Topic: Can anyone dispute the following statement? | |
a thousand gods stretching a little bit there..... ..hmm. The first two. self aware humans.. EVER.. meet.. for the most part.. the only thing they have in common is.. opposable thumbs... and a deep believe in something higher than himself.... what are the odds of that...hmm. they both searched. in those lonely scared hours of the night.. looking for someone anyone anything.. to watch over them as they slept.. that calming voice you need.. when a Predator is about you... ARE .something more.. A voice from nowhere.. but WHERE..where did this voice come from! this voice inside of me... must !! for an answer... looking up where should I begin..hmm.. just a thought.. Wezzz ur 2 Ezz... i don't disagree with that, it makes a lot of sense... that little voice is called instinct, it's what keeps evolution going... i personally believe that ancestral memories are encoded in or DNA/genes, and that itself is where the instincts are from.... or the voices, as some call them... our opposable thumbs and our ability to reason things out is what made humans the top of the food chain... |
yes but there's something deeper though.. don't know what..hmm
I think one problem is that theories can get taught as facts. Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin reversed his views in later years, partly because of the lack of transitional fossils. How many schools teach his theory as fact?
Edited by
Tue 02/25/14 09:56 AM
.. Darwinism... does it apply though...hmm.y.n. who also can we pull into this.. round table..hmm.....
.. . |
I think one problem is that theories can get taught as facts. Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin reversed his views in later years, partly because of the lack of transitional fossils. How many schools teach his theory as fact? can you post something that backs that up, please? darwin was pretty much right on target, there's not a lot of doubt about it now... |
.. Darwinism... does it apply though...hmm.y.n. who also can we pull into this.. round table..hmm...... yes.neo.Darwinisa....this too..Tiktaalik...hmm....... .... .. . |
This is from "Quote mine project" Darwin Quotes Quote # 2-4 #2-2 is along the same line The case at present(problems presented by the fossil record) must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views entertained. |
This is from "Quote mine project" Darwin Quotes Quote # 2-4 #2-2 is along the same line The case at present(problems presented by the fossil record) must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views entertained. one thing about Darwin, he was one of the first to see evolution on the Galapagos islands first hand... his views changed a lot after spending 10-20 years on the island studying everything he could, seeing how species adapted to live on the island. one of Darwins most famous quotes: "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." he was just as confused about evolution as any person was, because it was a new theory/science that went directly against the church. but in the 100 years since then, we have made significant strides in confirming the theory, with ten's of thousands of scientists studying it... Darwins biggest problem was he couldn't figure out the higher functions of evolution, like eyesight or hearing, the symbiotic relationships of plants and animals... today, we know way more and have a much better understanding of how things work as a whole. this is another quote from Darwin: "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." he didn't know about the planet being 4 billion years old, and evolution has had billions of years to perfect the eyesight.... |
I think Darwin must have been a dedicated, honest man trying hard to find the truth. He acknowledged that his theory had flaws. I don't think that transitional fossils for any animals have ever been found. Do you know of any?
science/ theory.hmm
I think Darwin must have been a dedicated, honest man trying hard to find the truth. He acknowledged that his theory had flaws. I don't think that transitional fossils for any animals have ever been found. Do you know of any? many have been found, but also, species like the alligator and shark haven't changed much in 200 million years... |
I think the whales are the most fun example. They, at one time, were dog-like creatures who ate fish in shallow water. If you look at a dog now chase things in the surf, you get the idea.
Over time the feet became more flipper-like and they spent more and more time in the water. Cool stuff. |
and it grieves me when People call Theories,what rightfully ought to be called Hypotheses!
And Darwinism definitely has outgrown the Hypothesis-Stage! |
I looked at the website. It just confirms what I think. I do not think there are any fossil records that show, animals changing into a different animal. Sharks and Crocodiles the same for millions of years? Exactly, they haven't changed into something else. There are no transitional fossils that follow the evolution of any species, that I know of. This is directly from the first paragraph of the site you posted. First sentence: This is a tentative list. Last sentence: As noted already by Darwin, the fossil record is incomplete. |
I googled "The Quote Mine Darwin Quotes".
There is list on the first page. One highlighted says "Quotes from Darwin himself stating how his theory cannot be true" There are some interesting quotes. |
You say you want proof? Na, there is no traceable evidence that man can find. And there will be scientists, Doctors, and a many more who will debate this topic until the proof is right before their eyes!!! For those that are impatient, you just have to wait for this answer. And listen closely to those on the death bed. You'll find out a lot quicker than you want. |
Edited by
Tue 02/25/14 02:48 PM
Death is the opposite of time!
Such a tabboo topic. When we 'die', what really dies? Is anything destroyed? Certaintly not the body, which falls into parts of water and chemicals. So our body actually transforms. What about the mind? Does it cease to function? Or is it tied to our sole? What about sole? Does it exsist? No body is sure. The only thing that dies is our human meaning. There is still someone naked underneath. Once we understand who that someone is, death no longer bothers us. Nor does time. |
Edited by
Wed 02/26/14 09:00 AM
Darwin started a learning process --�� 150 years ago. Modern thinking and theories are far advanced.
Compare that to the advances in aeronautics since the Wright brothers (100 years ago). |
There has been some amazing leaps in technology. Tesla, Einstein and others. I would have liked to see how they placed a 1200 ton rock in the wall at Baalbek? What went on in the past?
Churchill "The further back you can look, the further foreward you are likely to see" ![]() ![]() |