Topic: We DEMAND?Black students at University of Michigan demand
mightymoe's photo
Wed 02/26/14 01:51 PM

so I will note this

requests for things to be affordable - a handout
request to peacefully assemble = a handout
requests for representation = a handout

I look forward to seeing you call out your patriotic friends in the future when they whinge about such things,,,laugh

where, in any of that, does it say request? i keep seeing demand, not request...

demand to make things affordable... who pays for them to be more affordable? not them...

demand to peaceful assembly? i missed that one, can you point it out to me?

demand for representation? again, i didn't see that listed...

mightymoe's photo
Wed 02/26/14 01:54 PM

I did read what was posted,, did you?

I don't agree with the last , it is the only one that wouldn't give access to all students , but only one demographic

all others were things that would be available to ALL students or are already available to other students,,,

who are you trying to BS on this? the blacks are not worried about ALL students, just the black students...

read it for what it is, not what you think it is

Im not in the BS business

as I said, regardless of if they are worried about black students (and why shouldn't they, as black students, be ?)

their request were things that would be accessible and beneficial for ALL students there,,,

no, sorry, it doesn't work that way..on the books, yes, but in real life, no...

why to "they" need a new multicultural center? and who's paying for that?

We demand the equal opportunity to succeed with emergency scholarships for black students in need of financial support, without the mental anxiety of not being able to focus on and afford the university's academic life.
how is that benefiting all students?

and this?
We demand that the university give us an equal opportunity to implement change, the change that complete restoration of the BSU purchasing power through an increased budget would obtain.
key word being "us", not "the students"

another key word that's prevalent in all statements is DEMAND....

I already agreed to quotas and scholarships being separate

nothing requesting 'equal' anything is a privilege to anyone over another

and Im sure they will use renovation funds that all schools have for upgrading and building on their campuses, to add to its appeal for potential enrollees,,

like the 23 mill allocated to their school of music
50 mllion for their school of nursing
50 million towards eastern dorm renovations and a new dining center
114 million for western dorms
29 million for a social research institute

seems like 300000 is a drop in the pan, for what amounts to just another renovation like those above,,,

seems like the school is trying, but not enough for the blacks, huh... and what building costs 300,000 dollars?
they're spending millions on renovations, and a new building costs 300,000?...

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/26/14 01:58 PM

Maybe it's time to tell all those "Entitlers" to go and pick Whatever off the next Tree,since they believe that's where it grows!
If Society does "give" you something,it is a Privilege,NOT a Right!
So,take your Demands,and do the Next Best Thing with them!

people don't charge you when they 'give' you something

if they charge you they have 'sold' you something, and you can determine the quality you should expect from what you purchased,,

You mean,you are entitled by Right to three of my Ten Dollars?
Well,come and get them!:laughing:
The Soviets weren't even as blatant as you Guys are!:laughing:

what does that have to do with students paying tuition to a campus having input in how they wish the campus to function ?

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/26/14 01:59 PM

I did read what was posted,, did you?

I don't agree with the last , it is the only one that wouldn't give access to all students , but only one demographic

all others were things that would be available to ALL students or are already available to other students,,,

who are you trying to BS on this? the blacks are not worried about ALL students, just the black students...

read it for what it is, not what you think it is

Im not in the BS business

as I said, regardless of if they are worried about black students (and why shouldn't they, as black students, be ?)

their request were things that would be accessible and beneficial for ALL students there,,,

no, sorry, it doesn't work that way..on the books, yes, but in real life, no...

why to "they" need a new multicultural center? and who's paying for that?

We demand the equal opportunity to succeed with emergency scholarships for black students in need of financial support, without the mental anxiety of not being able to focus on and afford the university's academic life.
how is that benefiting all students?

and this?
We demand that the university give us an equal opportunity to implement change, the change that complete restoration of the BSU purchasing power through an increased budget would obtain.
key word being "us", not "the students"

another key word that's prevalent in all statements is DEMAND....

I already agreed to quotas and scholarships being separate

nothing requesting 'equal' anything is a privilege to anyone over another

and Im sure they will use renovation funds that all schools have for upgrading and building on their campuses, to add to its appeal for potential enrollees,,

like the 23 mill allocated to their school of music
50 mllion for their school of nursing
50 million towards eastern dorm renovations and a new dining center
114 million for western dorms
29 million for a social research institute

seems like 300000 is a drop in the pan, for what amounts to just another renovation like those above,,,

seems like the school is trying, but not enough for the blacks, huh... and what building costs 300,000 dollars?
they're spending millions on renovations, and a new building costs 300,000?...

no, actually the 300 thousand was AGREED to on both sides

the building is ALREADY There, that needs renovating, and this is a MIGHTY small effort, but at least an effort,,,

probably because they didn't want to deal with all the 'its so unfair' backlash of the 'you are taking other peoples money' folks,,,

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:00 PM

seems like 300000 is a drop in the pan, for what amounts to just another renovation like those above,,,

Such a small sum when it belongs to someone else, isn't it? Don't have to earn anything, just take from others.

During the period that this country was founded, that was called thievery and you were tried and hung by the common law.

But now during this age of entitlement, it has become the "right" of the entitler to demand their victim pay their way.

Bring back the days of "hemp" and let's have some good "brown" rope.

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:06 PM

what does that have to do with students paying tuition to a campus having input in how they wish the campus to function ?

Absolutely nothing, they are entitled to attend the classes to which they have properly enrolled and properly paid the tuition, nothing else. Now if they have paid for room and board, they are entitled to eat in the cafeteria and a "bed" in the dorms, nothing else.

If they do not like it, they are entitled to leave, nothing more. Oh, and if they can't do the work (there's that dirty word), they are entitled to fail, nothing more.

Now how is that for realistic entitlements.

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:26 PM
au contraire

in a free market, consumers are permitted to spend their dollars where they choose

and those providing services and products are best served by listening to what their customer base is seeking so as to maintain current and create new consumers

the university can be funded privately, through taxes, and tuition or any combination thereof

meaning the students and the COMMUNITY are the consumers, and they all have the right to speak to the product they are purchasing,,,

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:41 PM

au contraire

in a free market, consumers are permitted to spend their dollars where they choose

and those providing services and products are best served by listening to what their customer base is seeking so as to maintain current and create new consumers

the university can be funded privately, through taxes, and tuition or any combination thereof

meaning the students and the COMMUNITY are the consumers, and they all have the right to speak to the product they are purchasing,,,

And still no understanding of rights, they have the right to take or leave, none other.

And the university has the right to admit or deny admission.

And if they had dollars, they could spend them whereever, but they don't and are demanding entitlements. Well they should get there demand, entitled to decorate that ditch in any manner they desire so long as it's a public ditch.

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/26/14 02:45 PM

au contraire

in a free market, consumers are permitted to spend their dollars where they choose

and those providing services and products are best served by listening to what their customer base is seeking so as to maintain current and create new consumers

the university can be funded privately, through taxes, and tuition or any combination thereof

meaning the students and the COMMUNITY are the consumers, and they all have the right to speak to the product they are purchasing,,,

And still no understanding of rights, they have the right to take or leave, none other.

And the university has the right to admit or deny admission.

And if they had dollars, they could spend them whereever, but they don't and are demanding entitlements. Well they should get there demand, entitled to decorate that ditch in any manner they desire so long as it's a public ditch.

and the RIGHT to express what they want in return for their money

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 03:11 PM

And still no understanding of rights, they have the right to take or leave, none other.

And the university has the right to admit or deny admission.

And if they had dollars, they could spend them whereever, but they don't and are demanding entitlements. Well they should get there demand, entitled to decorate that ditch in any manner they desire so long as it's a public ditch.

and the RIGHT to express what they want in return for their money

Not a right at all, it's all contract, offer and acceptance. You don't like you shouldn't accept as performance is but the offer.

The only right involved was the right to unlimited right to contract. And the university as part of the state has exceeded their authority to offer.

There are no entitlements in contracts, it is a civil matter to be handled in a civil court, breech. The students have breeched and could be subjected to expulsion with complete loss of funds provided according to the remedies provided by the contract.

That's it.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 02/26/14 04:02 PM

au contraire

in a free market, consumers are permitted to spend their dollars where they choose

and those providing services and products are best served by listening to what their customer base is seeking so as to maintain current and create new consumers

the university can be funded privately, through taxes, and tuition or any combination thereof

meaning the students and the COMMUNITY are the consumers, and they all have the right to speak to the product they are purchasing,,,

And still no understanding of rights, they have the right to take or leave, none other.

And the university has the right to admit or deny admission.

And if they had dollars, they could spend them whereever, but they don't and are demanding entitlements. Well they should get there demand, entitled to decorate that ditch in any manner they desire so long as it's a public ditch.

and the RIGHT to express what they want in return for their money

who's money?

the whole is about more freebes, low income students aren't paying for anything...

tanyaann's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:15 PM
I have my graduate degree from UM.

Reading over the demands, I can understand them. University of Michigan is a public university and definitely shows preferential treatment to high socio-economic students. It is a whole 'nother world on and around UM's campus.

Tiny one bedroom apartments can be almost $2000 a month the closer you get on-campus. And, campus housing charges outrageous amount in rate.

I (still do) live on the border of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti where I could afford rent but still have my son attend Ann Arbor schools.

And, since I didn't participate in all the socialite activities, where individuals were looking for their potential upper class spouse, I didn't get all the benefits from obtaining an education from there.

The extra you pay at UM for a degree is only justified by the circles you run in. If you are excluded from those circles or just not invited, then UM's degree isn't worth the money. (No different from any other University - you are just paying for the name.)

With all that said, you work hard - then you sometimes get something in return.

I can't speak for other states, but the State of Michigan's race relations isn't the best. There tends to be a lot of institutional racism. Now, I can say that UM does (in some departments) do heavy recruiting to diversify it's student population - however, not everyone can afford it.

I know I will be paying off student loans for forever from UM.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:17 PM

for those interested in what was actually stated:

•We demand that the university give us an equal opportunity to implement change, the change that complete restoration of the BSU purchasing power through an increased budget would obtain.

•We demand available housing on central campus for those of lower socio-economic status at a rate that students can afford, to be a part of university life, and not just on the periphery.

•We demand an opportunity to congregate and share our experiences in a new Trotter [Multicultural Center] located on central campus.

•We demand an opportunity to be educated and to educate about America’s historical treatment and marginalization of colored groups through race and ethnicity requirements throughout all schools and colleges within the university.

•We demand the equal opportunity to succeed with emergency scholarships for black students in need of financial support, without the mental anxiety of not being able to focus on and afford the university's academic life.

•We demand increased exposure of all documents within the Bentley (Historical) Library. There should be transparency about the university and its past dealings with race relations.

•We demand an increase in black representation on this campus equal to 10 percent.

during a speech that happened on MLK day after Harry Belafonte spoke, these 'demands' were read , its been over a month so I guess a mere response and aknowledgement met the deadline given,,

the only unreasonable 'demand' in the list is setting a percentage of representation as that is too close to being a quota, which is illegal unless sanctioned by a court as punitive action where past discrimination has been PROVEN to occur ,,,

Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme,

Ah, the entitlement generation off to a good start. Next thing you know they are going to want food stamps, section 8 housing, welfare checks, free booze and all that stuff.

And then with that degree they stole from some deserving soul, they are going to demand entitlements because they may have to work for someone and do what an employer wants, so belittling when you can just suck off the people.

Ummmm, they already get that stuff. As far as the free booze, they can use their welfare and food stamps for that in most states. Hell they can even use their welfare cards at strip clubs!

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:23 PM

I have my graduate degree from UM.

Reading over the demands, I can understand them. University of Michigan is a public university and definitely shows preferential treatment to high socio-economic students. It is a whole 'nother world on and around UM's campus.

Tiny one bedroom apartments can be almost $2000 a month the closer you get on-campus. And, campus housing charges outrageous amount in rate.

I (still do) live on the border of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti where I could afford rent but still have my son attend Ann Arbor schools.

And, since I didn't participate in all the socialite activities, where individuals were looking for their potential upper class spouse, I didn't get all the benefits from obtaining an education from there.

The extra you pay at UM for a degree is only justified by the circles you run in. If you are excluded from those circles or just not invited, then UM's degree isn't worth the money. (No different from any other University - you are just paying for the name.)

With all that said, you work hard - then you sometimes get something in return.

I can't speak for other states, but the State of Michigan's race relations isn't the best. There tends to be a lot of institutional racism. Now, I can say that UM does (in some departments) do heavy recruiting to diversify it's student population - however, not everyone can afford it.

I know I will be paying off student loans for forever from UM.

Yep, that makes perfect sense of today's generation. Hock your life for a piece of paper that is worthless. Now in voluntary servitude to some corporation for what should have been the most productive years of life.

At least I can understand Harvard turning you into an idiot, but at least you are a Harvard idiot that will pay some dividends in life if nothing more than sucking but on your mover and shaker classmates.

tanyaann's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:28 PM

Ummmm, they already get that stuff. As far as the free booze, they can use their welfare and food stamps for that in most states. Hell they can even use their welfare cards at strip clubs!

Not in Michigan. All of our welfare abusing liberal fun was taken away when we voted in a Republican governor!

Actually in Michigan, EBT cards can't be used at atms in liquor stores or gambling facilities. Yes, there are always ways to get around things.... but how much more different is that than business owners skirting around tax laws and regulations?

[I am probably opening a big can of worms here and don't really want to listen to the response... but oh well! I guess I'll stir the pot and leave! laugh]

tanyaann's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:29 PM

I have my graduate degree from UM.

Reading over the demands, I can understand them. University of Michigan is a public university and definitely shows preferential treatment to high socio-economic students. It is a whole 'nother world on and around UM's campus.

Tiny one bedroom apartments can be almost $2000 a month the closer you get on-campus. And, campus housing charges outrageous amount in rate.

I (still do) live on the border of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti where I could afford rent but still have my son attend Ann Arbor schools.

And, since I didn't participate in all the socialite activities, where individuals were looking for their potential upper class spouse, I didn't get all the benefits from obtaining an education from there.

The extra you pay at UM for a degree is only justified by the circles you run in. If you are excluded from those circles or just not invited, then UM's degree isn't worth the money. (No different from any other University - you are just paying for the name.)

With all that said, you work hard - then you sometimes get something in return.

I can't speak for other states, but the State of Michigan's race relations isn't the best. There tends to be a lot of institutional racism. Now, I can say that UM does (in some departments) do heavy recruiting to diversify it's student population - however, not everyone can afford it.

I know I will be paying off student loans for forever from UM.

Yep, that makes perfect sense of today's generation. Hock your life for a piece of paper that is worthless. Now in voluntary servitude to some corporation for what should have been the most productive years of life.

At least I can understand Harvard turning you into an idiot, but at least you are a Harvard idiot that will pay some dividends in life if nothing more than sucking but on your mover and shaker classmates.

Well my worthless piece of paper leads me to 'hock my life to voluntary servitude to a non-profit organization'. But, hey, just about everyone in this world lives for the profit, right?

tanyaann's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:32 PM
Well, I applaud the students at UM that are making these demands. Better to stand up for something and demand something... then sit on political forum on some rinky dink dating site arguing over semantics and ideologies. IM(not so humble)O

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 08:00 PM

I hear threats of violence if their DEMANDS are not met.

They are demanding they receive preferential treatment. They represent the products of the Gimedats generation.

Black students at University of Michigan demand action on campus diversity

Organizers of the 'Being Black at University of Michigan' movement give the university a one-week ultimatum to make reforms.

Here is their list of DEMANDS.

During the Martin Luther King Jr. Day event, President Coleman unveiled a three-pronged approach for increasing the presence and improving the experiences of black students on campus. The plan includes providing tolerance training to students living on campus, creating a committee on diversity to promote inclusion and encouraging minority enrollment.

Though many issues were covered in Coleman's speech, all of the Black Student Union's demands were not addressed. Robert Greenfield, the treasurer for the Black Student Union, told MLive, "We fully expect to see action on these seven demands by the end of the seven days."

In 2008, African-American students made up 6.8 percent of the university's freshman class. In 2012, they represented 4.6 percent of the incoming class.

What do you think about the list of demands and the university's initial response?

I did not read them because I do not care. Sounds like they are the ones that need the tolerance training AFTER they have finished their homework. If one of my kids was wasting time in the Student Union during midterms I'd kick his butt

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 08:02 PM

Maybe it's time to tell all those "Entitlers" to go and pick Whatever off the next Tree,since they believe that's where it grows!
If Society does "give" you something,it is a Privilege,NOT a Right!
So,take your Demands,and do the Next Best Thing with them!

people don't charge you when they 'give' you something

if they charge you they have 'sold' you something, and you can determine the quality you should expect from what you purchased,,

You mean,you are entitled by Right to three of my Ten Dollars?
Well,come and get them!:laughing:
The Soviets weren't even as blatant as you Guys are!:laughing:

what does that have to do with students paying tuition to a campus having input in how they wish the campus to function ?

more often it is MY tax dollars and their parents salaries that pay their tuition and on the authority I assume as a tuition payee, I remand all of them to the library to do their homeworkgrumble

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/26/14 08:56 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 02/26/14 09:03 PM

au contraire

in a free market, consumers are permitted to spend their dollars where they choose

and those providing services and products are best served by listening to what their customer base is seeking so as to maintain current and create new consumers

the university can be funded privately, through taxes, and tuition or any combination thereof

meaning the students and the COMMUNITY are the consumers, and they all have the right to speak to the product they are purchasing,,,

In a free market that may be true, but not in this adulterated, crony capitalist market where small business is destroyed by lobbyist impact to regulation causing failures which allow good and small business to be swallowed up by the conglomerates for pennies on the dollar, or forced to close all together under the burdens of those regulations. That's not competing in a free market, that's controlling it!

When people only have a choice of one or two options, that's not a free market, it's corruption at its finest! In that market place the seller doesn't need to care about what the people want, only what protections their lobbyist dollar buys.

Common Core is not education, it's programming.

In this case, demanding special privilege over others, who may or may not be worse off, using the color of your skin as a joker with the threat of unknown, possibly violent actions, is no better than the corporations who lobby regulation with profits they make at the expense of others their regulations have destroyed!