Topic: Addressing poverty without demonizing the poor... | |
We have just concluded the 5th fiscal year since President Obama took office. During those five years, the federal government has spent a total $3.7 trillion on approximately 80 different means-tested poverty and welfare programs. The common feature of means-tested assistance programs is that they are graduated based on a persons income and, in contrast to programs like Social Security or Medicare, they are a free benefit and not paid into by the recipient," says the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee.
"The enormous sum spent on means-tested assistance is nearly five times greater than the combined amount spent on NASA, education, and all federal transportation projects over that time. ($3.7 trillion is not even the entire amount spent on federal poverty support, as states contribute more than $200 billion each year to this federal nexus primarily in the form of free low-income health care.) Where did it go George,where did it go? "Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure." --Robert LeFevre |
Surmar, You are extrapolating your personal situation into a claim that everyone can have all of the opportunities that you have had. And I still want to know just how many men can make a living by strip dancing. There are Male Strip Bars, both Gay & Straight; so I would guess a number of Fine Looking Guys could find such a job. I'm going on Principle as all that I have is a GED as my parents (Who hadn't work an honest day that I ever knew about) soaked Welfare for all that they could get, and sent me off to Mexico to stay with relatives with I was 15. They thought that they were being "Smart," now on Social Security (Which doesn't pay nearly enough) they look to me to make up for what they don't get; they could spend me back into poverty three times over if I'd let them. welfare in America has been limited since the nineties with Clinton, IM not sure when your parents milked it but its much harder now with caps from 3-5 years MAX PER LIFETIME on most types of 'welfare'(the type people mostly complain about for children and food ) my parents both had degrees and I worked since I was 18 , accepting assistance for three months after my first marriage broke up and I looked for work and childcare and work that would pay for the childcare and more than 20 years later I found myself needing assistance again after being laid off from my job (unemployment) seeking work the whole time , volunteering in positions to keep up work experience, and still not FINDING gainful employment for THREE YEARS,, during which time I also needed 'welfare' after a second marriage broke up and I was left without the resource to cover the rent and the childcare for our child people fall sometimes, and it often has nothing to do with how willing they are to 'work' that they turn to assistance For $500 one can find a Doctor to write out that you're 100% Disable, without an exam even; or that was the price my parents each paid when they bought their Disability from a crooked Doctor. What did my Parents get for "Working the System?" A lifetime of Poverty, children attending failing schools that taught sex more than anything else, living in high crime neighborhoods where people (Even children) are assaulted in broad daylight, one of their sons driving into a tree after doing coke to "Sober Up" after partying all night, as their other son went to prison for raping the witness of a crime; really worked out very well for them, but it's all the fault of those Racist Whites who run the Government. |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? while im reading books, my kids will still need to eat and have shelter, and reading wont put the roof over their head or the food in their belly so, though I understand the idea of reading, and though I have read AND Acquired a degree and several certificates in differing fields, I have STILL been competing with others in the job market and have not been able to just go out and start working like going out and picking flowers its just not THAT Simple for most people when they turn to assistance I Am still reading and learning so I can get out of the cycle of 'slave' labor for employers who repeatedly ask for far more than they are willing to pay for,,, |
safety nets are necessary some people have it in their community , some don't some have it by way of their spouse or family, some don't its great that you live somewhere where you can just go up to someone and be hired for something, but PLENTY of other people don't live in such a place and I doubt that cleaning house would work without a working vehicle, which many don't have and I doubt everyone is in the condition to do landscaping work or have the schedule that will allow them to look after their kids and work evening shifts in a strip joint skills and personal situation are not the same for everyone, and for those who don't have the environment you do, other types of supplement are needed,,, I mean, I suppose, all the single mothers could hang out in bars and prostitute to avoid welfare too,,, but I wouldn't consider them any better a person for making that choice instead of choosing some help from assistance programs,,,, Safetynets are necessary,hmm? But you nicely blanked out the question of Who would pay for it! Misfortune does not constitute a Lien on the Property of others! The small minority of adults who are unable rather than unwilling to work, have to rely on voluntary charity; misfortune is not a claim to slave labor; there is no such thing as the right to consume, control, and destroy those without whom one would be unable to survive. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal “What Is Capitalism?” Besides,Government is the most inept "Charitable" Institution in this Universe! "I Am From The Government,I Am Here To Help" ![]() |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? while im reading books, my kids will still need to eat and have shelter, and reading wont put the roof over their head or the food in their belly so, though I understand the idea of reading, and though I have read AND Acquired a degree and several certificates in differing fields, I have STILL been competing with others in the job market and have not been able to just go out and start working like going out and picking flowers its just not THAT Simple for most people when they turn to assistance I Am still reading and learning so I can get out of the cycle of 'slave' labor for employers who repeatedly ask for far more than they are willing to pay for,,, Money will always fly out of the hands of those who are careless with it, and into the bank accounts of those who value it; here's a real simple plan to get out of that cycle you spoke of. First, Make a Budget for Every Dollar that You Spend for that Paycheck, Give Every Dollar a Name and once you have made your Budget, Follow it to the Letter. Step 1: Save up $1,000 Dollar Emergency Fund. Step 2: From Smallest to Largest, pay off all your debts but the Mortgage; Credit Cards, Car Loans, anything and everything as you sell everything that you don't need and eat beans & rice meals until everything is paid off. Step 3: Build Up Your Emergency Fund to 3 - 6 Months of expenses. Step 3B if you don't have a Mortgage, save up a Min of 20% of the Value of a House; far better to save 100% if you can. Steps 4, 5, & 6: Put 15% of everything you make towards retirement, fund your children education, and pay off your mortgage. Step 7: Make a Bunch of Money, and Give Some to Charity. People who follow such a plan are completely Debt Free on an average 7yrs. It's the Plan that My Husband and I followed from the time we were together; now he has a Property Management Company, Some Off-Shoot Businesses, (Tree Removal and the like) some Rental Properties, and half owner of a Class 3 FFL; as I own a Gas Station, some Rental Properties (Separate from my Husband's; which he manages for me) and Half of a Class 3 FFL, (My Husband is my Partner) as I'm looking to open another Gas Station in the next year or two. And we both started off dirt poor; I from a Family that lived to milk Welfare by any means possible, and he recovering from having the IRS take everything away from him "On a Technicality" which in '98 during Congressional Hearings we learned that IRS Agents, as a matter of SOP, lies, cheats, steels, and defrauds Tax Payers just to get larger bonuses and faster promotions. And for the record, all that Congress did about it was make speeches as they left the IRS to police itself; all the crooks were promoted, and the Whistle Blowers were fired as Malcontent Trouble Makers (PBS Frontline '99) |
yes, but lets stop equating poverty with laziness plenty of people who are willing and need to work and people who are working are still impoverished,,, Bull, pure and simple bull. |
yes, but lets stop equating poverty with laziness plenty of people who are willing and need to work and people who are working are still impoverished,,, Let's not because the majority are. Impoverished,learn to live within your means. |
all due respect but the work is not out there 'anywhere' not work that doesn't require some supplement (either from family or spouses or community or ,, shock and awe, government assistance) Yeah. Just how many men can make a living by strip dancing? ![]() Actually more than you think. |
all due respect but the work is not out there 'anywhere' not work that doesn't require some supplement (either from family or spouses or community or ,, shock and awe, government assistance) Yeah. Just how many men can make a living by strip dancing? ![]() lol ![]() not to mention those caring for children alone or without transportation or near a bus route that is near avaialable jobs,,,etc,, situations where schedules and geography pose limitiations,, You got that right, any excuse will do and there are so many of them. |
safety nets are necessary some people have it in their community , some don't some have it by way of their spouse or family, some don't its great that you live somewhere where you can just go up to someone and be hired for something, but PLENTY of other people don't live in such a place and I doubt that cleaning house would work without a working vehicle, which many don't have and I doubt everyone is in the condition to do landscaping work or have the schedule that will allow them to look after their kids and work evening shifts in a strip joint skills and personal situation are not the same for everyone, and for those who don't have the environment you do, other types of supplement are needed,,, I mean, I suppose, all the single mothers could hang out in bars and prostitute to avoid welfare too,,, but I wouldn't consider them any better a person for making that choice instead of choosing some help from assistance programs,,,, And the list of excuses but grows longer. Now just imagine if that same energy were used to list positives. But still the bottom line remains, why do for yourself when it is so easy to steal it from others. |
We have just concluded the 5th fiscal year since President Obama took office. During those five years, the federal government has spent a total $3.7 trillion on approximately 80 different means-tested poverty and welfare programs. The common feature of means-tested assistance programs is that they are graduated based on a persons income and, in contrast to programs like Social Security or Medicare, they are a free benefit and not paid into by the recipient," says the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee. "The enormous sum spent on means-tested assistance is nearly five times greater than the combined amount spent on NASA, education, and all federal transportation projects over that time. ($3.7 trillion is not even the entire amount spent on federal poverty support, as states contribute more than $200 billion each year to this federal nexus primarily in the form of free low-income health care.) Where did it go George,where did it go? "Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure." --Robert LeFevre Excellent post, shows the cancer government has become and the tumor but grows as time progresses. But have to be thankful about one thing, they didn't instead spend that money on education or we would be in much worse condition. |
safety nets are necessary some people have it in their community , some don't some have it by way of their spouse or family, some don't its great that you live somewhere where you can just go up to someone and be hired for something, but PLENTY of other people don't live in such a place and I doubt that cleaning house would work without a working vehicle, which many don't have and I doubt everyone is in the condition to do landscaping work or have the schedule that will allow them to look after their kids and work evening shifts in a strip joint skills and personal situation are not the same for everyone, and for those who don't have the environment you do, other types of supplement are needed,,, I mean, I suppose, all the single mothers could hang out in bars and prostitute to avoid welfare too,,, but I wouldn't consider them any better a person for making that choice instead of choosing some help from assistance programs,,,, I currently live in a rather rural area; but here, or in the city, with, or without a car, I can find work because I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I taught that work ethic to my children as my Daughter (Who is single) works two jobs (An Office Job, and working in a Bakery part-time) as my youngest, who is 15yrs Old, works for his father when he's out of School; no Snow Days for him from work as he rides around with his Father checking properties for repairs in the bitter cold. I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance ![]() |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. Good for you, what a positive can do attitude. |
Surmar, You are extrapolating your personal situation into a claim that everyone can have all of the opportunities that you have had. And I still want to know just how many men can make a living by strip dancing. There are Male Strip Bars, both Gay & Straight; so I would guess a number of Fine Looking Guys could find such a job. I'm going on Principle as all that I have is a GED as my parents (Who hadn't work an honest day that I ever knew about) soaked Welfare for all that they could get, and sent me off to Mexico to stay with relatives with I was 15. They thought that they were being "Smart," now on Social Security (Which doesn't pay nearly enough) they look to me to make up for what they don't get; they could spend me back into poverty three times over if I'd let them. welfare in America has been limited since the nineties with Clinton, IM not sure when your parents milked it but its much harder now with caps from 3-5 years MAX PER LIFETIME on most types of 'welfare'(the type people mostly complain about for children and food ) my parents both had degrees and I worked since I was 18 , accepting assistance for three months after my first marriage broke up and I looked for work and childcare and work that would pay for the childcare and more than 20 years later I found myself needing assistance again after being laid off from my job (unemployment) seeking work the whole time , volunteering in positions to keep up work experience, and still not FINDING gainful employment for THREE YEARS,, during which time I also needed 'welfare' after a second marriage broke up and I was left without the resource to cover the rent and the childcare for our child people fall sometimes, and it often has nothing to do with how willing they are to 'work' that they turn to assistance |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, Sure you would... |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? while im reading books, my kids will still need to eat and have shelter, and reading wont put the roof over their head or the food in their belly so, though I understand the idea of reading, and though I have read AND Acquired a degree and several certificates in differing fields, I have STILL been competing with others in the job market and have not been able to just go out and start working like going out and picking flowers its just not THAT Simple for most people when they turn to assistance I Am still reading and learning so I can get out of the cycle of 'slave' labor for employers who repeatedly ask for far more than they are willing to pay for,,, All I keep reading is can't this, can't that, can't because of this, can't because of that. Can't never could do anything, and here is the proof. |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? while im reading books, my kids will still need to eat and have shelter, and reading wont put the roof over their head or the food in their belly so, though I understand the idea of reading, and though I have read AND Acquired a degree and several certificates in differing fields, I have STILL been competing with others in the job market and have not been able to just go out and start working like going out and picking flowers its just not THAT Simple for most people when they turn to assistance I Am still reading and learning so I can get out of the cycle of 'slave' labor for employers who repeatedly ask for far more than they are willing to pay for,,, Money will always fly out of the hands of those who are careless with it, and into the bank accounts of those who value it; here's a real simple plan to get out of that cycle you spoke of. First, Make a Budget for Every Dollar that You Spend for that Paycheck, Give Every Dollar a Name and once you have made your Budget, Follow it to the Letter. Step 1: Save up $1,000 Dollar Emergency Fund. Step 2: From Smallest to Largest, pay off all your debts but the Mortgage; Credit Cards, Car Loans, anything and everything as you sell everything that you don't need and eat beans & rice meals until everything is paid off. Step 3: Build Up Your Emergency Fund to 3 - 6 Months of expenses. Step 3B if you don't have a Mortgage, save up a Min of 20% of the Value of a House; far better to save 100% if you can. Steps 4, 5, & 6: Put 15% of everything you make towards retirement, fund your children education, and pay off your mortgage. Step 7: Make a Bunch of Money, and Give Some to Charity. People who follow such a plan are completely Debt Free on an average 7yrs. It's the Plan that My Husband and I followed from the time we were together; now he has a Property Management Company, Some Off-Shoot Businesses, (Tree Removal and the like) some Rental Properties, and half owner of a Class 3 FFL; as I own a Gas Station, some Rental Properties (Separate from my Husband's; which he manages for me) and Half of a Class 3 FFL, (My Husband is my Partner) as I'm looking to open another Gas Station in the next year or two. And we both started off dirt poor; I from a Family that lived to milk Welfare by any means possible, and he recovering from having the IRS take everything away from him "On a Technicality" which in '98 during Congressional Hearings we learned that IRS Agents, as a matter of SOP, lies, cheats, steels, and defrauds Tax Payers just to get larger bonuses and faster promotions. And for the record, all that Congress did about it was make speeches as they left the IRS to police itself; all the crooks were promoted, and the Whistle Blowers were fired as Malcontent Trouble Makers (PBS Frontline '99) ![]() I had a similar plan as yours being debt free, owning my own home and business. It has worked well. I also started from nothing and had to supplement my parents medical bills as I worked my way through college. I know some people intimately who "cannot find work" because they limit what they are willing to do. You and your husband are what America is all about. |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? while im reading books, my kids will still need to eat and have shelter, and reading wont put the roof over their head or the food in their belly so, though I understand the idea of reading, and though I have read AND Acquired a degree and several certificates in differing fields, I have STILL been competing with others in the job market and have not been able to just go out and start working like going out and picking flowers its just not THAT Simple for most people when they turn to assistance I Am still reading and learning so I can get out of the cycle of 'slave' labor for employers who repeatedly ask for far more than they are willing to pay for,,, Money will always fly out of the hands of those who are careless with it, and into the bank accounts of those who value it; here's a real simple plan to get out of that cycle you spoke of. First, Make a Budget for Every Dollar that You Spend for that Paycheck, Give Every Dollar a Name and once you have made your Budget, Follow it to the Letter. Step 1: Save up $1,000 Dollar Emergency Fund. Step 2: From Smallest to Largest, pay off all your debts but the Mortgage; Credit Cards, Car Loans, anything and everything as you sell everything that you don't need and eat beans & rice meals until everything is paid off. Step 3: Build Up Your Emergency Fund to 3 - 6 Months of expenses. Step 3B if you don't have a Mortgage, save up a Min of 20% of the Value of a House; far better to save 100% if you can. Steps 4, 5, & 6: Put 15% of everything you make towards retirement, fund your children education, and pay off your mortgage. Step 7: Make a Bunch of Money, and Give Some to Charity. People who follow such a plan are completely Debt Free on an average 7yrs. It's the Plan that My Husband and I followed from the time we were together; now he has a Property Management Company, Some Off-Shoot Businesses, (Tree Removal and the like) some Rental Properties, and half owner of a Class 3 FFL; as I own a Gas Station, some Rental Properties (Separate from my Husband's; which he manages for me) and Half of a Class 3 FFL, (My Husband is my Partner) as I'm looking to open another Gas Station in the next year or two. And we both started off dirt poor; I from a Family that lived to milk Welfare by any means possible, and he recovering from having the IRS take everything away from him "On a Technicality" which in '98 during Congressional Hearings we learned that IRS Agents, as a matter of SOP, lies, cheats, steels, and defrauds Tax Payers just to get larger bonuses and faster promotions. And for the record, all that Congress did about it was make speeches as they left the IRS to police itself; all the crooks were promoted, and the Whistle Blowers were fired as Malcontent Trouble Makers (PBS Frontline '99) ![]() I had a similar plan as yours being debt free, owning my own home and business. It has worked well. I also started from nothing and had to supplement my parents medical bills as I worked my way through college. I know some people intimately who "cannot find work" because they limit what they are willing to do. You and your husband are what America is all about. YES!!!!! Careful. The leeches love high energy blood. |
I think it helps the situation a lot that the FATHER Is financially involved,,,thats not the case for MANY people sounds like you have made your choices, and that's fine I don't think they are any better or worse than the choices those make who accept assistance Yes, I did make chooses; some good, others bad, but I will not take Welfare=Slavery. I will not become a Slave to the Government as I own my own person, my own labor, and the property that I had earned through my labor. I'm not willing to surrender any of it by taking Welfare. really? cause I feel just as much a 'slave' to employers who set a low wage and hold my livelihood hostage in return for having control of my schedule, switching it at their whim, and expecting a level of asskissing that usually goes beyond the job requirements posted,,, I have to balance being a MOM to my kids , being there for them in body just as much as I am in paychecks,,, so , yeah, when the choice has been to ask for some 'welfare' to buy the time needed to find the appropriate job for my familys needs, I have taken it,, Id rather the type of 'slavery' that provides, than he type that just wears me down emotionally and physically and sacrifices my family being able to be a family,,, If you don't like what you're paid, up the value of your labor by learning something; the Average Self-Made Millionaire reads one Non-Fiction Book a Month. Maybe a book on Workplace Leadership one month, a book on how to handle money another, something that deals organizing, or a book on science, math, interpersonal relationships, how to fix a sink, build a deck, other. You will be the same person 5yrs from now as you are today but for the books you read and the people you meet; so what books are you reading, and what people are you getting to know? while im reading books, my kids will still need to eat and have shelter, and reading wont put the roof over their head or the food in their belly so, though I understand the idea of reading, and though I have read AND Acquired a degree and several certificates in differing fields, I have STILL been competing with others in the job market and have not been able to just go out and start working like going out and picking flowers its just not THAT Simple for most people when they turn to assistance I Am still reading and learning so I can get out of the cycle of 'slave' labor for employers who repeatedly ask for far more than they are willing to pay for,,, Money will always fly out of the hands of those who are careless with it, and into the bank accounts of those who value it; here's a real simple plan to get out of that cycle you spoke of. First, Make a Budget for Every Dollar that You Spend for that Paycheck, Give Every Dollar a Name and once you have made your Budget, Follow it to the Letter. Step 1: Save up $1,000 Dollar Emergency Fund. Step 2: From Smallest to Largest, pay off all your debts but the Mortgage; Credit Cards, Car Loans, anything and everything as you sell everything that you don't need and eat beans & rice meals until everything is paid off. Step 3: Build Up Your Emergency Fund to 3 - 6 Months of expenses. Step 3B if you don't have a Mortgage, save up a Min of 20% of the Value of a House; far better to save 100% if you can. Steps 4, 5, & 6: Put 15% of everything you make towards retirement, fund your children education, and pay off your mortgage. Step 7: Make a Bunch of Money, and Give Some to Charity. People who follow such a plan are completely Debt Free on an average 7yrs. It's the Plan that My Husband and I followed from the time we were together; now he has a Property Management Company, Some Off-Shoot Businesses, (Tree Removal and the like) some Rental Properties, and half owner of a Class 3 FFL; as I own a Gas Station, some Rental Properties (Separate from my Husband's; which he manages for me) and Half of a Class 3 FFL, (My Husband is my Partner) as I'm looking to open another Gas Station in the next year or two. And we both started off dirt poor; I from a Family that lived to milk Welfare by any means possible, and he recovering from having the IRS take everything away from him "On a Technicality" which in '98 during Congressional Hearings we learned that IRS Agents, as a matter of SOP, lies, cheats, steels, and defrauds Tax Payers just to get larger bonuses and faster promotions. And for the record, all that Congress did about it was make speeches as they left the IRS to police itself; all the crooks were promoted, and the Whistle Blowers were fired as Malcontent Trouble Makers (PBS Frontline '99) ![]() I had a similar plan as yours being debt free, owning my own home and business. It has worked well. I also started from nothing and had to supplement my parents medical bills as I worked my way through college. I know some people intimately who "cannot find work" because they limit what they are willing to do. You and your husband are what America is all about. YES!!!!! Careful. The leeches love high energy blood. And here I thought that anything with energy made them sick. |