Topic: why is it so hard for single moms to find a good man | |
One thing i know is that single moms are never's more of a challenge...ive done that..believe me..its not at all easy but it's fun coz they're mature and understanding
Im a single mom of 2 toddlers and it seems like all men want is sex So you must dont like sex.. |
Im not After Sex I could Care less About It So I get why you post the picture that directly contradicts that? |
When female is single ppl took it as they r granted to take sexual favour.bad world
In my experience men don't want to be with women that have children because they don't want to have the responsibility of children but what they don't understand is that the mother's can take care of their children they just want to find someone who likes them and wants to be with them.... because i am a mother of three and i just want a man that wants to be with me i mean for real...
. And what's up with most men only wanting a friends with benefits type thing? Women want a relationship not just a fling well the mature ones do anyway....js |
This topic is the same to me as one such as "why can't nice guys get a good woman"
It automatically assumes the reason the OP can't find a man has nothing to do with her personality/looks/ability to communicate/ it assumes the only reason they can't find a man is because they have children, it has to be right? because there could be NOTHING else wrong with THEM. But for arguments sake, say there are 2 women exactly the same, one has kids one doesn't honestly the one without kids is more appealing to me at this point in my life The one without kids Can offer me more time(i'm selfish that way) She can be more spontaneous(no need to plan on getting a babysitter) She probably has more disposable income, so she can pay her way sometimes if she chooses (those are just a couple of points in her favor) But this is assuming these two people are exactly the same(which is never the case) I look at it this way, If I have the choice of two cars, both identical, except one comes with limitations, I'm going to take the one without But if I have a choice of Toyota without limitations, or a Ferrari with limitations than I'm choosing the Ferrari...limitations and all. (no the fact that you have kids doesn't automatically you a Ferrari) |
I couldnt agree more.
In my experience men don't want to be with women that have children because they don't want to have the responsibility of children ...
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In my experience men don't want to be with women that have children because they don't want to have the responsibility of children ...
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Thank those men for their honesty! He saved not only you, but also your children, some future heartache when he couldn't fake it any longer. No one has to accept you and your children. And yes, MEN WANT SEX. Go figure. If that's all they want, don't give it to them. They are free to move on. Let it go. Quit dwelling. I keep reading all this "I don't NEED a man for anything" business, so I ask;
Why do you WANT a man? And hooray to PACIFIC STAR, finally a voice of reason! My mother told me when I became an adult that her primary relationship in the home was with my father. Her duty to me as my mother was to teach me to be able to fend for myself in the world. I heard things like, "no", "it's not up to you", and "stay out of that it's for your dad". I had chores and responsibilities. She ignored my anger at her when i was punished and my hatred when i was scolded. She successfully deflected my teenage angst. My father bought my mother gifts at times that weren't holidays without buying me anything. My gift was witnessing my parents devotion to each other. Although she was my mother and he my father, and they loved me more than I deserved at times, she was my father's wife before I came along and she would be his wife after I was out of the house. Had they spent every asset and waking moment doting on me and my siblings at the expense of their marriage they would have not taught me the lessons they did in love, loyalty, and commitment. And I would have grown up to be an egocentric, selfish, maladjusted adult. |
Edited by
Tue 03/11/14 07:23 PM
.. baggage..
.. hate to tell ya thats what guys call it.. baggage.. .. she's been there done that already.. .. ready made family.. just add wine... . now I'm just quoting some guy friends I know... So don't point a gun at me.... why date the mother when you can have the babysitter... again this is not me I'm quoting.. |
We are not all like that babe ur prince charming is out there some where xxx
Sure sign. Women with kids like ya screw.
However many kids ya have? ![]() |
The way I Look At It Being a Single Mother Or Father We Are Still People Just Like Everyone Else We Just Have Little Blessings to Take Care Of And love AAAWWW this really touched me, I wish you and your kids all the best Hun. Good luck |
Im a single mom of 2 toddlers and it seems like all men want is sex There is a girl who lives in our street. Like you, 2 kids and single until a couple of years ago. She is the best mum you could ever imagine, Her kids are beautiful, well mannered, always polite and she is a credit to society. Works hard and her kids want for nothing. She has just got married to a great guy who she met about two years go. Good luck Hun, fairy tales do happen Im still waiting for mine. Im a single mom too and it is true that men dont tend to look for fulfilling relationships from us |
1) What's not fulfilling about being a parent? Because of my chosen profession and lifestyle, I don't miss a day with her. I will remind her later in life that she kissed not only a politician but another girl too, but the whole parenting this is just plane awesome, with or without a mom in her life.
2) Both sexes think about sex. It's natural. Get over it. As far as this opposite sex with kids thing goes, Attraction is the last thing on my list. First would be to watch how she treats her kids. If I don't like how she treats her kids, there's no reason to invest emotionally into a relationship that will ultimately involve my daughter. She gets he choice I never got as a child, veto power. |
I am a 28 years old and I am a single mom at the same time a student, It is not easy to become one, but being with my kid is really overwhelming... I can't live without her ...
Well what can I say really? You could make time for it. Maybe put down in your diary to plan nights out. There are also local meet-up sites.
yes :) fairy tales do come true :) Im a mom at the age of 19 and being a Mother Rocks! :D she loved her kids thats why they've grown up well
I know I may still be young and maybe immature but I know that there is 99.9 p/cent chance you won't find a grown man. They are all out there, juss scarce. These immature fools of today juss want sex over and over and over. It's better to stay single - that way you've got more and you lose nothing.