Topic: finding someone
no photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:37 PM

I am very serious people say they want various stuff n when someone has what they want they get wrote off as no good with one glance without a word ever being spoken to them

I seriously doubt that the single women on this website want to become involved with a man who is still legally married.

I seriously doubt that the single women on this website are looking for a man who is constantly away from home because his job requires it.


Candiapples's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:38 PM

I am very serious people say they want various stuff n when someone has what they want they get wrote off as no good with one glance without a word ever being spoken to them

I seriously doubt that the single women on this website want to become involved with a man who is still legally married.

I seriously doubt that the single women on this website are looking for a man who is constantly away from home because his job requires it.


This 2...unrealistic frustrated

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:53 PM

I am very serious people say they want various stuff n when someone has what they want they get wrote off as no good with one glance without a word ever being spoken to them

I seriously doubt that the single women on this website want to become involved with a man who is still legally married.

I seriously doubt that the single women on this website are looking for a man who is constantly away from home because his job requires it.


This 2...unrealistic frustrated

Exactly. The author of this thread's OP is boasting that he has what single women want. The reality is something else.

driverbob42's photo
Thu 02/27/14 12:11 AM
Give up on the subtle attempts to silence me they won't work if u don't like what I have to say don't post on my topic and as far as me being away did u ever consider that if I had someone to take more time off for I would and there other factors to consider as well I am human just like any of you I have feelings and a heart too trucks are vital to everyone if you have it regaurdless of what it is food clothing etc...a truck helped get it there without trucks america comes to its knees it is the only way I can contribute and make a positive difference also 1 other thing did anyone factor in that they could come with me and see the country or become a driver and run team there are a lot of factors people don't think about drivers are people too so why should they be denied happiness and love because they drive a truck? If you truly stop and think about it you would see what I am saying most of us are out here sacraficing for your sake we have a right to have a little bit of happiness too most of us are americans too n the constitution aplies to us also

driverbob42's photo
Thu 02/27/14 12:20 AM
I am only married on paper she cheated on me 9 times the first was a week after we got married and also what makes you think that a lot of them are not married and lying about it I didn't have to say a word about it but I marked seperated on my profile I have no reason to hide that I have not spoken to my estranged since we split she did this at a bad time I had just had surgery n needed the emotional support after I confirmed she cheated she wanted me to leave n I didn't want to stay n that was the last time we spoke

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 02/27/14 01:29 AM

I am very serious people say they want various stuff n when someone has what they want they get wrote off as no good with one glance without a word ever being spoken to them
Forty year old men with no job and have no pot to piss in wanna be sugar daddys to HOT 20 year olds and honestly believe they will

Yep. How pathetic. But good luck to them, because most women in their 20's are dating young students in their own age bracket. Some really thought student types wouldn't want each other? How can they not? They're on the same wavelength, with the MALE students their own age. They haven't had any children yet. They're just starting out, getting a career, which again, is something else them and their male counterparts have in common. How likely is it, that a female in her 20's, will want to have sex with a 20-ish male? Very. The very reason their hormones are raging. I doubt very much, that Sonia will look at someone's grandfather thinking "Oh yeah. I really wanna jump HIS bones, even though lads my own age are far more appealing to me".

So many are in LaLa land

laugh This made me laugh hard

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/27/14 05:22 AM

Dude, nobody here is bullying you or trying to silence you.

People here are giving you honest feedback about the way that you have presented yourself on this website.

Also, this here is a public forum, on which anyone can say anything as long as the site's rules are not violated.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/27/14 04:23 PM

If you insist on fighting windmills, then I certainly can't stop you.

driverbob42's photo
Sat 03/01/14 01:41 AM
On a different note does anyone know where I can go to find out if there were any fatalities in the 10 miles of accidents that happened monday night on i84 in oregon I was involved I got hit 3 times while stopped because of stopped traffic the reason I want to find out is because I would like to send my condolences to the family or families because it was a horrible mess up there on that mountain that night but I hope n pray that everyone was ok

driverbob42's photo
Sat 03/01/14 01:50 AM
Emmigrant hill or cabbage as it is known at least to the locals and truckers alike is a very dnagerous and treachorous pass between la grande and pendleton oregon on good roads in inclement weather it can be very deadly I pray that the injured recover quickly and r restored to full health

no photo
Mon 03/03/14 08:16 AM
I search men or girl for evening where can i find it whitch page in austria

driverbob42's photo
Mon 03/03/14 09:02 PM
Hello dano not sure on that other than knowing about vienna and its musical history and a little about the austo/hungarian empire that started ww1 with the assinatioion of arch duke francis ferdinand i know very little about austrian culture but would be fascinated to learn more about it and its people

Choobobabe's photo
Mon 03/03/14 10:26 PM
I don't judge and get pretty heated when other people DO judge, especially based on looks, status, disability, race, etc. But when it comes to choosing a dating partner, I do exact common sense by watching out for red flags or just skipping over people who have nothing in common with me. That's not judging, just preventing a relationship disaster!

But OP might want to take an alternate approach to finding a date, based on majority comments. :> Not being mean, just maybe you can find another way to word things? Be clear, up front, without being argumentative and arrogant. Take a laid back (not passive, just cool and smooth) method of asking questions and response. And don't be so quick to fire back! If you FEEL you're being bullied, make a sensible come back that doesn't push people. It's not that hard if you think before you type!

no photo
Mon 03/03/14 10:28 PM

Emmigrant hill or cabbage as it is known at least to the locals and truckers alike is a very dnagerous and treachorous pass between la grande and pendleton oregon on good roads in inclement weather it can be very deadly I pray that the injured recover quickly and r restored to full health

Cabbage is its nickname, a trucker once dumped his load of cabbage on that hill ,.

regularfeller's photo
Wed 03/05/14 02:49 AM
Wow. Bob, if someone closed their eyes and looked at you with their heart they would hear an angry and bitter man they would steer clear of. Even if they weren't hauling cabbage. Pity is not an expression of endearment so if this is your "date bait" I don't see anybody biting. Since the numerous calamities you listed didn't kill you they should have theoretically made you stronger. I'm not sensing that. Stop with the fantastic tales. Even if they are true they aren't being believed and are giving people a negative impression of you.

Nobody is here to belittle you or intimidate you. They are trying to reason with you and you are reacting defensively and irrationally. Furthermore, your writing being an example of your behavior with the general public, I can only imagine what occurs in your castle. Was this the reason for your wife's infidelity? And by the way, you can only blame her for the first time, the remaining eight are on you, my friend. You demonstrated acceptance and tolerance of her alleged behavior by maintaining some semblance of a relationship with her. You got to man up and let that stuff go. No woman wants to eat her dinner while you rant and rave about the shortcomings of your former spouse.

Bob, in my opinion, you just need a friend to hear you out until you heal your emotional wounds, not a girlfriend to take it out on. I agree with you that lonely is no way to live. But you are going to set yourself up for more heartache if you don't make some changes to Bob first.

You might be bad a$#, Bob, but the greatest warrior is he who conquers himself. Hope my comm is 5 X 5.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 03/06/14 10:23 AM
driverbob42, ask yourself this question: Has your behavior here gotten you what you want?

If the answer to that question is "no", then why not ask others for tips for improving your presentation?

I can tell you right now that presenting a "tough guy" persona isn't the way to go.

aquohxiiMhai's photo
Sat 03/08/14 05:47 AM
its really hard to find someone..

witneycares04's photo
Mon 03/10/14 07:42 AM
I try not to judge ryt now I need a date a crious one.

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 10:57 AM

Hello dano not sure on that other than knowing about vienna and its musical history and a little about the austo/hungarian empire that started ww1 with the assinatioion of arch duke francis ferdinand i know very little about austrian culture but would be fascinated to learn more about it and its people

no photo
Tue 03/11/14 11:44 AM
This has more drama than Days Of Our Lives...noway