sexually compatible. Not saying right after the deed is done, because we all know those euphoric feelings lie after Great sex.
why don't we try the theory out :)

no photo
Mon 03/10/14 12:13 PM
before sex

no photo
Mon 03/10/14 01:50 PM

... I don't understand the question.. what does falling. in love have to do with sex.!!!???. I have never tied the two.together... don't get me wrong I have been tied down.. well having but I've never fallen in love... well having sex... that just seems backwards...

Just this once I have to agree with you PHD.:wink:
I totally get what you're saying

_princess24's photo
Tue 03/11/14 09:44 AM

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 10:28 AM

After of course. Kinda gotta know if your sexually compatible. Not saying right after the deed is done, because we all know those euphoric feelings lie after Great sex.
why don't we try the theory out :)
I have a feeling your fiance might not like that.

Mississippigal2003's photo
Tue 03/11/14 11:35 AM

I have a feeling your fiance might not like that.

Yeah rcb wouldn't