Topic: First contact
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Wed 09/12/07 04:17 PM
Why is it that woman rarely make first contact? Does it make you look bad? Is it expected for the guy to always talk first? I usually get mail back after I have sent a message to a woman so it's not that you ladies don't want to talk.

Just curious.............

mishaellyn's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:19 PM
I try at times to make the first contact but not always. I am just a little old fashioned I guess. Want the guy to make the first move :smile:

Puffins1958's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:23 PM

Not all women expect the men to make the first move, it just all depends. In the past, I've sent out emails that have "read" with no reply. I guess he never felt like saying hello back. Then one day, I sent out an email...and we have been talking ever since. So you never know...when the email you send out, might get a nice reply back...

You just never know....

flowerforyou flowerforyou

LadyOfMagic's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:31 PM
I've NEVER made the first contact..and never've seen TOO many times where a person makes the first contact then if they get into a relationship and it fails the one that answered the contact goes "Well YOU'RE the one that wanted ME!"..sooo..yeah..not gonna the fact that I hate rejection and if a guy rejects me or my note I'm gonna hurt them..lmao..ok..I am just kidding on that last part..I think.laugh

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Wed 09/12/07 04:36 PM
Mike, I can honestly say that I almost never write to anyone first (my experiences trying to welcome some of the locals cured me of THAT really quickly), and I get lots of "first contact" e-mails from the women on this site. Got two brand new ones yesterday, in fact.

And they are almost always about something I wrote in the forums. (A few are about my profile, but that's a distinct minority.) That's one of the main reasons I have always felt that the forum format is probably the best way to really let yourself be known on a site like this one.

I've been on sites where they don't even HAVE forums -- and they are pretty bleak -- you have a profile (usually etched in stone and unchanging for all eternity), maybe a pic or two, and that's it. It's less information than you get from the back of a ketchup packet, and you're supposed to make assessments based on THAT....?

I really do believe that it all comes down to having something to say, being able to say it, and getting it into a venue where enough people can see it so that at least a few will be intrigued enough to want to get to know the person behind the words. Based on the sheer number of e-mails I get, I would have to say that it works for me. It would work BETTER if some of the people who wrote to me were actually closer than 897,000 miles; but at least I know someone is reading this stuff!

So, anyway, if they are writing back to you, after you make the first contact, then you are doing better than me on that end, so just go with that!


morethanjust_janedoe's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:38 PM
i most of the time will write first. if i get something back then awesome. if not its their loss.

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:39 PM
Geeesh! I thought this thread was about aliens. Oh well, carry on!laugh

Jess642's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:39 PM
I do...I mail anyone that has sparked an interest...intellectually...male or female...

and I have a great strike posters write back, women write back, and most, (not all) men who don't post, don't write, and if they do, it's in a dismissive way, telling me to get off the I am an aussie, and I am not looking...

Hilarious! laugh laugh laugh

bookworm's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:39 PM
I agree. You have to be brave and throw caution to the wind if you want to get anywhere.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:44 PM
Oddly enough I step out of my zone that I feel alright in and try to meet and email and write women but lately I just given up as I think it's some what useless as women do not respond much from a simple hi how's it going to nice photo etc.

Oh well.

coco56's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:45 PM
i emailed you mike and you ignored me grumble

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:53 PM
Talking in the forums does generate alot of mail. Somtimes too much.laugh

I was just wondering....Woman view my profile yet they don't send a message. I know that many people click on it just to see who it is or for whatever curious reason. It's just the ones that keep viewing my profile I wonder about. It's like they're checking up on me. Could this mean that I'm suppose to e-mail them? Or are hey silently stalking me?laugh

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:56 PM
Or are they silently stalking me?

I do have a few stalkerslaugh

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:57 PM
Mike, I wish I had the answer to that one. I have a group who seem to view my profile on a very regular basis. Some are people I correspond with regularly, and I may even tell them when I've added something to the profile, and so they may decide to check out the new stuff.

But there are about a dozen who just look and look and look and never say a word, never write. And they never post in the forums either. I really don't know what to make of that! Maybe they just like looking at the llama pics....

eileena9's photo
Wed 09/12/07 04:57 PM know I am stalking you, each and every chance I get....and I will continue to do so just because I can!!!!laugh laugh laugh devil devil

And Lex....will you know the rest of it so I won't write it again!!devil devil devil

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 05:01 PM
Eileen -- There is such a thing as a good stalker! If they were all like you, I would put up a "Welcome Stalkers" sign.

As for that other thing, well, you know I'm afraid of the possibility of it being recorded and used against me when I run for President....


no photo
Wed 09/12/07 05:01 PM
Eileen I know your stalking me...Your OK....Its the others that make me worry.

Lex...Its the llamas...Hell I even went to your profile to see themlaugh

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 07:13 PM
Mike, don't think that it really matters who contacts who.....I am like jess in that respect, I email whoever I think sparks my interest,male or female, and Ive always got responses back....flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I do however get a few people who look at my profile and don't say anything but I think they are just interested in my tatas!!!:wink: laugh laugh

nurjoyce's photo
Wed 09/12/07 07:14 PM
i have contacted several guys even just to say i like their profile or say to say hi

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 07:17 PM
I've always been told that men like an element of mystery...they like being the pursuers, like a challenge, etc. and if a woman makes herself too available they lose interest. I guess it supposedly goes back thousands of years to men being hunters and all of that primal instinct crap. I, myself, tend to be quite forward if I like a guy. I am quite certain that is one big reason why I am still single. I don't play games or act mysterious. I just put who I am out there..take it or leave it. Period. happy