Topic: Can anyone dispute the following statement? | |
love can't be verified . So therefore it dosen't exist.
Your definition of 'verifiable evidence' eliminates all possibilities except for God knocking on your frontdoor and inviting you to spend a day with Him, just so you might consider His existence. All non-believers imply this same reduntantly, close-minded form of questioning. Most of the 'knowledge' people possess is from another source, from another person, in another time period and so on. scientific facts are just as much based in faith as religion. That is why both are debated, have been debated, and will be debated until the end of time. and by your statement, it's all based on faith, no proof... science has very little faith involved, only the scientists might have faith their experimenter might work the way they want it too... maybe try looking up the words "fact" and "faith in the dictionary and see what you come up with... |
love can't be verified . So therefore it dosen't exist. you don't know when your in love? maybe thats why your single... |
Can anyone dispute the following statement? "Any of the thousands of proposed 'gods' MAY actually exist, and if so MAY influence human lives (and proposed 'afterlives'); however, verifiable evidence showing which, if any, are real is lacking." "Verifiable evidence" as used here indicates information more substantial than opinion, belief, emotion, conjecture, testimonial, psychotic experience, folklore, legend, fable, fiction and fantasy – information that any interested person can use to determine truth and accuracy of claims and stories. silly ![]() ![]() ![]() |
love can't be verified . So therefore it dosen't exist. To love is to value. Only a rationally selfish man, a man of self-esteem, is capable of love—because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed values. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone. | The Virtue of Selfishness Ayn Rand |
Since you seem to appreciate specifics...a DNA test doesnt prove family relation to an absolute degree. Thats why its not 100% guaranteed. The test only establishes markers that may/or may not be readily interpreted by the tester's preconceived assumptions taught to them by coworker's and professor's ideas on how to interpre- based on books and/or papers written by others- that my or may not be correctly based on more other's interpretations. since NOBODY'S DNA is the same, how can it be 100%? ![]() out of billions of markers, 99% is proof enough.... and of all the millions of tests done, it is the most reliable way to tell... |
Please forgive me but I've just got to tell you. You speak some crap. But in a strange way I'm quite drawn towards your topics. I have to admit they are fascinating, well for me at least. Good luck and please keep up the good work ![]() |
Your definition of 'verifiable evidence' eliminates all possibilities except for God knocking on your frontdoor and inviting you to spend a day with Him, just so you might consider His existence. All non-believers imply this same reduntantly, close-minded form of questioning. Most of the 'knowledge' people possess is from another source, from another person, in another time period and so on. scientific facts are just as much based in faith as religion. That is why both are debated, have been debated, and will be debated until the end of time. i consider a gods existence all the time... then i dismiss it because there is no evidence of it... |
love can't be verified . So therefore it dosen't exist. To love is to value. Only a rationally selfish man, a man of self-esteem, is capable of love—because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed values. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone. | The Virtue of Selfishness Ayn Rand love and values / morals have nothing to do with each other . i enjoy being a voluneer firefighter i don't love it i do value it |
love can't be verified . So therefore it dosen't exist. To love is to value. Only a rationally selfish man, a man of self-esteem, is capable of love—because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed values. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone. | The Virtue of Selfishness Ayn Rand love and values / morals have nothing to do with each other . i enjoy being a voluneer firefighter i don't love it i do value it |
love can't be verified . So therefore it dosen't exist. To love is to value. Only a rationally selfish man, a man of self-esteem, is capable of love—because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed values. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone. | The Virtue of Selfishness Ayn Rand love and values / morals have nothing to do with each other . i enjoy being a voluneer firefighter i don't love it i do value it values is what sets the terms for love... you can't have love without values, but you can have values without love... |
Edited by
Sat 02/15/14 04:57 PM
Please forgive me but I've just got to tell you. You speak some crap. But in a strange way I'm quite drawn towards your topics. I have to admit they are fascinating, well for me at least. Good luck and please keep up the good work @FunkyFranky --�� Thank you . . . I think . . . (just kidding. Thank you sincerely) Since childhood (which is a long time ago now) I have asked "impertinent questions", was often irreverent, refused to accept pat answers, and find amusement in being told to believe that fanciful tales are actually true. That attitude resulted in an invitation to leave Catholic school. My motivation in posting here is to encourage people to THINK, to examine what they are told, and to question "authority." I absolutely do not care what anyone chooses to believe and do not wish to covert or de-convert anyone regarding anything (except willful ignorance). Your attraction to the threads very likely reflects a willingness to think. Many are not comfortable doing that about anything except what they already believe. Most dismiss or condemn out-of-hand that which conflicts with their beliefs and opinions. Religionists occasionally accuse me of being unwilling to think (when I do not accept their stories and claims). If that happens I invite them to "make your case and I will give it careful consideration and a detailed response." Their reaction is typically something along the line "You won't accept testimonials and ancient tales (etc) as truth" and I reply "Neither will you if they are presented as evidence favoring competing 'gods', so excluding what neither of us accepts, what do you have to offer?" |
Hate can not be verified until it is acted on Therefore believe in what ever gives you peace joy and happiness.
Hate can not be verified until it is acted on Therefore believe in what ever gives you peace joy and happiness. how about those people who derive Joy and Happiness from Hate? |
Can anyone dispute the following statement? "Any of the thousands of proposed 'gods' MAY actually exist, and if so MAY influence human lives (and proposed 'afterlives'); however, verifiable evidence showing which, if any, are real is lacking." "Verifiable evidence" as used here indicates information more substantial than opinion, belief, emotion, conjecture, testimonial, psychotic experience, folklore, legend, fable, fiction and fantasy – information that any interested person can use to determine truth and accuracy of claims and stories. I think it is hard to argue against the word "may" Maybe-maybe not pretty well neutralizes any debate. |
Your definition of 'verifiable evidence' eliminates all possibilities except for God knocking on your frontdoor and inviting you to spend a day with Him, just so you might consider His existence. All non-believers imply this same reduntantly, close-minded form of questioning. Most of the 'knowledge' people possess is from another source, from another person, in another time period and so on. scientific facts are just as much based in faith as religion. That is why both are debated, have been debated, and will be debated until the end of time. ummm... no... scientific "facts" are not debated.. maybe a good start for you is look up the meaning of "faith", and then "facts" ![]() |
What is accepted as fact by a group of people is often later disproved and even thought ridiculous.
What is accepted as fact by a group of people is often later disproved and even thought ridiculous. yea, like a god... science is pretty accurate, and most facts are facts... the main problem is that most non scientists don't understand what a fact is or how they came to get it as a fact...just because people believe something doesn't make it a fact, facts are something that can be proven, tangible evidence... science is not 100% all the time, thats why they have theories...and why we strive to learn more, not just sit around and wait for a god to tell us something... |
Edited by
Tue 02/25/14 09:37 AM
a thousand gods stretching a little bit there.....
..hmm. The first two. self aware humans.. EVER.. meet.. for the most part.. the only thing they have in common is.. opposable thumbs... and a deep believe in something higher than himself.... what are the odds of that...hmm. they both searched. in those lonely scared hours of the night.. looking for someone anyone anything.. to watch over them as they slept.. that calming voice you need.. when a Predator is about you... ARE .something more.. A voice from nowhere.. but WHERE..where did this voice come from! this voice inside of me... must !! for an answer... looking up where should I begin..hmm.. just a thought.. Wezzz ur 2 Ezz... |
oh yes and I think we've been searching ever since for that voice .... that's all