Topic: Iranian Warships Sail Towards US Border | |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... But that would be like, "someone told me Odumbo was a great president", shouldn't always believe what you hear, especially from fishermen and spooks. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... what's SAS stand for? Granted the SAS are very, very good. But the best, that is just bar talk and normally leads to drunken men having a brawl. They all go to the same schools so just pure bull. |
My idea would be, when they entered US waters, send a drone. Fly it low enough they would see it. If they made any type of offensive action, send a bombing run and sink their row boat. The goal is to humiliate them and make them look inferior to the rest of the world. Screw a drone. The Iranians would $hit themselves if they saw a carrier and it escort attack ships and subs coming to meet them with F-18's and F-22's to meet their helicopters every time they take off. It's not like we don't have the assets in the area ready to go. That would be par for the course for the US, intimidate, intimidate, intimidate, false flag, blame the other guy, invade the other guy. Rape and pillage the other guy, then appoint a dictator to rule over the people in a democratic manner prescribed by the US's puppet masters. Meanwhile, back in this universe ... Welcome back, want to check out some history, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Vietnam (more than once), Cuba, Venezuela, and the list just goes on and on. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! There's only 30 cadets out of over a hundred+ servicemen on both ships. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... Actually our Seals and Delta Force is the best in the world, nice try. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... what's SAS stand for? Special Air Services,and they are good! They honestly are good. It's good we have the as an ally but they don't Match Devgru or Israel's Shinbet and Mossad. |
A former senior military officer that if familiar with the Iranian Navy and it's vessels said these two ships are rust buckets bought from the British decades ago. The US almost sunk one of them in 1988 with missiles from a fighter jet, it didn't sink and they rebuilt it (he thinks that's the reason they pocked that ship). He think's this is nothing more then propaganda for the Iranian Government to push on its people showing that Iran can reach the US. He said the ships cant fire big missiles, but can fire missiles and torpedoes and other terror weapons the Iranians are known for.
He did say that a single United States Coast Guard Cutter could take on and destroy both of these ships by itself. |
My dad was in the British medical corps in Israel , Even the Arabs attacked the ambulance convoy to slit throats !!! Who's country is it ? That question is always counted in blood ? |
Iranian Navy
Kilo-class subs are extremely quiet coastal patrol subs, fast enough to shadow fleet units in home waters (typical job, sub screening basically, they're much quieter than a nuclear sub and the natural enemy of a NATO hunter-killer). Harpoons can take one pretty easy but you need ideal conditions. Best way to kill these is with torpedos or depth charges, old school. Noisier subs are targets for more modern ASW equipment, but Kilos are really quiet. Iranian corvettes are useless in warfare as anything but reserve light patrollers, missile launchers are for show, a row boat would outrun these boats. Their frigates have 4-8 antishipping missiles basically as good as an early series Harpoon or any similar missile used in Europe in the 80s-90s, they have a big warhead though (a little under quarter of a ton of high explosive), with an armour-punch ahead of it (timed fuse). They're chinese made but the technology is pretty simple, inertial midcourse and radar terminal phase, the claim is ECCM is good (hard to jam). The current standard on new antiship missiles is datalinking, GPS and even AI logarithms. It's not that modern, but the same thing as most of the US weapons stockpile out there and just as dangerous to enemies. Keep in mind a military as big as the US, and even several other major (not super-) powers, only about 10% of the troops actually get to use the great new equipment everything thinks is the current standard. When the nuclear powered missile cruiser was the next big thing and the California commissioned, most of the navy was still running around with oil burning gunboats. As it is the current NATO air defence system in majority usage including by US forces is still an 80s piece of technology, the current Russian standard throughout the fleets is at least a full generation ahead. Oh yes the US has caught up, so has European-NATO, with new terrific coordinated air defence systems a generation ahead of Aegis, well Aegis is at the moment outdated and it's mostly what you've got. That said, the Iranians are worse off. They have to buy materiel that was outdated back in the 80s. The things major powers were replacing and so could export to small nation forces affordably in a cost recovery programme. Other than that, they have to buy off China, they're up to 2 generations behind current standard, or the Russians who won't export anything unless it's detuned to keep a step ahead of reverse engineering (ie. the way the chinese stole the Flanker design and reproduced it, but can't match current Russian Super-Flanker prototypes because they didn't get all the really good stuff exported to copy). I wouldn't say a Coast Guard cutter could annihilate the Iranian Navy in combat, but I should certainly think even a reserve operational battlegroup would make short work of them and then have lunch. But politically speaking you couldn't blame Iranian military leadership for believing that because US military forces are on two of their borders, with Russia to the north, that they must at least appear to be beligerent in order to maintain public order. Unless the Iranians show direct aggression, ie. actually attack a US warship directly, then I think the best course is to just let them be for a while. In order to assert the US has the right to internationally police sovereign territories, you must essentially declare war upon that nation, openly and formally. Those were rules set among all international bodies like the UN or League of Nations, even NATO. The US has basically been ignoring them since 2001 and hey, I think we can all let that one slide considering...But hey it's 13 years on and the US is stating to look like the Brownshirts and bootheels of someone familiar... So maybe the Iranians, maybe you should just sit this one out as a nation. Let the French deal with it, it'll be funny. I'll get the popcorn. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... Actually our Seals and Delta Force is the best in the world, nice try. Wouldn't agree with that either, they all cross train and trade slots in each other's schools including the Israelis. |
Edited by
Wed 02/12/14 02:58 AM
Iranian Navy Kilo-class subs are extremely quiet coastal patrol subs, fast enough to shadow fleet units in home waters (typical job, sub screening basically, they're much quieter than a nuclear sub and the natural enemy of a NATO hunter-killer). Harpoons can take one pretty easy but you need ideal conditions. Best way to kill these is with torpedos or depth charges, old school. Noisier subs are targets for more modern ASW equipment, but Kilos are really quiet. Iranian corvettes are useless in warfare as anything but reserve light patrollers, missile launchers are for show, a row boat would outrun these boats. Their frigates have 4-8 antishipping missiles basically as good as an early series Harpoon or any similar missile used in Europe in the 80s-90s, they have a big warhead though (a little under quarter of a ton of high explosive), with an armour-punch ahead of it (timed fuse). They're chinese made but the technology is pretty simple, inertial midcourse and radar terminal phase, the claim is ECCM is good (hard to jam). The current standard on new antiship missiles is datalinking, GPS and even AI logarithms. It's not that modern, but the same thing as most of the US weapons stockpile out there and just as dangerous to enemies. Keep in mind a military as big as the US, and even several other major (not super-) powers, only about 10% of the troops actually get to use the great new equipment everything thinks is the current standard. When the nuclear powered missile cruiser was the next big thing and the California commissioned, most of the navy was still running around with oil burning gunboats. As it is the current NATO air defence system in majority usage including by US forces is still an 80s piece of technology, the current Russian standard throughout the fleets is at least a full generation ahead. Oh yes the US has caught up, so has European-NATO, with new terrific coordinated air defence systems a generation ahead of Aegis, well Aegis is at the moment outdated and it's mostly what you've got. That said, the Iranians are worse off. They have to buy materiel that was outdated back in the 80s. The things major powers were replacing and so could export to small nation forces affordably in a cost recovery programme. Other than that, they have to buy off China, they're up to 2 generations behind current standard, or the Russians who won't export anything unless it's detuned to keep a step ahead of reverse engineering (ie. the way the chinese stole the Flanker design and reproduced it, but can't match current Russian Super-Flanker prototypes because they didn't get all the really good stuff exported to copy). I wouldn't say a Coast Guard cutter could annihilate the Iranian Navy in combat, but I should certainly think even a reserve operational battlegroup would make short work of them and then have lunch. But politically speaking you couldn't blame Iranian military leadership for believing that because US military forces are on two of their borders, with Russia to the north, that they must at least appear to be beligerent in order to maintain public order. Unless the Iranians show direct aggression, ie. actually attack a US warship directly, then I think the best course is to just let them be for a while. In order to assert the US has the right to internationally police sovereign territories, you must essentially declare war upon that nation, openly and formally. Those were rules set among all international bodies like the UN or League of Nations, even NATO. The US has basically been ignoring them since 2001 and hey, I think we can all let that one slide considering...But hey it's 13 years on and the US is stating to look like the Brownshirts and bootheels of someone familiar... So maybe the Iranians, maybe you should just sit this one out as a nation. Let the French deal with it, it'll be funny. I'll get the popcorn. Excellent piece but what about all the stuff that Russia is shipping to Syria and Iran due to US aggression? Also, Putin has pledged to stand behind Syria and Iran as has China. |
Iranian Navy Kilo-class subs are extremely quiet coastal patrol subs, fast enough to shadow fleet units in home waters (typical job, sub screening basically, they're much quieter than a nuclear sub and the natural enemy of a NATO hunter-killer). Harpoons can take one pretty easy but you need ideal conditions. Best way to kill these is with torpedos or depth charges, old school. Noisier subs are targets for more modern ASW equipment, but Kilos are really quiet. Iranian corvettes are useless in warfare as anything but reserve light patrollers, missile launchers are for show, a row boat would outrun these boats. Their frigates have 4-8 antishipping missiles basically as good as an early series Harpoon or any similar missile used in Europe in the 80s-90s, they have a big warhead though (a little under quarter of a ton of high explosive), with an armour-punch ahead of it (timed fuse). They're chinese made but the technology is pretty simple, inertial midcourse and radar terminal phase, the claim is ECCM is good (hard to jam). The current standard on new antiship missiles is datalinking, GPS and even AI logarithms. It's not that modern, but the same thing as most of the US weapons stockpile out there and just as dangerous to enemies. Keep in mind a military as big as the US, and even several other major (not super-) powers, only about 10% of the troops actually get to use the great new equipment everything thinks is the current standard. When the nuclear powered missile cruiser was the next big thing and the California commissioned, most of the navy was still running around with oil burning gunboats. As it is the current NATO air defence system in majority usage including by US forces is still an 80s piece of technology, the current Russian standard throughout the fleets is at least a full generation ahead. Oh yes the US has caught up, so has European-NATO, with new terrific coordinated air defence systems a generation ahead of Aegis, well Aegis is at the moment outdated and it's mostly what you've got. That said, the Iranians are worse off. They have to buy materiel that was outdated back in the 80s. The things major powers were replacing and so could export to small nation forces affordably in a cost recovery programme. Other than that, they have to buy off China, they're up to 2 generations behind current standard, or the Russians who won't export anything unless it's detuned to keep a step ahead of reverse engineering (ie. the way the chinese stole the Flanker design and reproduced it, but can't match current Russian Super-Flanker prototypes because they didn't get all the really good stuff exported to copy). I wouldn't say a Coast Guard cutter could annihilate the Iranian Navy in combat, but I should certainly think even a reserve operational battlegroup would make short work of them and then have lunch. But politically speaking you couldn't blame Iranian military leadership for believing that because US military forces are on two of their borders, with Russia to the north, that they must at least appear to be beligerent in order to maintain public order. Unless the Iranians show direct aggression, ie. actually attack a US warship directly, then I think the best course is to just let them be for a while. In order to assert the US has the right to internationally police sovereign territories, you must essentially declare war upon that nation, openly and formally. Those were rules set among all international bodies like the UN or League of Nations, even NATO. The US has basically been ignoring them since 2001 and hey, I think we can all let that one slide considering...But hey it's 13 years on and the US is stating to look like the Brownshirts and bootheels of someone familiar... So maybe the Iranians, maybe you should just sit this one out as a nation. Let the French deal with it, it'll be funny. I'll get the popcorn. I didn't say a Coast Guard Cutter could take the entire Navy, I was saying from the article I read that a Coast Guard cutter could take these two rust filled ships they are sending this way. |
Iranian Navy Kilo-class subs are extremely quiet coastal patrol subs, fast enough to shadow fleet units in home waters (typical job, sub screening basically, they're much quieter than a nuclear sub and the natural enemy of a NATO hunter-killer). Harpoons can take one pretty easy but you need ideal conditions. Best way to kill these is with torpedos or depth charges, old school. Noisier subs are targets for more modern ASW equipment, but Kilos are really quiet. Iranian corvettes are useless in warfare as anything but reserve light patrollers, missile launchers are for show, a row boat would outrun these boats. Their frigates have 4-8 antishipping missiles basically as good as an early series Harpoon or any similar missile used in Europe in the 80s-90s, they have a big warhead though (a little under quarter of a ton of high explosive), with an armour-punch ahead of it (timed fuse). They're chinese made but the technology is pretty simple, inertial midcourse and radar terminal phase, the claim is ECCM is good (hard to jam). The current standard on new antiship missiles is datalinking, GPS and even AI logarithms. It's not that modern, but the same thing as most of the US weapons stockpile out there and just as dangerous to enemies. Keep in mind a military as big as the US, and even several other major (not super-) powers, only about 10% of the troops actually get to use the great new equipment everything thinks is the current standard. When the nuclear powered missile cruiser was the next big thing and the California commissioned, most of the navy was still running around with oil burning gunboats. As it is the current NATO air defence system in majority usage including by US forces is still an 80s piece of technology, the current Russian standard throughout the fleets is at least a full generation ahead. Oh yes the US has caught up, so has European-NATO, with new terrific coordinated air defence systems a generation ahead of Aegis, well Aegis is at the moment outdated and it's mostly what you've got. That said, the Iranians are worse off. They have to buy materiel that was outdated back in the 80s. The things major powers were replacing and so could export to small nation forces affordably in a cost recovery programme. Other than that, they have to buy off China, they're up to 2 generations behind current standard, or the Russians who won't export anything unless it's detuned to keep a step ahead of reverse engineering (ie. the way the chinese stole the Flanker design and reproduced it, but can't match current Russian Super-Flanker prototypes because they didn't get all the really good stuff exported to copy). I wouldn't say a Coast Guard cutter could annihilate the Iranian Navy in combat, but I should certainly think even a reserve operational battlegroup would make short work of them and then have lunch. But politically speaking you couldn't blame Iranian military leadership for believing that because US military forces are on two of their borders, with Russia to the north, that they must at least appear to be beligerent in order to maintain public order. Unless the Iranians show direct aggression, ie. actually attack a US warship directly, then I think the best course is to just let them be for a while. In order to assert the US has the right to internationally police sovereign territories, you must essentially declare war upon that nation, openly and formally. Those were rules set among all international bodies like the UN or League of Nations, even NATO. The US has basically been ignoring them since 2001 and hey, I think we can all let that one slide considering...But hey it's 13 years on and the US is stating to look like the Brownshirts and bootheels of someone familiar... So maybe the Iranians, maybe you should just sit this one out as a nation. Let the French deal with it, it'll be funny. I'll get the popcorn. The French? You have to be kidding me. They have never won a war(we had to save their a$$ in WW2) and has one of the worst militaries in the world. LOL |
Iranian Navy Kilo-class subs are extremely quiet coastal patrol subs, fast enough to shadow fleet units in home waters (typical job, sub screening basically, they're much quieter than a nuclear sub and the natural enemy of a NATO hunter-killer). Harpoons can take one pretty easy but you need ideal conditions. Best way to kill these is with torpedos or depth charges, old school. Noisier subs are targets for more modern ASW equipment, but Kilos are really quiet. Iranian corvettes are useless in warfare as anything but reserve light patrollers, missile launchers are for show, a row boat would outrun these boats. Their frigates have 4-8 antishipping missiles basically as good as an early series Harpoon or any similar missile used in Europe in the 80s-90s, they have a big warhead though (a little under quarter of a ton of high explosive), with an armour-punch ahead of it (timed fuse). They're chinese made but the technology is pretty simple, inertial midcourse and radar terminal phase, the claim is ECCM is good (hard to jam). The current standard on new antiship missiles is datalinking, GPS and even AI logarithms. It's not that modern, but the same thing as most of the US weapons stockpile out there and just as dangerous to enemies. Keep in mind a military as big as the US, and even several other major (not super-) powers, only about 10% of the troops actually get to use the great new equipment everything thinks is the current standard. When the nuclear powered missile cruiser was the next big thing and the California commissioned, most of the navy was still running around with oil burning gunboats. As it is the current NATO air defence system in majority usage including by US forces is still an 80s piece of technology, the current Russian standard throughout the fleets is at least a full generation ahead. Oh yes the US has caught up, so has European-NATO, with new terrific coordinated air defence systems a generation ahead of Aegis, well Aegis is at the moment outdated and it's mostly what you've got. That said, the Iranians are worse off. They have to buy materiel that was outdated back in the 80s. The things major powers were replacing and so could export to small nation forces affordably in a cost recovery programme. Other than that, they have to buy off China, they're up to 2 generations behind current standard, or the Russians who won't export anything unless it's detuned to keep a step ahead of reverse engineering (ie. the way the chinese stole the Flanker design and reproduced it, but can't match current Russian Super-Flanker prototypes because they didn't get all the really good stuff exported to copy). I wouldn't say a Coast Guard cutter could annihilate the Iranian Navy in combat, but I should certainly think even a reserve operational battlegroup would make short work of them and then have lunch. But politically speaking you couldn't blame Iranian military leadership for believing that because US military forces are on two of their borders, with Russia to the north, that they must at least appear to be beligerent in order to maintain public order. Unless the Iranians show direct aggression, ie. actually attack a US warship directly, then I think the best course is to just let them be for a while. In order to assert the US has the right to internationally police sovereign territories, you must essentially declare war upon that nation, openly and formally. Those were rules set among all international bodies like the UN or League of Nations, even NATO. The US has basically been ignoring them since 2001 and hey, I think we can all let that one slide considering...But hey it's 13 years on and the US is stating to look like the Brownshirts and bootheels of someone familiar... So maybe the Iranians, maybe you should just sit this one out as a nation. Let the French deal with it, it'll be funny. I'll get the popcorn. Excellent piece but what about all the stuff that Russia is shipping to Syria and Iran due to US aggression? Also, Putin has pledged to stand behind Syria and Iran as has China. Russia isn't shipping them state of the art stuff, they keep that for themselves. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... what's SAS stand for? Special Air Service. Started a while back as a counter terrorist group. Comparable to DEVGRU (what people call Seal Team 6) and Delta Force. We actually based the training of these two groups on SAS training. |
More propaganda , America shot down an Iranian plane and a cadet ship is a threat !! we might let the English do it for us, they are great at handling our small stuff... what's SAS stand for? No, MY daddy can beat YOUR daddy up... Seriously guys, we really arguing about this? |
In response to the OP, I say if they are in international waters, let them hang out where they please.
Think our best response is to not take it seriously (maybe even turn it into a joking matter) and let the Iranians wear themselves out. If they try anything stupid or threatening we could blow them out of the water with the snap of a finger. JMO |
Excellent piece but what about all the stuff that Russia is shipping to Syria and Iran due to US aggression? Also, Putin has pledged to stand behind Syria and Iran as has China. I love reading your spin, it's great! ![]() |
Iranian Navy Kilo-class subs are extremely quiet coastal patrol subs, fast enough to shadow fleet units in home waters (typical job, sub screening basically, they're much quieter than a nuclear sub and the natural enemy of a NATO hunter-killer). Harpoons can take one pretty easy but you need ideal conditions. Best way to kill these is with torpedos or depth charges, old school. Noisier subs are targets for more modern ASW equipment, but Kilos are really quiet. Iranian corvettes are useless in warfare as anything but reserve light patrollers, missile launchers are for show, a row boat would outrun these boats. Their frigates have 4-8 antishipping missiles basically as good as an early series Harpoon or any similar missile used in Europe in the 80s-90s, they have a big warhead though (a little under quarter of a ton of high explosive), with an armour-punch ahead of it (timed fuse). They're chinese made but the technology is pretty simple, inertial midcourse and radar terminal phase, the claim is ECCM is good (hard to jam). The current standard on new antiship missiles is datalinking, GPS and even AI logarithms. It's not that modern, but the same thing as most of the US weapons stockpile out there and just as dangerous to enemies. Keep in mind a military as big as the US, and even several other major (not super-) powers, only about 10% of the troops actually get to use the great new equipment everything thinks is the current standard. When the nuclear powered missile cruiser was the next big thing and the California commissioned, most of the navy was still running around with oil burning gunboats. As it is the current NATO air defence system in majority usage including by US forces is still an 80s piece of technology, the current Russian standard throughout the fleets is at least a full generation ahead. Oh yes the US has caught up, so has European-NATO, with new terrific coordinated air defence systems a generation ahead of Aegis, well Aegis is at the moment outdated and it's mostly what you've got. That said, the Iranians are worse off. They have to buy materiel that was outdated back in the 80s. The things major powers were replacing and so could export to small nation forces affordably in a cost recovery programme. Other than that, they have to buy off China, they're up to 2 generations behind current standard, or the Russians who won't export anything unless it's detuned to keep a step ahead of reverse engineering (ie. the way the chinese stole the Flanker design and reproduced it, but can't match current Russian Super-Flanker prototypes because they didn't get all the really good stuff exported to copy). I wouldn't say a Coast Guard cutter could annihilate the Iranian Navy in combat, but I should certainly think even a reserve operational battlegroup would make short work of them and then have lunch. But politically speaking you couldn't blame Iranian military leadership for believing that because US military forces are on two of their borders, with Russia to the north, that they must at least appear to be beligerent in order to maintain public order. Unless the Iranians show direct aggression, ie. actually attack a US warship directly, then I think the best course is to just let them be for a while. In order to assert the US has the right to internationally police sovereign territories, you must essentially declare war upon that nation, openly and formally. Those were rules set among all international bodies like the UN or League of Nations, even NATO. The US has basically been ignoring them since 2001 and hey, I think we can all let that one slide considering...But hey it's 13 years on and the US is stating to look like the Brownshirts and bootheels of someone familiar... So maybe the Iranians, maybe you should just sit this one out as a nation. Let the French deal with it, it'll be funny. I'll get the popcorn. Excellent piece but what about all the stuff that Russia is shipping to Syria and Iran due to US aggression? Also, Putin has pledged to stand behind Syria and Iran as has China. What US aggression? |
Excellent piece but what about all the stuff that Russia is shipping to Syria and Iran due to US aggression? Also, Putin has pledged to stand behind Syria and Iran as has China. I love reading your spin, it's great! ![]() Yeah and has backup too... Vladimir Putin: The US Administration is Lying Shamelessly about Syria January 2014 Netanyahu warns Putin Israel will go 2 war over S-300 missiles to Syria Iran unveils laser guided artillery shell only 5 nations in the world have this advanced technology. Iranian Army (2013-2014) Latest Military Hardware And to imagine, the Vietnamese had a whole lot less than this. |